nt'ers who don't drink/smoke/do any drugs


well i "social drink" but i have never and dont plan to smoke (i jus like to be different) ..........99.9% of my friends are potheads, also i wouldlike to tell my kids one day that i never smoked i guess its kind of corney but ehh.....and i feel most people started smoking jus cause of the peer pressureand i see that as a sign of weakness and being a follower and im neither
Originally Posted by shaqtus92

Originally Posted by needsomejays

for those sayin a lot of high school kids are sober, where the hell are you guys from? i was one of the very few kids in my class who didnt do anything. Maybe its just my area, cause that sure as hell isnt true around here

This. I'm one of the only people in my class that does'nt do drugs. I think its mostly because I play basketball so I dont want anything to get in my way or distract me
what do you mean this? i just said i was one of the very few in my class who didnt do anything
i think he means "this" as a "co-sign" to what you're saying. you guys share the same point of view, etc.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

i think he means "this" as a "co-sign" to what you're saying. you guys share the same point of view, etc.
oh, my bad, i always took it a different way
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Never have...never had the desire to. And I def don't feel like im missing out on anything.

Sums it all up for me...I'm 24 btw
I'm 18 and I've been offered to drink countless times...never have. (I mean of course I've took one little drink of things just to taste them)

The reason I don't is my father is an alcoholic and I've seen way too many bad things happen to him and I don't want that to be me.
Well, I guess I'm pretty straight-edge. I'm 32 and have never taken even a sip of alcohol or touched a cigarette.

Partly religious reasons - although plenty of people in my church do either or both - and partly for health reasons.

I've just never seen the point. Seems a waste of time and money to me.

What really annoys me though is people posing for pictures holding a bottle or something. That's just dumb - seriously, do you think you're coolbecause you're holding an alcoholic drink?

It doesn't change either. I go to a few agms of organisations I'm involved in and all these professional people in their 40s and 50s still drink asmuch as they can and then suffer all through the meetings the next day - and I'm not sure why. They don't seem to be enjoying themselves, they'rejust drinking to drink. And then talk about it.
Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

Drugs = easy enlightenment.
doing shrooms was a life changing thing for me.

i haven't been the same since...and it's definitely been for the better. it was a crazy night. i took them by myself like at 1 in the morning...i wasup until like 7 am having one of the most spiritually and emotionally profound moments of my life. i would start laughing, because i was thinking about howbeautiful life is, a minute later i would burst into tears...i would get up from my bed and run to the bathroom and look in the mirror and not even recognizeor feel like i was in my body. so many thoughts crossed my mind that night. i realized so many things.

i kind of wish i would've written down what i saw, felt, thought..because i just remember the experience vaguely. all i really remember was trying to sleepcuz the experience was pretty intense..and feeling like i wasn't even in my body, i felt like i was having an out of body experience and i recognized my"soul" within. i came to the realization that we don't die, our bodies are just a vehicle for this soul...and every soul in this universe isconnected.

what's weird is that random images would pop into my head as well...i remember seeing the yin-yang sign and an infinity sign over and over again. i came tothe realization that we are not in control, as much as our ego would like us to think we are. life just happens...you need to stop chasing life, and let lifeflow thru you, without putting an opinion on things. compassion to all living things is really the only way out...love is really the answer

wow i went on a rant...
Originally Posted by kdawg

What really annoys me though is people posing for pictures holding a bottle or something. That's just dumb - seriously, do you think you're cool because you're holding an alcoholic drink?

Agreed. I hate when people feel the need to advertise that they're high, drunk or about to "roll up aspliff."

& I personally don't like the taste of alcohol or being impaired in any way.
So wait, you're saying that you don't believe that weed negatively affects your lungs because you haven't read enough credible research proving its effects... yet you state that "ALMOST ALL ATHLETES ESPECIALLY PROFESSIONALS use some sort of drugs" and anyone who doesn't believe your completely subjective and baseless opinion is "oblivious or naive"?

The danger of smoking weed, in my own personal experience, is the addiction factor and "A-motivational syndrome." Anyone who thinks that people can't get addicted to weed is either oblivious, naive, or hasn't been around enough weed smokers. I'm not saying that all people who smoke (or even those who smoke regularly) are addicted, but from my own personal experience, most people who smoke weed consistently become addicted and cannot handle its effects. It's honestly a tragedy how many people I know whose lives have literally been ruined by their weed habit. On the other hand, I know a few people who smoke consistently and can remain highly functional but this is a very small minority in my experience. But if someone can handle their business and make the moves that they want to make and smoke weed whenever they want without feeling like they "need" it, then more power to them...

