Spoken on ESPN Radio today

And Derrick Rose potentially would fit pretty well in his system

let's not act like Mark Jackson was a defensive standout in his playing days...

I'm just sayin...we have no idea what he brings.

D'Antoni has a track record of success...yeah, so Did Larry Brown, I know...who we only gave 1 year too.

I don't know how we, an AWFUL team can be against a successful head coach right now.

I don't have a first choice, I'll trust Walsh with the call on this...but whoever we get outa these candidates appears to be an upgrade.

Lastly, I'm guessing Mark Jackson isn't a dummy and other teams are interested in he hears the numbers for a deal for D'Antoni...youdon't think he's gona want to be payed well??

If you wana go the cheap route, just let Herb take over....Jackson aint comin cheap either.

To sum it up...I'm not backing D'Antoni, I don't care who it is until I see results...

But based on facts...there's no reason to praise Jackson and trash D'Antoni.

No, he doesn't fit this team the best...NOBODY does...They ALL SUCK, they ALL don't play D, and WON'T.

New players are gona be brought in, new coaching staff...we're rebuilding, not trying to put squares in a circle.
^^Jackson knows he dont have D'Anoni's track record

we would have to be moronic to pay ANY coach that large amount of $ with the team that we have. It would ne absolutely ridiculous, i might through up if we payD'Antoni $30 million, i wouldnt even want D'Antoni if we was paying him $10 mil, i just dont want him as our coach, he is in no way what we need rightnow.

And you are right they all suck and wont play D, which is why it is foolish to bring in a vet, get a new coach who will just get these guys to play with someheart and let him develop with the team until we get some guys who will play D. Dont just hoist D'Antoni into the rotation thats what weve been doing justgetting more guys for big $ and just throwng them into our situation.

I still have fauth in mark Jackson i want him as our coach and honestly i see something in him. i feel he wont let us down, he is too passionate about thiscity and team, and he is a great basketball mind who will has fire. I think he has what it takes to be great with this team.
And as much as we suck on Defense...

We suck on offense's stagnant they all sit around and watch whoever has the ball.

It's disgusting.

There are positives he would bring.

Larry Brown was a New York native, Lenny Wilkens was a New York native, Herb played on those 90 teams...Isiah came from the 'Bad Boy's and was one ofthe toughest players ever...I'm sure all had the passion to win here, but they didn't.

Just sayin, not everyone can work out just cause of those past experiences.


I'm not against;


anyone of em, I'll be pleased with...I'm more concerned with the roster and control of the team going in the right direction.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

Spoken on ESPN Radio today

And Derrick Rose potentially would fit pretty well in his system

let's not act like Mark Jackson was a defensive standout in his playing days...

I'm just sayin...we have no idea what he brings.

D'Antoni has a track record of success...yeah, so Did Larry Brown, I know...who we only gave 1 year too.

I don't know how we, an AWFUL team can be against a successful head coach right now.

I don't have a first choice, I'll trust Walsh with the call on this...but whoever we get outa these candidates appears to be an upgrade.

Lastly, I'm guessing Mark Jackson isn't a dummy and other teams are interested in he hears the numbers for a deal for D' don't think he's gona want to be payed well??

If you wana go the cheap route, just let Herb take over....Jackson aint comin cheap either.

To sum it up...I'm not backing D'Antoni, I don't care who it is until I see results...

But based on facts...there's no reason to praise Jackson and trash D'Antoni.

No, he doesn't fit this team the best...NOBODY does...They ALL SUCK, they ALL don't play D, and WON'T.

New players are gona be brought in, new coaching staff...we're rebuilding, not trying to put squares in a circle.

i agree exactly with what thegr8 said....this doesnt make any sense....jackson KNOWS that he has 0 experience....and knows that D'antoni and johnsonhave proven records of success....of course he's not going to expect to be paid as much as they would be....mark has always been a team player
I'm sayin he aint comin for dirt cheap..

