NYC style micro apartments hitting DC - 375 sq ft boxes

arlington is 5.1 miles away from DC.............

Arlington is your example for a bargain?

Son gotta be caked up :lol:

So because people can't afford to buy a house in the burbs, they are paying thousands a month to live the city?

u need alot more upfront to buy a house these days, plus maintenance, plus property taxes, plus car transportation.

Dude think

Are there no apartments in the suburbs too? Is there not public transportation there also also?

-And you pay for the maintenance and property tax implicitly when you rent. You landlord just passes those things onto the renters. Well, that is if you're on the free market.

Theres still that group of people who think owning a house is "too much" responsibility though.

Or those people who say "I don't need all that space"

They don't have to worry about repairs when something breaks, or a higher water/electricity bill. etc.

I've definitely had that convo with some folks. They'd rather pay the same amount for an apt, because its what they want, rather than getting more for your money.

People are going to do what they want though. I personally never understood the fear of having "more". Especially for the same as what you're paying for significantly less.
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