nt'ers who don't drink/smoke/do any drugs

Smoking Weed is overrated. I feel sorry for dudes who have to chief 24/7 to feel good.

I don't care for drinking. When I do, I do it in moderation.

The only drug I've ever popped was Adderall, which works but I haven't done that in so long.

I'm very active when it comes to lifting/running and I feel the above three would prevent me from being in the shape I'm currently in.
The reason I don't smoke is because I saw the destruction of one of my friends. Known the dude since 8th grade (We are both in are 2nd year of collegenow). He started messing with pine like 9th grade, and by 10th grade it became a normal thing. But in 12th grade, it was a everyday thing. He moved onto tobars, went to jail for a night cuz he got caught with bars on him. You think he would have learned his lesson but nope. I took him to my dad's deli once,this dude came barred out to my dad's deli.
I was like damn, that's pretty disrespectful on his part. I think he has slowed down since high school,but I don't talk to him that much anymore, so I really don't know.

Another one of my friends went out of city for college. I guess he wanted roommates who pine, and he got what he wanted. Everyday him and his roommates wouldpine. I guess it took some kinda of toll on his grades. He is now going to community college here in Houston, because he didn't accomplish too much in SanAntonio.

As for drinking, it's against my religion. And nothing really good comes from being wasted. Drunk drivers = bad judgement. Even got hit by a drunk driveronce, didn't offer to help, she just drove off.

But I do hit the hookah.
I drink socially, i become less of a fan of it daily.
Will never smoke a cigarette
Or do cocaine, e, crack, meth, heroin, etc

But i will smoke weed until my last day on earth....
never have never will. I've seen alcoholism take many family members in my life. I just recently lost my aunt (who raised me my whole life) to sorosis ofthe liver due to drinking.
Never have Smoke/Drink/drugs and never will!!

i don't need to and trust me i am not missing out
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

What really annoys me though is people posing for pictures holding a bottle or something. That's just dumb - seriously, do you think you're cool because you're holding an alcoholic drink?
.. not really... i always have the drink in my hand.. if im at the club i will not put my drink down.. with that many people around who know what can can be put in your drink...

It's not that though - I don't mind a picture taken where people are holding a glass in their hands - it's the posing holding a bottleup as if that's special that irritates me. On the same level as posing with a cellphone or something though - I guess it's more just the fact ofthinking some common object makes you cool.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

why do you choose not to?

how long have you not been doing these things? did you stop or did you never start in the first place?

do you feel like you're missing out in any way?

my parents smoked and i remembered howstank it left everything in the house. when i got to the age all my friends were smoking, i just didn't feel like it.

my grandparents were alcoholics and i saw how they deteriorated behind it. i never wanted to do that to myself. i've had a total of 6 or less alcoholicdrinks in my adult life. i decided to give it up altogether and haven't had a drink in over 5 years.

my closes friends all smoke weed. they tried getting me to join in, but i refused. i just never felt the need or want to get high.

...feel like i'm missing out on anything? nope, i see more people now days who have giving into the drinking/smoking/drugs who want to get like me.
Never felt the need for drugs, never even tried cigs much less weed. I'll have a beer once in a blue moon.
never smoked and i dont drink #!%% is nasty and pointless to me.....you smoke weed toget high, smoke cigs to relieve stress.....what do you drink for ?
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

Drugs = easy enlightenment.
doing shrooms was a life changing thing for me.

i haven't been the same since...and it's definitely been for the better. it was a crazy night. i took them by myself like at 1 in the morning...i was up until like 7 am having one of the most spiritually and emotionally profound moments of my life. i would start laughing, because i was thinking about how beautiful life is, a minute later i would burst into tears...i would get up from my bed and run to the bathroom and look in the mirror and not even recognize or feel like i was in my body. so many thoughts crossed my mind that night. i realized so many things.

i kind of wish i would've written down what i saw, felt, thought..because i just remember the experience vaguely. all i really remember was trying to sleep cuz the experience was pretty intense..and feeling like i wasn't even in my body, i felt like i was having an out of body experience and i recognized my "soul" within. i came to the realization that we don't die, our bodies are just a vehicle for this soul...and every soul in this universe is connected.

what's weird is that random images would pop into my head as well...i remember seeing the yin-yang sign and an infinity sign over and over again. i came to the realization that we are not in control, as much as our ego would like us to think we are. life just happens...you need to stop chasing life, and let life flow thru you, without putting an opinion on things. compassion to all living things is really the only way out...love is really the answer

wow i went on a rant...