No he won't see the money the other guys get...

But, he's smart enough to know Dolan will open the checkbook a little.

It's NY, he's gona get a decent deal.
i dont expect jackson to get offered anything close to 5+ mill/year
probably something like 3 which doesn't sound like too much
The Knicks are going to suck for another 3-4 years, a lot of players need to be moved and contracts need to this point hiring a high-priced coachmakes absolutely no sense.

If your going to hire someone, hire MARK Jackson so he can gain somecoaching experience at least, otherwise just let Herb Williams be coach (no disrespect to him, but might as well give him a shot since he's been with theorg for a number of years).
[h3]By MARC BERMAN[/h3]

MAKING THE CUT: Knicks forward David Lee gets a Mohawk haircut at Celebrity Haircut at 10 Essex Street in Lower Manhattan.


May 9, 2008 -- It's a two-horse race.

Sources indicated yesterday KnicksNew York Knicks
president Donnie Walsh is torn on whether to offer the job to the star coach available, MikeD'Antoni, or take a slight gamble on someone with no head-coaching experience, Mark Jackson.

Last night Walsh, through a spokesman, emphatically said he has not offered the job to anybody, contrary to a report.

If Walsh really wants D'Antoni, he likely can get him with a five-year offer of $25-to-$30 million - a contract that would bowl D'Antoni over. Walshmust decide if the highly regarded D'Antoni is the right fit at the right time for this Knicks' team.

The Bulls, the only other club in the mix, aren't prepared to offer D'Antoni what he would be making on average in the final two years of hisPhoenix deal ($4.25 million).

D'Antoni's agent Warren LeGarie admits the Knicks' money could be the deciding factor if owner James Dolan is willing to spend it. Dolan hastold commissioner David Stern he will spend what it takes to get the Knicks out of their laughingstock ways.

LeGarie flew from Greece to New York on a connection to San Francisco, but did not meet with Walsh. It is believed they talked via phone.

"It's still play for pay," LeGarie told The Post. "(The offer) is still a factor. You want to feel wanted. You want to feelrecruited."

The hiring of Jackson likely would be better for Stephon MarburyStephon Marbury
, whom Walsh plans as the Knicks starting point guard for next season. Nevertheless, Marbury is in thelast year of his contract and, barring a career year, it's unlikely he will be re-signed.

Jackson and Marbury are New York City homegrown point guards - and born-again Christians. They have a good relationship, and D'Antoni's breakneckoffense didn't suit Marbury and soon after he got promoted as head coach during the 2003-2004 season, he was traded to the Knicks to clear cap space.D'Antoni is not known as a big Marbury fan.

Contacted yesterday, Marbury, rehabbing in Los Angeles, did not give an endorsement of either coaching candidate.

"I like whoever Donnie sees fit for this team," Marbury told The Post. "I think he has a great feel for what we need, and to go where all ofNew York wants us to go. There is a new process of how things are going to be so I'm going to follow his lead and allow his expertise to come intoplay."

According to one source, Walsh told D'Antoni's camp that if he makes an offer, "It would be one he wouldn't have to think about."

Walsh denies ever making the statement. reported yesterday that the Knicks were preparing "a staggering offer" to D'Antoni. Butsignals out of the Garden are they're waiting, presumably to see what the Bulls are offering.

Dolan gave Larry Brown a five-year, $50 million pact, so giving former Coach of the Year D'Antoni $30 million is not mind-blowing. His innovative,small-ball fastbreak attack was revolutionary and a model for other franchises, including the Knicks. Isiah Thomas drafted Renaldo BalkmanRenaldo Balkman
, Wilson Chandler, Nate Robinson and David Lee with D'Antoni's attack in mind.
Knicks Refute Offer To D'Antoni, Jackson Still Leading

The New York Daily News -
Donnie Walsh refuted an internet report that the Knicks were preparing to make Mike D'Antoni a "staggering" offer to succeed Isiah Thomas, according to The New York Daily News.

