***Official Breakfast Club Interview Thread***

People that are upset by that interview should really reevaluate their understanding of what a presidential race is. These candidates hardly ever agree to interviews that won't serve as a puff piece. Candidates want to look good and be viewed in a positive light, and the outlets want to have the viewership/listenership see an increase that comes along with having the candidate on. There have been talks of Hillary being on tbc for the past year (brilliant idiots podcast). It's been well documented that her campaign isn't fond of Ctg and I'm almost certain that her people have been reaching out extensively to the higher ups at power 105/I heart media/etc to ensure that he didn't go off the wall if they finally agreed to let her on the show. It's wild for anyone to even expect the same sort of interview from HC that they'd get from Umar Johnson or any powerful black voices. Did they shuck and jive? Hell yeah they did. But for you to click play with the expectation of them doing anything else just makes you a bit naive to the reality and gravity of what HC on tbc meant. Bernie is the only candidate, that I'VE seen, that's been somewhat candid with the media/press rather than relying on puff pieces to make him look good. Honestly, what in the hell did you all think would be discussed during that "interview"? No one on tbc will ask her why she supported legislation that essentially targeted the black community and saw to it that they received harsh punishments for drugs/gang activity. No one on tbc will ask her if her marriage is a political ploy. No one on tbc will ask her how she could possibly believe resigning from SoC would paint a negative image of her in the public's eye. If you wasted time watching that entire interview, pipe down and enjoy the bs story about Bill proposing to her. Because you know damn well that's all you were going to get. Stop the fake outrage and delete that nonsense ig rant that perpetuates ignorance with the "you have to kinds of black people in America". :rolleyes
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I find it funny how black folks are quick to vote for Hilary and Bill knowing there involvement in mass incarceration and Coltan mining in Africa
I find it funny how black folks are quick to vote for Hilary and Bill knowing
there involvement in mass incarceration and Coltan mining in Africa

Fixed. Most don't know. The African American community has a blind allegiance to the Democratic Party at this point.
Some ****** are never satisfied. As a community we can't ask someone else to do something for us that we can't willingly or knowingly do ourselves. ****** want something but don't really know what they want. As long as Hillary doesn't do anything against us I'm good.
Some ****** are never satisfied. As a community we can't ask someone else to do something for us that we can't willingly or knowingly do ourselves. ****** want something but don't really know what they want. As long as Hillary doesn't do anything against us I'm good.

and locking up thousands of "super predators" and unequal drug laws would be?
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As long as Hillary doesn't do anything against us I'm good.

 I find it funny how black folks are quick to vote for Hilary and Bill knowing there involvement in mass incarceration and Coltan mining in Africa

What's your solution champ?? The alternative is Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. The election process either local or nation wide is and is always the lesser of two evils. It's not like the presidential election is going to held up by Americans as they ask black people....."hey black people.....who does the vast majority of your community or all of your community agree with on who should be President of the United States??"

The show goes on with or without us, bottom line. Get your situation or house in order first and get involved someway somehow before we start making requests that we don't even know what we really want.
As long as Hillary doesn't do anything against us I'm good.

 I find it funny how black folks are quick to vote for Hilary and Bill knowing there involvement in mass incarceration and Coltan mining in Africa

What's your solution champ?? The alternative is Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. The election process either local or nation wide is and is always the lesser of two evils. It's not like the presidential election is going to held up by Americans as they ask black people....."hey black people.....who does the vast majority of your community or all of your community agree with on who should be President of the United States??"

The show goes on with or without us, bottom line. Get your situation or house in order first and get involved someway somehow before we start making requests that we don't even know what we really want.
As long as Hillary doesn't do anything against us I'm good.

 I find it funny how black folks are quick to vote for Hilary and Bill knowing there involvement in mass incarceration and Coltan mining in Africa

What's your solution champ?? The alternative is Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. The election process either local or nation wide is and is always the lesser of two evils. It's not like the presidential election is going to held up by Americans as they ask black people....."hey black people.....who does the vast majority of your community or all of your community agree with on who should be President of the United States??"

The show goes on with or without us, bottom line. Get your situation or house in order first and get involved someway somehow before we start making requests that we don't even know what we really want.