I've heard people with similar experiences to shrooms.... Although I've quit drinking and smoking I still want to try shrooms... What would yourecommend be the best situation to try this, alone, or with a close group of friends.... I imagine you wouldnt get the same effect with a lot of people
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Never have...never had the desire to. And I def don't feel like im missing out on anything.

Agreed. Plus Tahitian Treat and Chipotle are killing me in the long run already...
Don't smoke, never have & never will. I do drink, but haven't had any in about 3 months (trying to stop except for special occasions). Don't dodrugs. One of my best friends overdosed in 2007. Turned me off completely.
Cant Get Down Wit Smoking Anything...Just Never Got Into It....Now I Got Respiratory Probs So Smoking Is A No Go

Drugs Same Thing...And After 21 Years Not Doing It I Dont Have A Desire Strong Enough To Try...To Old For Peer Pressure Either Cuz

All My Friends And Folks Get Kited.....I Do Drink Tho, I Think It Runs In The Blood Line To Do So Tho
doing shrooms was a life changing thing for me.

i haven't been the same since...and it's definitely been for the better. it was a crazy night. i took them by myself like at 1 in the morning...i was up until like 7 am having one of the most spiritually and emotionally profound moments of my life. i would start laughing, because i was thinking about how beautiful life is, a minute later i would burst into tears...i would get up from my bed and run to the bathroom and look in the mirror and not even recognize or feel like i was in my body. so many thoughts crossed my mind that night. i realized so many things.

i kind of wish i would've written down what i saw, felt, thought..because i just remember the experience vaguely. all i really remember was trying to sleep cuz the experience was pretty intense..and feeling like i wasn't even in my body, i felt like i was having an out of body experience and i recognized my "soul" within. i came to the realization that we don't die, our bodies are just a vehicle for this soul...and every soul in this universe is connected.

what's weird is that random images would pop into my head as well...i remember seeing the yin-yang sign and an infinity sign over and over again. i came to the realization that we are not in control, as much as our ego would like us to think we are. life just happens...you need to stop chasing life, and let life flow thru you, without putting an opinion on things. compassion to all living things is really the only way out...love is really the answer

wow i went on a rant...
I had very similar results with my shroom trip...maybe we got the same source since we're both central FL

I was laughing a hysterical joker-!!+ laugh while crying at the same time...while also looking in the mirror (see av)

Shrooms are way less intense than acid though. I'm gonna go to Universal when I'm tripping out on LSD for the first time. It's gonna be prettyamazing.
Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

I'm Muslim and most people think that's the reason why I don't drink/smoke, but it's not. It's a personal choice that I've made, I just don't see the point of it. I don't need any of those things to have fun or whatever. I've never smoked/drank anything in my 19 18 years.
Co sign
Originally Posted by awwsome

I drink socially, i become less of a fan of it daily.
Will never smoke a cigarette I quit ciggarettes over a year ago.
and I will never do cocaine, e, crack, meth, heroin, etc

But i will smoke weed until my last day on earth....
Originally Posted by UPandCOMING32

Originally Posted by awwsome

I drink socially, i become less of a fan of it daily.
Will never smoke a cigarette I quit ciggarettes over a year ago.
and I will never do cocaine, e, crack, meth, heroin, etc

But i will smoke weed until my last day on earth....
Congrats on quiting the cigs and keeping the green my dude
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