Official Air Max 97 Thread

Purple Bullets came in…

Anyone see the cowboys in stores still? I waited too long to catch on sale and forgot about them and now they can’t be found anywhere except StockX.
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If true, this is great news. I was just looking at my pair from 2017 and it's definitely time for another pair.
Will prob be limited release ate up by bots like the 95s. Ill try for them for sure but when I miss 🤷🏼‍♂️. Purple bullets perfectly fine for me.
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Just what i needed to hear. My 2017 pair has a popped air bubble and are a bit cooked from all the bars, parties, and other young adult shenanigans
Just sold my remaining DS pair of Silver Bullets before everyone catches on and prices tank on the 2017s lol. Still also have a mint pair that I’ve worn maybe four times. Now I wish I had sold the DS pair the night back in May when I saw some maniac was bidding $500 on SX 🤣. But oh well. Will definitely reload with this return. Hope they’re more comfortable this time around but not holding my breath.
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I still have the atlantic DS but I could use a fresh pair of silver bullets. Haven’t pulled the trigger yet on those “purple” bullets… what’s you guys thoughts on those now that we’re getting a proper SB rerelease?

I’ll cop if they hit discount
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