Obama administration looking for broader power to seize firms

Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by cguy610

The Constitution is an old document that needed to be amended many many times. I'm not a constitutional law expert, so what is it about the Federal income taxes and taxes on bonuses that make it unconstitutional?

I'll admit, I don't hold the Constitution in high regard because it was originally written to exclude certain people.

Top executives are already required by the SEC to disclose their compensation. Making all the names of everyone who took bonuses should be illegal, however executives that normally publicize their compensation should disclose exactly how much compensation came from bonuses.
I'm not a constitution lawyer either, but look up Article 1 Section 10 and the Federalist Papers 9, 10. While the late Federalist Papers we're against the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights should be held in high regards because it protects our civil liberties.

Reigndrop, that is my mistake. When I hear people(most Republicans) talk about the original Constitution, it is usually in reference to repealing those civilliberties in the Bill of Rights and reverting to states rights and taking this country back in time over 100 years. I don't hold documents that only gaverights to specific people in high regard. I hold the current version of the Constitution in high regard. Perhaps in this instance I misundertood the originalintent.

I looked at article 10. I think at a 90% tax rate that virtually takes away the entire bonus, yes that would violate Article 10. However at 50%-70%, I thinkit gets quite tricky. I don't expect the current 90% tax bill to pass.
Originally Posted by withapassion

Can anything save us?
man I swear to god this thread is funnier than anything on TV.

I just want to give a genuine thank you to everybody who has participated in the comedy.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Edit: Btw, Obama FTL[/color]

If this country falters or falls apart because Obama acts upon his vision of how America should be, than that's what America gets. Obama could declarehimself a disciple of Karl Marx himself and I wouldn't give a $#$%.

Karma FTW.
Calling Obama a Socialist is wrong. Calling him a Fascist is the way to go, instituting his Corporatism ideas on this country.
So be it. The least you could do is blame the cause as much as you do the effect. I mean it's never to late to show some actual balance inyour ideology.

Obama is a product of his environment, of his own country, which is America you know.
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