Official Oakland Raiders @ Pittsburgh Steelers Game Thread

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by Troponin C

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

you can tell the Raiders haven't done jack in awhile... dudes are coming out of the woodwork celebrating this one like they just won a playoff game or something. src=""> src="">
http://littlegoldenlamb.f...-button-thumb3049741.jpg src="">
We spoiled your playoff hopes.

don't know about all that. Could easily point to any of the 5 games we've lost in the 4th quarter or overtime. But sure, take credit for it, because as I said you guys have absolutely nothing else good to cling to in recent memory. Whatever helps you sleep at night pal.

You still sound salty though. I'm a Raider fan and I know we havent played well all season, but to beat the Steelers it feels real good. Similar to how Iwas feeling when we beat the Eagles. It gives us hope for next season.
no hate to the steelers but damn ... you lost to the Oakland Raiders in Hines with your playoff hopes on the line. beat by Gradkowski and Louis Murphy....
thats toughhhh
Originally Posted by djgtekfrmsanjo

no hate to the steelers but damn ... you lost to the Oakland Raiders in Hines with your playoff hopes on the line. beat by Gradkowski and Louis Murphy....
thats toughhhh
the 2006 raiders AKA "#1 draft pick year" raiders also beat the steelers.
steelers fans, stop responding to troponin C. dude is a troll, hes not even respected in the raider threads.
Originally Posted by Troponin C

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

steelers fans, stop responding to troponin C. dude is a troll, hes not even respected in the raider threads.
im the troll?
werent u a niners fan like 2 months ago
why even come in a thread where YOUR team lost and get mad at the other team's fans for celebrating?

Stay the $$$! out the thread if you don't like it.
Originally Posted by Troponin C

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

steelers fans, stop responding to troponin C. dude is a troll, hes not even respected in the raider threads.
im the troll?

you made it a habit of coming in EVERY raider thread and bashing the @#$% out of us, and then you had an overnight transformation?
--Steelers goin down to the Chiefs and the Raiders within a few weeks of each other:
That 06 loss wasn't quite as bad though since it was Ben's near death year and he had a concussion the week prior. You could tell that he had no ideawhat was going on, kept throwing INTs in the endzone. This was just given away, D simply couldn't make a stop, Bruce was rolling them up. Prettyembarassing but apparently it doesn't faze them since it has happened all year
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