NT's Official Sex Education Thread vol. Let's keep this mature and informative

Jul 29, 2005
I've been toying with the idea of a sex education thread for a while. I finally decided to kick it off with this piece of information. I actually heard this on the news this morning while getting ready for work. I found an article to give the basic idea to those who have not heard it.


Personally, I see no problem with it at all. Feel free to discuss this article/topic plus any other pertinent sex education questions/topics you may have. I am by no means the information guru, but I feel this is a good place for anyone with questions. NT medical professionals are welcomed to share info if you come across this thread! If you want to remain anonymous with a question, PM me. It won't be shared. I'm here to share information NT. Be safe. Peace.
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I would love to see this be a 100% serious thread.
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I just posted this in the stay in shape thread

Just read that high protein diets can lower testosterone.

Low-carb,high protein diets and erectile dysfunction: Men may also notice that orgasms are less intense, the volume of ejaculate is reduced and recovery time increases between erections.

I honestly remember saying to myself after i was finished with a lady friend that that didn't feel as good as it normally does.....i was like hmmm oh well. This may help explain it.

any insight lol

second post asking where i heard it.....

You want to know whats really funny, I read it on an webmd forum link below...but only because i jokingly brought it up with the girl i was with right after. She is going for her masters to be a dietitian....we had been talking about working out and certain diets....she was the one who said it to me.

I was like....weird...that....kinda felt different...
her- like bad different
me - no i don't really know how to explain it.
Her - high protein diet can lead to erectile dysfunction and less enjoyable orgasms.
Me - you cereal
her - yep

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I would love to see this be a 100% serious thread.

As do I. I'm sure there are NT'ers who are in HS that might come across this. It might not be the end all be all for information, but I hope it could be a start for those who have serious questions. They can lurk, PM, whatever. I just would like it to be a place for information.

@jumpmakb, I'm not sure, but at one point you had to be female, because it was prescrition only. Then it was sold OTC to 17 and older. I would imagine you would be able to purchase it as an OTC as a male, but I'm sure they would have had a pharmacist explain to you the reasons why they couldn't sell it to you.
I just posted this in the stay in shape thread

Just read that high protein diets can lower testosterone.

Low-carb,high protein diets and erectile dysfunction: Men may also notice that orgasms are less intense, the volume of ejaculate is reduced and recovery time increases between erections.

I honestly remember saying to myself after i was finished with a lady friend that that didn't feel as good as it normally does.....i was like hmmm oh well. This may help explain it.

any insight lol

second post asking where i heard it.....

You want to know whats really funny, I read it on an webmd forum link below...but only because i jokingly brought it up with the girl i was with right after. She is going for her masters to be a dietitian....we had been talking about working out and certain diets....she was the one who said it to me.

I was like....weird...that....kinda felt different...
her- like bad different
me - no i don't really know how to explain it.
Her - high protein diet can lead to erectile dysfunction and less enjoyable orgasms.
Me - you cereal
her - yep


Bitter sweet. :smh:

Fatties FTW
Who's about that kegel life?

Men and women are open to answer .

Are the benefits consistent or do they vary from person to person?
Who's about that kegel life?

Men and women are open to answer .

Are the benefits consistent or do they vary from person to person?
depends on what you mean by benefits, really.  if you're looking to last longer, than yes.  it can also help with impotence issues.  
Damn, I'm only getting to skim through some of these for now, but I find this type of **** highly compelling. Few things fascinate or repulse me more than the psychosexual machinations of the typical modern female in my age group.
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Who's about that kegel life?

Men and women are open to answer .

Are the benefits consistent or do they vary from person to person?
depends on what you mean by benefits, really.  if you're looking to last longer, than yes.  it can also help with impotence issues.  
Yeah that's basically where I was getting at.

and also the ability to achieve "multiples" without taking breaks?

It happened before to me but it's always at random times
\Not sure if i can google that at work...is kegel just exercises for the V
For the PC muscle as well for men
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Which ones did you read?
I skimmed through a few but I loaded up 3 of them for this train ride. "Low-Investment Copulation" 27 pages. I'll prolly be done with it by this afternoon. But it looked interesting.He makes accurate arguments off gate.
As much as I'm pro PIIHB it never works out like it does in flicks and this frustrates me. Not a lot of enjoyment in only putting the head in.
I want to be able to clean her out Naomi or Anna Nova style. Tried it with a few females but you could tell they were doing it for me and not their own enjoyment.

I want a female that enjoys it ...unfortunately I don't think they exist.
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My gf asked me if I could buy it for her one time when she was in between using her regular birth control and we had sex. She said she couldn't get because she had work. I told her she had to get it because I had work too and she did. Would I have been able to buy it as a 23 year old male? You don't have to be female right? Just older than 17?
Yes, you would have been able to buy it...

As much as I'm pro PIIHB it never works out like it does in flicks and this frustrates me. Not a lot of enjoyment in only putting the head in.

I want to be able to clean her out Naomi or Anna Nova style. Tried it with a few females but you could tell they were doing it for me and not their own enjoyment.

I want a female that enjoys it ...unfortunately I don't think they exist.

:lol: man I tried that **** with my girl and she was NOT having it.
For all you NTers with wifey , or you dudes who have no shame and eat the boxes of randoms:

Incorporate an ice cube. Toss that ish in your mouth and go to work. The water you get from the cube melting plus your girls' natural juices (which will undoubtedly be flowing a little heavier due to the cool sensation) will have the box like :wow: :wow: :wow:

That ice cold feeling when you come up and proceed to acquire the yambs? My goodness :pimp:
For all you NTers with wifey , or you dudes who have no shame and eat the boxes of randoms:

Incorporate an ice cube. Toss that ish in your mouth and go to work. The water you get from the cube melting plus your girls' natural juices (which will undoubtedly be flowing a little heavier due to the cool sensation) will have the box like :wow: :wow: :wow:

That ice cold feeling when you come up and proceed to acquire the yambs? My goodness :pimp:

this man knows. I did that. holy **** my gf was squirming and all that
For all you NTers with wifey , or you dudes who have no shame and eat the boxes of randoms:

Incorporate an ice cube. Toss that ish in your mouth and go to work. The water you get from the cube melting plus your girls' natural juices (which will undoubtedly be flowing a little heavier due to the cool sensation) will have the box like

That ice cold feeling when you come up and proceed to acquire the yambs? My goodness
Will implement.
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