The team's newest president has not given any indication that D'Antoni has replaced Mark Jackson as the favorite for the vacant gig in New York.

"We have not offered anyone a coaching contract," Walsh said in a released statement on Thursday night. reported on Thursday that D'Antoni had become Walsh's newest top target.

Thank god

i forgot for a second that we dont have Isiah anymore, and we have a Pres who uses his head. PLEASE dont get D'Antoni its tthesame %%+*%%% thing as when we got Brown. Why get another high profile veteran coach for a big contract when we have a team that cant win no matter who thecoach is and wont listen either. it just doesnt make ANY sense. Get Jackson or another young coach and work on our %%+*%%% roster and we got ourselves afuture.

EDIT: Melo??
it wont happen just throwing the idea out for discussion though, he did playball at cuse.

I say no personally i love the idea of getting Melo but he would be too expeensive. He would certainly cost us Lee as well as this years pick and probably somefuture 1st rounders as well, so outside of Melo our team would still suck and he cant do it alone and i ATE how we never have future picks and currently weonly owe 1 and i hope to keep it that way, but lets discuss anyway, thats what forums are for anyway.
Word, I was getting worried with all this Dantoni talk. Curry and Zach would be failing in his offense (as if they weren't already failing in THISoffense).
^^and you speak AS IF they will be back next year.

please let both them be out but mostly Curry, i could not see his fat $$$ disgracig our team anymore and especially not Oakley's number.
We're disgusted we don't play Defense...or that would we hire D'Antoni who won't coach D

But you would want Melo?
GR8: do you see any possible way for the Knicks to move Curry? What team would take him, seriously...He is pretty much impossible to trade.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

We're disgusted we don't play Defense...or that would we hire D'Antoni who won't coach D

But you would want Melo?

if you read i said i wouldnt want him personally, i just wanted to put the idea out cause isnt that what these forums are for, to entertain rumors. AndMelo could play D if he puts his mind to it i remember he was lock down a couple of games when i saw him on Cuse. The Nuggs and George Karl just dont emphasizeD what so ever.

and i think there are teams who need a center so bad that if they knew they could get Curry for a cheap price they would take a risk knowing that he was atop 5 pick and could potentially have potential if he worked, and he averaged 19 ppg last year shooting over 50% and led the NBA in points in paint. I think ifwe threw his name out there a few GMs would be tempted to bite for a cheap price. (not like last year)
Melo on the Knicks?

-legit scorer
-"franchise" player

-everything else, esp playing on Broadway.

nah...i like dude's old school feel to the game...but he's be a walking trouble magnet.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

^^and you speak AS IF they will be back next year.

please let both them be out but mostly Curry, i could not see his fat $$$ disgracig our team anymore and especially not Oakley's number.

at least one of them will be back next year. I have a feeling it will be Curry.
I'll welcome Curry back if he is dedicated and will work on his fattness, rebounding and defense. Thank God D'Antoni is not the leading candidate Idespise him as a coach. Also at one point in time Riley was interested in Curry. Its possible if they draft a point guard they could trade for Curry.
And Melo could play D if he puts his mind to it i remember he was lock down a couple of games when i saw him on Cuse.
Syracuse has never played man though.

To me, he's not a franchise player.

Donnie Walsh refuted an internet report that the Knicks were preparing to make Mike D'Antoni a "staggering" offer to succeed Isiah Thomas, according to The New York Daily News.

Not buyin that. Of course he doesn't want that public yet.

since ESPN and Stein haven't backed off their take on things. Most likely he has a source close to the situation...
@Us even considering offering _'antoni a 5 year contract. Come on Donnie.

Why the hell would we tie up a coach with a big contract when we're bound for at least 2-3 years of straight losing?

Go after either Avery Johnson or Mark Jackson. They'd both cost less and certainly be more defensive-minded than _'antoni.
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