Official Arizona Cardinals vs Philadelphia Eagles NFC Conference Championship Game Thread


ahh good game until the end. Now I hope the Eagles get a true wideout in FA.

Fitz is a beast, but the Cards will get whooped in Tampa.
This is one of the oddest celebrations I've ever seen. The losing team is getting into it. Buckhalter's celebrating with Edge and Asante's seemshappy as hell when he went up to Kurt.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

cardinals fans don't know what to do... this is so foreign to them.

PA guy too.. WE are the champions is reserved for that elite EVENT... not tourney win 2 of 3
ummmm...there's still a Superbowl to play??? the NFC championship is not the superbowl yet....they're celebrating like they already won it all.
Originally Posted by EvansST

McNabb is going to receive sooo much hate...

No he won't. ALL of his neighbors will ber giving him daps & hugs. Bringin gift baskets to his house and stuff
i'm happy Edge is finally going to the Superbowl on his own...with the opportunity to earn his ownring...Fitzy too

...damn i feel absolutely sorry for single player plays scapegoat in theNFL more than him...let the blame game begin
Hope the Ravens or Steelers demolish the Cards. Az's a good team but I'll play devils advocate and hope they get their %+* handed to em in the SuperBowl.

At them acting like they won the got damn superbowl.
"We are the Champions"

You dont see the 49ers fans acting like that.
Wisenhunt vs. his former team... Hope the cards don't do what the bucs did to the raiders in 03.

With that said, I can't wait

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