Official Alien(s) Franchise Tread. Alien: Romulus 8/16/24

Very dope.

Ace Of Spades appearance too 
A number of baffling, stupid decisions in the movie seem predicated on stretching the story out to a planned trilogy. That’s always a bad, bad idea, and it’s truly terrible here. By the time Prometheus ends you don’t feel like you’ve seen a story, you feel like you’ve seen a prologue - but you also don’t want to see any more. You’re quite ready for the movie to end, even though absolutely nothing has been solved, resolved, answered or even adequately addressed. Buy a ticket to the next one if you want to find out why you should have cared about anything happening in this one!

I’d recommend seeing Prometheus in 3D on a big screen as it’s a great looking, well shot movie. But that’s all that it is - Prometheus is a totally hollow piece of design work, even by Ridley Scott standards. In the myth Prometheus brought fire to man; as written by Damon Lindelof he’s just bringing an ornately carved piece of firewood with a simplistic, reductive homily written on it. It’s lovely but utterly useless.

--devin f. via
thought it was good, having no real exposure to alien universe.

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most def sets up for sequel though. thought weyland's presence in show was a waste. they bring him outta stasis and then the he gets whacked by engineer.


1) The beginning scene - where does that take place and why does he commit suicide? was that the start of life on earth?
2) What stopped them from going to Earth with the weapons?
3) Why start life if you are going to end it with weapons?

I need to watch Aliens again... thanks for the help
Just back from seeing the movie....was expecting better. So many unanswered questions and not enough action.
Movie was shot and lighted splendidly ( when is a Ridley Scott film not) and the score was dope as $++# but I don't feel like I saw a complete film and I'm a bit upset. I'm really getting tired of movies with no character development either. The lack of emotional investment in characters takes away from their journeys and destruction. If the movie didn't look so Damn good I wouldn't have liked it but as a visual artist myself I cannot dislike it because it was shot so crispy.
Originally Posted by rayray3thousand



1) The beginning scene - where does that take place and why does he commit suicide? was that the start of life on earth?
2) What stopped them from going to Earth with the weapons?
3) Why start life if you are going to end it with weapons?

I need to watch Aliens again... thanks for the help
1. I ask the same question.
2. Alien/Face Huggers stopped them. Hence in the OG Alien movie, the engineer is sitting in his cockpit with a hole in his chest when found.
3. Beats me.
I was amazed and very disappointed at the same time?

Transparent, poser dialogue. It feels like everyone's just reading their character descriptions and arcs out loud. Which lead to awkward performances. Noomi's really good, but miscast as the lead. And they misused a great character and performance from Fassbender. All that said...absolutely gorgeous cinematography and set pieces. What's another word for Lovecraft-ian? It's this gothic, alien, supernatural, futuristic, mythic art on a grand scale that just flows from scene to scene.... Sadly, more than it's a film with stakes...or characters...or plot progress that isn't cheap...or real tension...or logic...or mystery...or earned emotions...or a satisfying ending...

The sad thing is, it's got these very strong, intelligent and even heavy ideas, that are so damn worthy of the visuals and spectacle and ensemble cast. It's not bland +$# Tron: Legacy where the ideas are "there's a computer virus that's mean," or corny +$# Avatar's "people pollute too much." These are ideas that are important and intriguing and thought-provoking. There are scenes in this that should have been a few of the most memorable movie scenes of our generation, if we were given a single sincere reason to care, have emotionally investment or at the least felt like they fell in line with a story that worked. But this was just a fountain of wasted potential storywise, made a bit less disappointing, because of how much this film doesn't let down visually, design-wise and in it's sincerely disturbing violence.

It's the Miami Heat of sci-fi films. You don't get how it's possible that with everything given, this wasn't the greatest film it could be. On paper, it's perfect. Even if I just described what happened in the movie to someone and showed clips of the big set pieces, they'd geek the %@$* out. But that's all this is isn't it? The promos and viral marketing were better executed storytelling than this movie. I blame Lindelof and Ridley equally. Both of them lost sight of how to tell a complete, compelling story a long time ago.
1) The beginning scene - where does that take place and why does he commit suicide? was that the start of life on earth?
2) What stopped them from going to Earth with the weapons?
3) Why start life if you are going to end it with weapons?

the human started the human cycle life when he fell in the water

maybe the Predator ?

probably wanted to take over earth after we built it for them?
It's really disappointing to hear that the plot isn't developed as it should be.  We had high expectations for this movie.  It's tough to hear that it has great visuals but the writing isn't up to par.  Sounds like the sci-fi movies that get released every year that we're used to.  I'll probably wait a few weeks to watch it.
Cant believe I wrote what I did when I started this thread. Just came back from this movie and like MrONegs said, I feel like this could've just been a 30 min prologue to Alien. On a more positive note, Charlize Theron is just the most gorgeous woman out there.
saw it tonight, blew my mind. So beautiful, so provocative. Taking my time digesting it all before I write my review
Going to see this tomorrow. Sounds like the consensus here is you either love it or hate it.
The beginning scene...
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That engineer has come to seed the planet. He drinks the black liquid and disintegrates, down to his DNA, that breaks down a bit and becomes humanity. This was not edited or conceived well. It just messes up your idea of the black liquid for later and what the engineers look like.
It was one of the worst ways they could've started the movie. Why would you reveal this character now? And if you were gonna, then it needed to be a much longer scene, really connecting the past to the present. And it should've been a big reveal flashback 2/3 of the way through the film to hold real cinematic meaning. But no...Damon Lindelof is an *+@#*!!, who's great at putting out mysterious people/creatures/situations and just leaving them hanging there with no feeling for how give it a satisfying payoff.

All that scene does is steal a lot of the suspense from the movie later. There's no mystery to it, because the setup and dialogue around it are obvious and predictable. And this is them giving you an answer, up front, to a question they did a really bad job at asking you later on. Because with all these amazing visuals and great cast, this movie relies of paying attention to all the clunky dialogue. And the editing is pretty bad. Something amazing or terrifying will happen and they'll cut to someone just looking at it like they're waiting for NT to load up.

Alex Jones
Okay that makes sense.
one more question
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Why did David put the liquid in the guys drink? Was he just experimenting or did he already know what would happen?
Honestly, it felt like he was just trolling to get the plot moving. I could say he thought he was helping dude get his answers, but then how did he know how it works, what it would do or how much was enough to do something?
I really liked the movie, there were just too many questions left unanswered and one very unrealistic thing that bugged me. Spoilers ahead

1. What was that first scene about? Was that supposed to be how humanity began?

2. I don't care how many painkillers you take, you're not up and running around 30 seconds after abdominal surgery. It takes months to cover. Ya boy Bosh was out 2 weeks with an abdominal strain

3. The ending had me like 
 when she was in their ship traveling to their homeland. Then it hits me though, she's still a human and needs food/resources for an intergalactic trip like that. I'd love a sequel where they explain things more thoroughly. 

4. I'm not sure if I 100% understand why the engineer snapped and killed all of them. Was he just in a hurry to get to earth and "finish the job", so to speak? For such advanced beings they seem to still have very base, low-level human emotions.
The android knew exactly what would happen after putting the 'specimen' in dude's cocktail.
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