Official: GTA VI Thread: Trailer 1 Out Now: PS5 Series X & Series Confirmed: Tentative Release Window Fall 2025

Will you buy GTA V For PS4 OR XBOX ONE

  • Yes: I waited out and skipped GTA V For PS3 & XBOX 360

    Votes: 24 16.3%
  • Yes: I love the game and will be gladly double dip on the game

    Votes: 105 71.4%
  • No: I'm waiting for the PC version of the game to come out

    Votes: 9 6.1%
  • No: I hated GTA Online and will never trust R* again

    Votes: 7 4.8%
  • No: GTA games aren't my type of games and I'll stick to other games like COD: AW, Assassins Creed Un

    Votes: 4 2.7%

  • Total voters
Dudes are still playing this? Unvelievable

I might hafta hop on one of these nights n get my drive by sticky bombing on. Its all i really still enjoy. Or goonin with the homies and shuttin down lobbies till we n banned camp. Tanks ruined this game
I saw Mac got 100% completion the other night. How the hell did you manage to do that? I'm floating around 84%

Hard work homie. Grinding out the boring mission, side mission, finding all the collectibles and resisting the urge to only play wit the homie franklin.

Ain't gonna lie tho, feels good and the Easter eggs once you hit 100% is kinda cool too

Did you use a YouTube guide? I definitely did. I never would have found all spaceship parts, letters, stunt jumps, and under the bridges by myself. Feels good though. And what Easter egg are you referring to? The mission "The Last One?"
You guys are missing out!!!!!



First in the crew with NY plates. Holla at me!!! I'll make whatever car you want
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I can't bring myself to go back online. I'll play the story for a long time to come (like I did with San Andreas) but for me to go back online I'm gonna need R* to add in better and more interesting missions. The go here and take this isn't cutting it for me anymore
You guys are missing out!!!!!



First in the crew with NY plates. Holla at me!!! I'll make whatever car you want

I'm definitely going to join you in a game in the next couple of nights and ask you to change the plates on my most used car. That would be pretty cool to have NY plates.
So is there any way to make quick $ anymore on xbox? The struggle is real for me, down to under $100k and sold half my cars.

Some of my favorites;



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[h1]Grand Theft Auto Online class-action lawsuit dismissed[/h1]
by David Hinkle  on Jan 30th 2014 6:30PM

A class-action lawsuit filed against Rockstar Games and Take-Two has been dismissed by a US District Court in California today, Game Politics reports.

The plaintiffs in the class-action suit argued that Rockstar and Take-Two failed to deliver the full, promised Grand Theft Auto 5 experience – specifically, the online portion of the game, GTA Online. The suit claimed the state of Grand Theft Auto 5 at launch last September was "unlawful," "unfair" and "fraudulent" on the part of Take-Two and Rockstar. Judge Virginia A. Phillips disagreed, citing there is no language on the Grand Theft Auto 5 packaging guaranteeing the online portion of the game "immediately."

GTA Online launched on October 1, weeks after GTA 5 made its $1 billion debut at retail. Since then, Rockstar has iterated on its multiplayer offering by adding race and deathmatch creation tools, along with Rockstar Verified Jobs. Co-op heists will be added to GTA Online later this year.
[h2]GTA 5 Online: Hackers May Be What’s Holding Up New Heists Rollout[/h2]
By Monica Walken on February 2, 2014
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Last month, GTA Online players were hoping for the heists DLC to appear on the multiplayer mode. They were let down, as Rockstar was busy with clamping down on the many hackers that had messed the game up good and proper.

The company banned these hackers from the public servers and siphoned them into a cheater’s lobby to wait for a total ban. What is going to happen to this game next, then?

Rockstar said it’s securing GTA Online, and once this is done it’ll return to the DLCs. So, it’s the hackers that have held up the heist.

We have no release date for this DLC, which is unfair to the decent players who have done the right thing and schlepped their way through.

Revisiting missions aren’t paying out so well now, but despite this, the honest guys are still going on. They can enjoy the sense of real achievement when they manage a milestone.

The hackers are almost all gone now, so we hope that Rockstar hurries up and mops up the last remaining baddies so we can get the DLCs out.
Lulz at this whole article. Rockstar apologists. The heists were delayed before the hacking. And lol at "the hackers are almost all gone now."
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hackers did ruin multiplayer though, lets be honest.
Yes Hackers really did mess up what Rockstar intended to do with GTA Online.
All this.

Im not talking bout custom cars either...
But they didn't online ready to go regardless.  That's part of the problem.  If they had online ready, they could have spent all this time patching out the hacks.  They weren't even done building online and put out a half finished buggy product which the hackers exploited.
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No excuse why heist ain't out, that was they selling scheme and reason a lot of people bought the game for. If I knew it wouldn't be out by now, would had been sold this game.
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