Official Bitcoin Thread

for the experienced people that want to answer, what’s the biggest % drop that you toughed through. i feel like me being down about 25% right about now is baby weight.

2018 wrecked me :lol:
I was up 3x from my initial investment even though I was doing a madness and I was inexperienced. I FOMO'd like crazy and with the crash I lost pretty much everything.

2019, I came back for a bit and invested in the Kava and Oasis ICO with basically what was left from 2018 but the VC contact ran off with the money so got nothing there. Kava would've been big for me.

So I got put off and missed out on early 2020 which would've been the best time to jump back in.

Got back in late 2020 and it's been good so far. Learnt a lot of lessons along the way but still learning now. This -50% crash we had just goes to show, you can't be too careful with crypto. Risk management has to be on point even if your a seasoned veteran.

Honing my strategy constantly and making sure I never get distracted by dog coins and degen plays. Even ICO's and presales are getting riskier so I'm limiting my exposure to those as well and focusing on DCA'ing to the main coins.

When’s your guys retirement goal? :lol:

I’m hoping 55 or so, I’m 33 now.

I don't even think Crypto will make me that kind of money to retire early. It certainly can but my luck as been terrible so far.
I just want a fat healthy deposit on a house.

I know some people in here got like 2 or 3 homes for passive income. That's another goal of mine as well but that's far into the future.
I don't even know how much money I put it. 😂

But I'm up a grip... The money I've put in during 2021 is breaking even or a slight lost...

The run up into the 4th quarter is where you can find me.
To retire to me means to only work on **** I wanna do. Not doing anything for the rest of my life would suck. Having the financial freedom to only take on roles that I want is what retirement looks like for me.

I have a ton of hustles right now, some I like more than my job but nothing other than my real estate (on good months) comes close to what I take home from my 9-5.

If it were up to me I'd really give some of side ventures a go but it's hard to do that with the economics of this country. EVERYTHING COST, and I have a family. My girl is super supportive but she isn't ready to take on some of the bills I carry so I'm kinda stuck until one of these other ventures is profitable enough.

My 9-5 is cool but its not something I'd like to look back on 30 years from now and say wow I spent most of my time doing that.
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To retire to me means to only work on **** I wanna do. Not doing anything for the rest of my life would suck. Having the financial freedom to only take on roles that I want is what retirement looks like for me.

I have a ton of hustles right now, some I like more than my job but nothing other than my real estate (on good months) comes close to what I take home from my 9-5.

If it were up to me I'd really give some of side ventures a go but it's hard to do that with the economics of this country. EVERYTHING COST, and I have a family. My girl is super supportive but she isn't ready to take on some of the bills I carry so I'm kinda stuck until one of these other ventures is profitable enough.

My 9-5 is cool but its not something I'd like to look back on 30 years from now and say wow I spent most of my time doing that.
I dont think I'll ever retire, I'll just be doing different ****. Working for myself is the dream
I got wrecked in 2017 like everyone else. I think market went down like 70%-80%.

Back then Crypto was mostly vaporware, there was just a dream of what could-be, and not much substance. Now, we have world-changing technology. I always thought the banks holding onto all my $ and giving 0.1% interest ("high yield" accounts :lol:) was pure trash. Decentralized finance lets US be the bank, we get the favorable interest rates and borrowing power. Not a year away, RIGHT NOW, you can go on blockfi (I know this is a more centralized example) or whatever and get 8% back on your dollars for your dollars (USDC). Banks been stuffing their pockets, using our $ and giving us their leftover scraps. The banks invested in trash and caused a global economic crisis (2007-08 ), and we bailed them out, taking directly out of our tax $. Other than stuffing $ under the couch, there weren't really other options to sticking it to the bank, but now there are.

"Don't buy BTC, it's just gonna crash"
I'm tryna retire in a year. Yall goals too realistic. Boeing offered me a job, way higher paying than what I make now, and I smooth told them dudes no. I know it'd be hella high stress and probably low work-life balance. Not worth it, just dealt with that last yr and quit without finding another job first or giving notice which i never do. Went on a week vacay, then called back on Monday like sorry cant do it. Not coming back. Deal
Ive wanted to retire since the age of 18.

Seeing old people at the mall or Target between 10am-2pm. It really is the life. Doesn’t get much better.
eh i get bored way too easily

need some stimulation or maybe I die before i even reach retirement age. Who knows what the future holds
Whats the deal with amp fellas. Keep seeing it in this thread
Collateral token for the flexa network which is a payments processing company that lets you spend any digital asset at the point of sale and allows the merchant to receive any currency or asset they want. The process works as follows: holders stake their tokens, this enables spending, when I buy a cup of coffee at dunkin with my bitcoin, the staked tokens get converted into whatever payment the merchant wants (usually fiat) and they receive their cash immediately while the blocks confirm. When the bitcoin is cleared it gets converted back into amp and goes back into the staking pool. Flexa also charges a fee for merchants that’s smaller than credit card fees and that fee will be used to buy back at market and rewarded to stakers thus creating a beautiful flywheel and solidifying solid tokenomics.

flexa isn’t vapor ware either. You can use it when you download the Spedn app or transact from Gemini through Gemini pay. Early stages but partnered with NCR, rumored to have a Shopify plug in announced, backed by the Winklevos twins
ahhh fap’s in IT. my wife’s co-worker is one of the top IT guys at the bank she works at and he’s been in crypto for a long time. he’s staking his ETH. and running a node. i saw that he needed at least 32 ETH to do that. i told my wife to ask if he’s in a pool to do that and he laughed and said nope.
Not retired, but semi-retired where my % of passive income (staking, farming, lp’ing) is increasing and almost 1:1 with my cloud infra /IT job
you running a RUNE node or nah


added a little more RUNE today. still building the position. I really want another heinous flush to have major size. but right now its like a 1.5% position for me.
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