OFFICIAL 2011 DODGERS SEASON THREAD [ 79-77 ] : MLB asks for sale of Dodgers

la live sucks. downtown is not really comparable to gaslamp though. maybe one day it might be, but i honestly doubt that. always going to have that trashy element to it.
Haha dude I know there's more than LALive , but again, it does not compare in the slightest. LA is Car dependent, while SD and SF has awesome public transit, which amounts to foot traffic.

It won't happen here in similar fashion until possibly late in our lifetimes
So what you guys want to stay and play in that old dump forever? There is going to be a time when the dodgers have to build a new stadium and move and downtown is the best spot if they don't put the football stadium
Who said it was close to Gaslamp?

You know how Gaslamp grew? Because of the convention center and SD being a convention city. Building PetCo there was just genius, also methodical. SD having awesome public transpiration.
. C'mon man, most people take cabs go Gaslamp or park in parking structures in that area. SD is as car dependent as LA.

"trashy element"- it's a metro area. It will always be there. People say NY is dirty and it smells like piss ( never been, but thats what I heard), and SF isn't exactly the cleanest/safest with bums everywhere.

The pre and post game atmosphere has always sucked at Dodger Stadium, simply because it's isolated and the team has never wanted to deal with the issues that may arise.
Speaking for myself, I love the fact that Dodger Stadium sits on its own, away from the ugliness the rest of the city possesses

I hope that the new owner makes use or the only good thing these idiots thought of and make use of that Next50 idea.
was at the W hollywood last night.. Cuban was there. I walked up to him and said..

"excuse me mr. cuban..."
"please, call me mark"
"no i prefer mr. cuban.."
"haha ok"
"as a proud resident of los angeles..."
"let me guess you want me to buy the dodgers"
"yes sir"
"ill see what i can do"
"thanks for your time..."

then he shook my hand, and started to do some funny dance moves with some young hot broads..
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

"trashy element"- it's a metro area. It will always be there. People say NY is dirty and it smells like piss ( never been, but thats what I heard), and SF isn't exactly the cleanest/safest with bums everywhere.

The pre and post game atmosphere has always sucked at Dodger Stadium, simply because it's isolated and the team has never wanted to deal with the issues that may arise.

Downtown LA will never be SF or NY, people are too set in their ways. Cost me 3 bucks to park downtown on a friday night last time i drove up there. not exactly a mecca of nightlife. Maybe it was an off night or something.

I dont even really care if they played baseball downtown, as long as its a replica of the current stadium. Most people are just going to go back to where they live after the games are over anyway.
Most people are just going to go back to where they live after the games are over anyway
  ya right. have you seen LA live after a event at staples or nokia center? that place is jumping.
Downtown LA will never be a mecca of nightlife because Hollywood blvd is not that far away. There's a lot of other spots in downtown other than LA live as far as bars and restaurants go. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing a new stadium in downtown LA, whether it's football or baseball.
If the football stadium isnt built within the next few years (which I doubt), a baseball stadium would be a great. I just don't see where they could fit a football AND baseball stadium in downtown
I think DTLA is better suited for a baseball stadium, rather than football.   
Yeah so, I heard there was a game last night? 
As weird as this may sound coming from a die hard Giants fan........the season isnt nearly as fun when your team is awful and you guys arent into it. (Yes I understand the circumstances, Im just saying).
Originally Posted by dland24

As weird as this may sound coming from a die hard Giants fan........the season isnt nearly as fun when your team is awful and you guys arent into it. (Yes I understand the circumstances, Im just saying).

This is the worse feeling in the world, and comedic approach to it doesn't hurt as much.  

In reality, I'm really furious at the whole situation, not just what's been happening on the field.   
hey guys..
just wanted to say hi...

and i miss the fun we had in 2008/2009.

so hard to watch now.. but im usually good to catch full games on tv after work during the week. bums me out watching these guys. 

ok im done venting..

I still watch every game, DVR'ing today's matchup since im at work.

I'm beyond the point of wanting to throw things at my tv. It's sad, a fight with futility.

If we had any other owner we wouldn't have Ned Colletti as our GM. He has to be the worst in the business.

I'm done at getting angry at every bad swing by Juan overpaid Uribe
I'm done getting mad at seeing Rod overpaid Barajas in the lineup
I'm done getting mad at having the Navarro/Barajas platoon behind the plate.
I'm over seeing Carlos Santana being in an Indians uniform.

If we would've sucked like the Nats or Pirates this would've been different. However, it is just downright disappointed knowing that we had a window to be special from 2008-2016 and now it has been prematurely shut to what we have now. We are not even players in FA anymore, let's face it no one will come.

Think of this possible roster if we had a decent owner:
sweeping the cubs, i could sort of get that. sweeping the cardinals was some sort of fluke that i still cant wrap my head around. cliff lee definitely would have helped but the phillies were/are in a different league than this team. only way to be on that level would be massive spending which we all knew was never going to happen.
That's where having a decent owner with a decent amount of money to get a decent GM.  It's a domino effect.  Colletti is very likeable, but the notion that we were winning despite him was more than a whisper.

Whole's weren't being filled.  I still think we could've beat the Phillies either year.  Payroll was a big issue both years, and the fluke was Manny falling into Colletti's lap.
You never know what could have happened. They were 1 strike away from tying the series in 09. Having the series tied 2-2 and having to win the best of 3, with 2 games at home, I think things were in their favor **shrugs**
and the year before that Broxton !@%#%$ up game 4 as well with that bomb to Matt Stairs
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