OFFICIAL: NIKE KD VI ID Thread : Chroma ID August 12

These will be in Monday 
Got these in a couple days ago... Must admit I'm pretty disappointed with the 'Atomic Mango'. The rendering online/NikeID looks way more orange than the actual shoe. It's really more like ATOMIC BANANA. I was going for a 'Big Bang' alike, but I don't think these are worth keeping. And I even got em for the $153 with the 15% off code.... smh... wasted... but i di

The galaxy's and the purple chromes by far > these atomic mango big bang alikes...

But I've also got an all yellow (intentionally) pair coming in a few days. Inspired by the 'Must be the Honey' Lebron Xs 

those should be keepers. 
Got these in yesterday (sorry for the poor lighting shot).  I think they turned out pretty nice, midsole was a lot darker than I was expecting though.  Made a tough call and sent them back this morning though
  Hate to do it, but since ordering these I've been trying to downsize a bit and other pairs won out over these.  One day I'm sure I'll get a chance to make a different iD with the same inspiration.
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@CJDynasty  thanks fam -- they looked pretty clean, it was a tough call sending back.  A mix of the quality, the blue being a bit too dark and the fact that I'm trying to downsize the shoe inventory 
Anyone know where I can find a "creamsicle" pair of KD VI id's in a size 14? I missed out on making them, and I'm willing to pay well over retail for a DS pair. Thanks
snkrspot snkrspot mannnnn I actually like them both! The "shiny" black is part of the reason why I like the graphic! Subtle colorway but still a big flashy. I do agree that bottom is off from the renderings. But your shoes man so I understand if you are not thrilled with them...

jdiaz jdiaz awesome execution of the MVP theme. Makes me wish more and more Kd would have played in a pair.

heat on daily heat on daily . The white is a little overpowering for me, but clean shoe nonetheless.
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