I'm 24 and completed my bachelor's and master's degrees without smoking, drinking, or taking any type of drug whatsoever. The last time I smoked weed was when I was 14. It's funny to me that you entered college with a "straight-edge" mentality yet you quickly succumbed to peer pressure, and then you think that everyone is going to be as mentally weak as you and your teammates

I stated my case saying, I believe the effects of weed smoke on the lungs are extremely exaggerated.
I justified my case with reasons.

1. I use a vaporizer
2. Michael Phelps smokes weed, and his lungs are far better than any of us could ever dream of.
3. Almost Every athlete smokes weed.
4. There isn't any body of research with a casual link to marijuana and poor lung functioning. And there has been a crap load of research been done tryingto casually link the two.

You did nothing to have an intelligent conversation, but rather put a whole bunches of smilies.
Do you deny that most athletes use some sort of drug recreationally?
Do you deny that Michael Phelps smokes weeds or has good lungs?
Do you deny that a vaporizer provides THC with virtually no damage to the lungs?

If so do something to disprove it, or at the very least state which part of my evidence you disagree with.

Here is my evidence.
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Habitual marijuana smokers do not experience a greater annual rate of decline in lung function than nonsmokers, according to the latest findings by researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Medicine. The results of the eight-year study appear in Volume 155 of the American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine. Dr. Donald P. Tashkin, who headed the study, is one of America's foremost experts on marijuana smoking and lung function.

Smoking both tobacco and marijuana synergistically increased the risk of respiratory symptoms and COPD. Smoking only marijuana was not associated with an increased risk of respiratory symptoms or COPD.

Cumulative cannabis use was associated with higher forced vital capacity, total lung capacity, functional residual capacity, and residual volume. Cannabis was also associated with higher airways resistance but not with forced expiratory volume in 1 second, forced expiratory ratio, or transfer factor. These findings were similar amongst those who did not smoke tobacco. By contrast, tobacco use was associated with lower forced expiratory volume in 1 second, lower forced expiratory ratio, lower transfer factor, and higher static lung volumes, but not with airways resistance.Cannabis appears to have different effects on lung function to those of tobacco. Cannabis use was associated with higher lung volumes suggesting hyperinflation and increased large-airways resistance, but there was little evidence for airflow obstruction or impairment of gas transfer.

Found on the [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]March 1997 edition of Forensic Drug Abuse Advisor.
The link can be found on NRML's page here, or you can subscribe andread the article in lenght.

If you think NRML made up the story you can find other studies here,here and here

Its funny to me how that you equated me realizing marijuana was not the evil I thought it was with being weak-minded. Have fun living the sober life, maybejoin some sort of sober living club, and get a free "I think I'm better than others" t-shirt.

As for the amotivational syndrome thing, I completely understand all your knowledge of marijuana is based off of 90s propaganda.
It does not appear as though the amotivational syndrome is all that common among marijuana smokers. In one survey[2] a sample of almost 2000 college students was studied. There was no difference in grade point average and achievement between marijuana users and nonusers, but the users had more difficulty deciding on career goals, and a smaller number were seeking advanced professional degrees. On the other hand, other studies have shown lower school averages and higher dropout rates among users than nonusers. In any case these differences are not great. If there is such a thing as amotivational syndrome, its affects appear to be restricted to a few individuals, probably the small percentage who become heavy users.

Laboratory studies provide additional information on the causal relationship between motivation and marijuana. The Mendelson[3] experiment, where hospitalized volunteers worked on an operant task to earn money and marijuana for 26 days, found that the dose of marijuana smoked did not influence the amount of work done by either the casual-user group or the heavy-user group; all remained motivated to earn and take home a significant amount of money in addition to the work they did for the marijuana. It seems clear that marijuana does not cause a loss of motivation.

Large-scale studies of high school students have generally found no difference in grade-point averages between marijuana users and non-users. 69 One study found lower grades among students reported to be daily users of marijuana, but the authors failed to identify a causal relationship and concluded that both phenomena were part of a complex of inter-related social and emotional problems. 70

In one longitudinal study of college students, after controlling for other factors, marijuana users were found to have higher grades than non-users 71 and to be equally as likely to successfully complete their educations. 72 Another study found that marijuana users in college scored higher than non-users on standardized "achievement values" scales. 73

Field studies conducted in Jamaica, Costa Rica and Greece also found no evidence of an amotivational syndrome marijuana-using populations.
In these samples of working-class males, the educational and employment records of marijuana users were, for the most part, similar to those of non-users. In fact, in Jamaica, marijuana was often smoked during working hours as an aid to productivity.

However, in a Canadian study that required subjects in the marijuana group to consume unusually high doses, some reduction in work efficiency was noted in the days following intoxication. 76

Undoubtedly, when marijuana is used in a way that produces near-constant intoxication, other activities are likely to be neglected.

However, the weight of scientific evidence suggests that there is nothing in the pharmacological properties of cannabis that alter people's attitudes, values, or abilities regarding work.

Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

You are an idiot to say you are normal when you smoke cigs. Plus it literally gets you addicted. Cigs are so much nastier than weed. :X marijuana, it's organic.

I didn't make that comment, my friend who I share this sn with did. I have never smoked a cigarette in my life and never plan on it.
Damn son you did shrooms alone? Lol. I've done it like 6 times, and acid a few times. I've had like two bad trips all together. Most were just so funthat I didn't know what happened. And some were weird but then they got really spiritual and profound. LITERALLY, changed my life also. You really doconnect with the universe, you feel what's meant to be felt, without any outside pressures from society, or ones you place upon yourself. What you justsaid, I realte to it all. Love really is the answer. You know taking the high road is the way. You find yourself, your inner peace. lol, it's beautiful. Ifelt so many "energy's" and like...my life timeline. But they can be dangerous, I've done them with people who couldn't handle it and itruined it for me.

DGK I can already tell you are a cool guy. Lets take over this thread with shroom talk.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

Drugs = easy enlightenment.
doing shrooms was a life changing thing for me. ..
I agree with you. And so did particiapnts with the average age of 46 with no prior history of hallucinogenic use in a John Hopkins study.
In the study, more than 60 percent of subjects described the effects of psilocybin in ways that met criteria for a "full mystical experience" as measured by established psychological scales. One third said the experience was the single most spiritually significant of their lifetimes; and [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]more than two-thirds rated it among their five most meaningful and spiritually significant. Griffiths says subjects liken it to the importance of the birth of their first child or the death of a parent.[/color]

Two months later, 79 percent of subjects reported moderately or greatly increased well-being or life satisfaction compared with those given a placebo at the same test session. A majority said their mood, attitudes and behaviors had changed for the better. Structured interviews with family members, friends and co-workers generally confirmed the subjects' remarks. Results of a year-long followup are being readied for publication.

Psychological tests and subjects' own reports showed no harm to study participants, though some admitted extreme anxiety or other unpleasant effects in the hours following the psilocybin capsule. The drug has not been observed to be addictive or physically toxic in animal studies or human populations. "In this regard," says Griffiths, a psychopharmacologist, "it contrasts with MDMA (ecstasy), amphetamines or alcohol."


Keep in mind these are 40 year olds with no prior use of hallucinogen.

The sad thing is lots of people will never be open-minded enough to try it.
great information you posted up. i haven't had a child or lost a parent...but for their shroom experience to be compared to those two meaningful events inone's life says a lot about the capabilities that the psiyilocibn mushroom has on your mind and spirit.
i have to say that people around me have also noticed a change in me. i've had some people even tell me it seems like i have a 'glow'. my mom hasasked me a couple times how am i so happy. its funny too because all throughout high-school i suffered with depression, i was even medicated at once.
i can't attribute all this to my shroom experience though. i meditate regularly as well and that has played a major part in my life...also reading"the power of now", "a new earth" and lots of other books on the mind, buddhism /daosim and quantum physics has played a huge role inhelping me overcome my ego and the false agreements that are implanted in your mind.
positive energy activates constant elevation...

another interesting drug is ayahuesca/DMT..
Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

DGK I can already tell you are a cool guy. Lets take over this thread with shroom talk.

I have never in my life had the desire to do any drugs, but smoke weed.. but ya'll really got me intrigued to trip off someshrooms. I doubt I'll ever do it, but i'm interested in hearing your stories.

another interesting drug is ayahuesca/DMT..

heard Joe Rogan talkin about this.. you tried it?
Originally Posted by i like shoes too

i think everyone should put their age when commenting on this. it really makes a difference.
23, turning 24 in November.

After taking classes like Bio Stats and Toxicology, I'm even more turned off by it.

I see folks spend $100-150 on Saturday night and complain about it on Sunday about hangover...and do it again in a week. Doesn't sound like my cup of tea.
i haven't...but i would definitely take a shot at it... for those who haven't seen it... an interesting radio interview Joe Rogan did on DMT:

i really hope this doesn't get locked...we're having a mature discussion, but unfortunately i've seen threads in the past like this get locked.let's hope we can keep it educational in here.

i really think balance is key when it comes to drugs...of course i am against hardcore drugs like cocaine, heroine, etc...but drugs that open your mind andhelp you think outside the box can do a lot for you.� unfortunately some people cling to vices and they become one with the drug. their mind attaches to theidea of this drug and all they want to do is be smoked out all day.�
What really annoys me though is people posing for pictures holding a bottle or something. That's just dumb - seriously, do you think you're cool because you're holding an alcoholic drink?
.. not really... i always have the drink in my hand.. ifim at the club i will not put my drink down.. with that many people around who know what can can be put in your drink...
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