No offense or anything I feel like the OP isn't very muscular. The cuffs on the tech fleece seem to hold the length together on the TF but if you look it seems just s long/bunched up. My point is to me it looks like I would have gone down a size in both?


Dude must have special powers to see thru

No I just wear a large and there's zero stacking in the arm. Where they both look too big for him imo. He's just not a good comparison for me because I can't tell if tech knit really fits that much baggier for me to go down to a medium.
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No I just wear a large and there's zero stacking in the arm. Where they both look too big for him imo. He's just not a good comparison for me because I can't tell if tech knit really fits that much baggier for me to go down to a medium.
Nike return policy is one of tge best take advantage of it
No offense or anything I feel like the OP isn't very muscular. The cuffs on the tech fleece seem to hold the length together on the TF but if you look it seems just s long/bunched up. My point is to me it looks like I would have gone down a size in both?

never claimed to be muscular man. If you actually read the post you see I say I could probably even size down in TF as I said I have lost alot of weight since buying the Larges, but im not going to buy all new TF windrunners.

plenty of people that have also purchased TK have backed me up on sizing down. so if you dont believe us then you need to try for yourself, and if you dont have the money, then tom brady that ish and pass.
No offense or anything I feel like the OP isn't very muscular. The cuffs on the tech fleece seem to hold the length together on the TF but if you look it seems just s long/bunched up. My point is to me it looks like I would have gone down a size in both?

never claimed to be muscular man. If you actually read the post you see I say I could probably even size down in TF as I said I have lost alot of weight since buying the Larges, but im not going to buy all new TF windrunners.

plenty of people that have also purchased TK have backed me up on sizing down. so if you dont believe us then you need to try for yourself, and if you dont have the money, then tom brady that ish and pass.

negative rep for using tom brady in a sentence....
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Looking for the polka dot tech fleece shorts. Is eBay ok for these? Don't know if there are fakes in production of tech fleece products.
You lucky dude! They cancelled my olive tech fleece pants!

My olive pants got cancelled as well :smh:

That stinks man. :smh:

Not sure why they would do that. I just got a shipment confirmation right now that my olive/cargo khaki TF has shipped.

I ordered on that random night at 2am, 3 days ago when they appeared on the website again
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That stinks man.

Not sure why they would do that. I just got a shipment confirmation right now that my olive/cargo khaki TF has shipped.

I ordered on that random night at 2am, 3 days ago when they appeared on the website again
No worries, saved me some cash, haha.
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