Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Kit was in MI-5

he's also the villain in the new Call of Duty
Jon Snow releasing Ghost after a 5 kill streak 
Being king is too much work. I'd rather live in a nice place like the Tarlys and chill out.
[quote name="parada45" url="/t/526952/official-game-of-thrones-thread-season-6-done-season-7-in-2017/27900_100#po]

Wasn't he the main character in Pompeii?

I never saw the movie[/quote]
I'm pretty sure he was in this. I didn't see it either.

Kit was in MI-5

he's also the villain in the new Call of Duty
That's the movie I did see which was good and Kit was okay in it but by the middle of the movie the old man was stealing the show as the true badass.

Good to hear Kit will be in more stuff. Stretching his range by playing a villain is something I'll check out.

Being king is too much work. I'd rather live in a nice place like the Tarlys and chill out.
As a main house, you still gotta listen to the complains of citizens and vassal houses.
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I would've thought Kit would've had a major movie role or 2 based off his popularity from GoT.
I don't think I can name (m)any actors who got their big break with HBO then a breakout role on HBO that has gone on to be a movie star. They usually return to HBO movies, series, and miniseries. They're usually just good to great character actors.

From the one movie I've seen him in and this show, Kit is not that good of an actor. I haven't seen much range from him. Haven't even heard his American accent.

I see Jamie is trying though. At present moment, Emilia got the best shot.

Idris Elba is probably the biggest I can think of..

Rome folks maybe.. Couple guys from oz (dude who went to SVU especially)
Idris Elba is probably the biggest I can think of..

Rome folks maybe.. Couple guys from oz (dude who went to SVU especially)

Yeah, even at the height of the Soprano's success, Gandolfini was only getting supporting movie roles with a couple exceptions.

What happens more than HBO show stars becoming A-list movie actors is A-list movie actors doing HBO shows. Like with the casts of the two seasons of True Detective, Dustin Hoffman in Luck, etc. I wouldn't consider Sean Bean an A-lister, but he had a solid film career before GoT.
TV/streaming > Film nowadays

Also, if I didn't say this before, shoutout to D&D for listening to the fanbase when it came to Dorne. We got Dorne in a brief ridiculous scene in the premiere and Dorne again in the finale, with Olenna ethering those corny broads. Respect.
TV/streaming > Film nowadays

Also, if I didn't say this before, shoutout to D&D for listening to the fanbase when it came to Dorne. We got Dorne in a brief ridiculous scene in the premiere and Dorne again in the finale, with Olenna ethering those corny broads. Respect.

This!! It's like they read everything we were saying here. I remember people nonstop hating on obamas 1-expression stink face. Olenna : "you look like an angry little boy." :rofl:. They even catching on to our nicknames " what is your name? Barber O?" :lol: :lol: mad props to the writers. Only thing that sucked was the corny Tyrion 1-liners earlier in the season.
Ehh it's there fault in the first place that they were introduced so poorly. They really are the worst part in the show ..and with how they nailed Oberyn they don't get a pass for screwing up the Sand Snakes
Bad news bros -

IMDb ‏@IMDb · 7m7 minutes ago

Winter Break: 'Game of Thrones' Season 7 delayed

Cliffs notes: Since "winter is here" in the show, they can't really shoot a lot of stuff when the weather is sunny/nice. Consequently, they are pushing back production show they can shoot in actual Winter. Which means, season 7 is not going to have a late March/April premiere date like prior season have.
Ned did say it would be a long winter. Or someone, I forget who it was.

The Long Night is upon us. Both in the show and in real life.
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So they're cutting the amount of episodes in the season... And possibly pushing said season back...

Bravo, GoT. Bravo.
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