OFFICIAL NIKE A I R M A X ZER0 THREAD ** The One Before The 1 **

anyones pair from siva shipped? mine still show processing. they arent responding to my emails either.
^The real question is: Did anyone have a chance to strike out on bdga?  

Seems like it was sold out from jump.
im getting worried. my pair from nicekickz tracking hasnt updated since 3/27 and is supposed to be here tomorrow...still sitting in cali. 
just keep sending them emails asking why tracking hasnt updated, always works IMO
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LMAO at people wearing them with the keychain still attached.


Its an 80's thing. Im not a keychain wearer, but I certainly don't fault people for it. Back then it was new to have stuff attached to the shoe, and I guess people loved to have it attached to their shoes and showing it off, kind of like folding your jeans inside your shoes. The only one that drives me crazy is the Jumpman Air Key Chain. It looks off because its supposed to be Nike Air, and that's what that tag should always say.

I agree, it's like wearing a new era cap with the sticker still on.

Not the same. The hat scenario would be like people leaving on the "peel off" sticker on the XVII's. Leaving that big bill sticker on the hats looks a lot worse than people wearing small key chains on their shoes. New Era Size stickers are not accessories, though some believe it to be so :lol:

Skinny Jeans on Men look Corny, and wearing them below your butt so your Huggies can show look a lot worse.
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Funny how I am getting these today from France the same day I'm getting my Jordan's from the same time zone
I see what everyone is saying about the box :lol:

I like these a lot more than I thought I would. Really glad I got these.

I agree, it's like wearing a new era cap with the sticker still on.

I still don't understand this. I chalk it up to me being old and cranky.
Really wanted these but failed all attempts. Tried bdga this morning but they were sold out as soon as they went live.
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