*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

This episode sets up a lot of things and we got to see how the Oceanic 6 handle their first few days.
@ Sun handling her father and
at Ben telling Locke, "Don't you know who I am?"

did you notice how when Sun was being greeted by her mother, her mom seemed like she would never see Sun again. While her father didn't seem surprisedat all.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

This episode sets up a lot of things and we got to see how the Oceanic 6 handle their first few days.
@ Sun handling her father and
at Ben telling Locke, "Don't you know who I am?"

did you notice how when Sun was being greeted by her mother, her mom seemed like she would never see Sun again. While her father didn't seem surprised at all.

yea i thought it was more like "damn she made it" type of thing like he didnt even hug her
nyknicks.... in the season 1 pilot (premiere) the opening scene has Jack waking up, then eventually running towards the beach, with a quick shot panning to apair of white tennis shoes hanging off a couple of branches. Jack's father was dead on the airplane in the coffin, did his body become "reborn / aliveagain" from landing on the island? probably way off with this.
Episode was a great setup for the finale.


I think there is something more to that? What was transmitting from the boat? Or was this somethin' obvious I missed?

ODrama it was the signal of the C4 to Keamy's heart monitor scrambling the reef monitor.


Yeah pops was low key heated that she made it back. Sun is sexy when she's angry

I think Ben was signaling Alpert and the "Others." Ben is a chess player. He thinks ahead. I'm pretty sure he had some "Others" watchthe area around the Orchid station.
I feel like that C4 is going to go off, so that answers why Jin doesn't make it back to the mainland..

But that seems TOO easy for Lost. It'll probably be something 10x more elaborate..
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Ok guys, so I'm done with my rehersals so you guys will finally get your spoiler fix on time

I'm going to split this reply up into two pieces. One will be a "What to look for" reply, and the other will be the spoiler.

What to look for:
-The funeral
-Jack inside the church
-The entire Orientation Film <theres more
-When the Oceanic 6 gives people their stories, and who they mention.

Spoiler [+]
- We will see Christian Shepards funeral
- The freighter people don't rescue the losties, and desmond had a great shot at being part of the oceanic 6
- We get to see Nadia with sayid finally

This is really another filler episode, nothing too intense here.

Originally Posted by ghost43t

Originally Posted by quiktoflip

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by JBug88

" Two players, two sides. One is light .....one is dark. "
just a shot in the dark here, but this can pertain Smokie as well right?
didn't Keamy say what attacked them was white smoke, but from the scenes we've seen, Smokie clearly is black smoke?
just throwing it out there..


great observation, i'm glad someone finally noticed.

I didnt hear keamy say "white" I thought he said "black pillar of smoke", I listened online and thats what it souds like.

Locke was the only one that I know of that said it was white or beautiful something like that.

Nice to know that the quote applys to smokie..But does that mean that it can apply to just about everyone?

im guessing kate and old girl(cant think of her name) when they was handcuffed they seen bright flashes so i think they seen it as white and beautiful to.

but if we are seeing this from somebody point of view there def a bad guy

good job
Did I miss the part about the Orientation Film? I didnt see it.

Also when I was watching online. The scene that Jack and kate stopped at the tree and she said he was lying about bleeding. Right b4 that
as he walked up to the tree there was this red light/glare on the tree. It might be nothing, but it could looked like a red dot laser sight.

And of course the Membeta doesnot exist on any map of the coast of Sumba.

Since Oceanic is obviously involved in the coverup, how deep is their association with Widmore/suns dad or ben? Was the airline a dummy airline set up just tocrash lol?
when ben turned aroung and looked at locke and say "I always have a plan", dude def became one of the greatest villains in television history.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

@ Another "filler" episode as y'all call it...

This is the 2nd to last episode...I expect greatness.

But knowing NT, All of you will complain about it, And I'll be one of the few who loved it.
no doubt...
to all the cats complaining... but to be fair, I think there are more of us that appreciate these 'build-up' (I think its moreof a build-up rather than filler) episodes than there are those complaining...

NYC - so how does it work, have you seen the upcoming episodes already, seen bits of the script or what? I appreciate your overall input though...
didn't catch the part about the orientiation video though... is that for the finale instead?
Originally Posted by H4ppyTime Harry

when ben turned aroung and looked at locke and say "I always have a plan", dude def became one of the greatest villains in television history.

Of course, there was the time a couple weeks ago when he unleashed the smoke monster on Kearny and his boys, or when he just up and shot Locke at pointblank range.

Ben has become one of my favorite characters on the show.
I wonder how Claire's mother got better. I remember Christian was trying to convince Claire to euthanize her because they didn't think she would everwake up from the coma. I wonder if Claire had to trade her "life" on the island for her mother's life or something like that. Kind of a far reachbut who knows, we are talking about Lost. I know Claire is not really "dead" but I really think some kind of extraordinary healing took place.
Originally Posted by truestt

I feel like that C4 is going to go off, so that answers why Jin doesn't make it back to the mainland..

But that seems TOO easy for Lost. It'll probably be something 10x more elaborate..

Exactly they are setting us up to think that. However I do not think at all that is how Jin will die...I agree it is just too easy.
Exactly they are setting us up to think that. However I do not think at all that is how Jin will die...I agree it is just too easy.

Unless it's so easy that it's actually complex because that is exactly what might happen?
guys I know I wouldn't be posting in this thread again but OH WELL i love lost too much..

I have a question that hopefully some of you guys might be able to answer.

Ok so the producers Abrams and Lindelof know EXACTLY how the story begins and ends right?? Meaning they're not making up stuff as the story goes on...

I was just reading an entry on wikipedia and it says

"In the second season, Michael Emerson was contracted to play Ben ("Henry Gale") for three episodes. His role was extended to eight episodesbecause of his acting skills, and eventually for the whole of season three and season four."

How does that work considering how significant of a character Ben is to the story??? Did they change the entire story just because Emerson was such a goodactor?? or...whats up
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