We as black people don't even know what we want.
What's your solution champ?? The alternative is Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. The election process either local or nation wide is and is always the lesser of two evils. It's not like the presidential election is going to held up by Americans as they ask black people....."hey black people.....who does the vast majority of your community or all of your community agree with on who should be President of the United States??"

The show goes on with or without us, bottom line. Get your situation or house in order first and get involved someway somehow before we start making requests that we don't even know what we really want.

You could not be more wrong, pal. Eliminate all the black labor within these corporations, sports, entertainment, politics, etc. And it will DEFINITELY stop the clock, for those.

Stop selling "your" people short with that mindset. The simple solution to our problem as blacks is to reverse the conditioning, stop allowing others to profitize off of us.

I always say, if a person is ashamed of being black, just bleach your skin, or strip your skin down to the white meat is showing. Because those of us who embrace ourselves and have the confidence and mental fortitude, we don't need others, who sell themselves short.
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What's your solution champ?? The alternative is Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. The election process either local or nation wide is and is always the lesser of two evils. It's not like the presidential election is going to held up by Americans as they ask black people....."hey black people.....who does the vast majority of your community or all of your community agree with on who should be President of the United States??"

The show goes on with or without us, bottom line. Get your situation or house in order first and get involved someway somehow before we start making requests that we don't even know what we really want.

So you're not going to address the fact that she has indeed "done something to us"
What's your solution champ?? The alternative is Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. The election process either local or nation wide is and is always the lesser of two evils. It's not like the presidential election is going to held up by Americans as they ask black people....."hey black people.....who does the vast majority of your community or all of your community agree with on who should be President of the United States??"

The show goes on with or without us, bottom line. Get your situation or house in order first and get involved someway somehow before we start making requests that we don't even know what we really want.

You could not be more wrong, pal. Eliminate all the black labor within these corporations, sports, entertainment, politics, etc. And it will DEFINITELY stop the clock, for those.

Stop selling "your" people short with that mindset. The simple solution to our problem as blacks is to reverse the conditioning, stop allowing others to profitize off of us.

I always say, if a person is ashamed of being black, just bleach your skin, or strip your skin down to the white meat is showing. Because those of us who embrace ourselves and have the confidence and mental fortitude, we don't need others, who sell themselves short.

How do you think someone is going to get ALL or even a large majority of people to stop working or participating in the above industries?

We cant even agree on a leader let alone a plan of action. Yall say things like its so easy but if it was it would have happened in the 60s
We as black people don't even know what we want.

Probably because we're composed of individuals and don't think or move as one. Do you know of another race or ethnic group that does?

Jewish people?

Thats why they run half the world. They are so unified and thats how you gain power in this world. We stab each other in the back and step on each other to get to the top any chance we get.
How do you think someone is going to get ALL or even a large majority of people to stop working or participating in the above industries?

We cant even agree on a leader let alone a plan of action. Yall say things like its so easy but if it was it would have happened in the 60s

Same way you wake up, brush your teeth. Or, the same way you'd subscribe to social media. Or, the same way you see dudes lounging at the corner store, or buying weed, skeezers, robbing, but won't buy a book, or avoid anything else important.
Jewish people?

Thats why they run half the world. They are so unified and thats how you gain power in this world. We stab each other in the back and step on each other to get to the top any chance we get.

They do?
We do?

Why don't you become Jewish then. I'd gladly trade you.
Full of excuses bruh. Can't find a leader, but, ALWAYS finding ways to do something unconstructive. If you can't see it this way, then, I don't know dawg.
No one here has offered a reasonable solution
Jewish people?

Thats why they run half the world. They are so unified and thats how you gain power in this world. We stab each other in the back and step on each other to get to the top any chance we get.

They do?
We do?

Why don't you become Jewish then. I'd gladly trade you.

I dont care who runs the world I just want the ability to be able to provide for my family and if I have children for them to have the same.

Im cool on being Jewish and they dont want me.
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The mentality has changed in this society, there's no way the Montgomery bus boycott would go down today. Majority of people are out for self and so self-centered that they can't see the bigger picture.

It would really take for serious, educated discussion about what black people want for black people in order for other black people to see that we're serious about it and then MAYBE, they'll get on board.

Other than that, I've said it before and I'll say it again, might have to manipulate the masses the way the media does.
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