Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

Ya MF ****ting on Obi be getting me heated. Dude is on his 2nd year and I see nothing but instincts out there.... dude could be a very good player .... IQ need to stop thkse dumb *** shots with open shooters around you.
I like the aggressiveness from Obi. If he can continue to rebound, knock down the 3, and get to the rim, he’ll get quality PT.

Sims should get all of Taj’s minutes. He’s like a more mature Mitch.

IQ can’t hit **** today :lol:

Havent seen a whole lot from Grimes or McBride yet.
IQ's biggest flaw is his first step is lacking. Probably why he settles so damn much for deep threes and why he mastered that floater.
quick having problems today smh

i want to see some evolution in his game this season
what hes doin right now isn't basketball
IQ's a gunner, never been much of a true playmaker but we know he can play in his role so I'm not tripping too much.

If anything it means McBride might get a few minutes when Kemba/Rose ain't a go.
McBride looking like the defensive stalwart as advertised. Hardly anyone getting passed him on straight 1 v 1 drives.

IQ not gonna make anyone better on the floor. He’s def not comfy passing so much lol.
Quickley looks lost as the lead guard
Since he’s from the Baltimore area been following him since high school, he never played full time point and Cal had him as a catch and shoot guy at Kentucky …PG skills never been there for him unfortunately

It’s all good tho cuz he got the size and shooting to be a combo , summer league goal should be for him to average at least 6 assists with less than 3 turnovers
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