***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I’m not saying snow in south Texas is common, but several inches of snow is not the worst thing in the world. Not ice or sleet that actually causes immediate damage.... 6inches of snow. 6 inches never felt so deep



Hope Rusty is ok :frown:
Because Black people are the most patriotic people in this country. Fighting to uphold the ideals that the country was founded upon even though it consistently has not lived up to it for them. (Stealing this from Nikole Hannah Jones).
They’re also one of the most religious groups even though it’s proven that Christianity was beaten into them during the times of slavery. Some things I’m just not meant to understand I guess
I don’t see how an athlete even represents the USA.

I'm pretty sure no one interprets running around really fast with tri-color shorts as a show of unmitigated support for every action that happens in the US. I mean when I see a Russian gymnasts leaping around, I don't think, "Damn, that dude loves poisoning." Do you?

But if your thing is running in circles really fast or jumping really high, there aren't a lot of venues where you can do it and be noticed.

And if adding a a few grains of sand between the jumping line and where your feet land requires millions of dollars in sophisticated equipment and access to experts in multiple fields... if that were your thing and you were born in the US and want to live in the US... well you really only have one option. You put on the gaudy clown suit. You do a few pressers. And you get better at the thing you love.

Is that really hard to see?
I'm pretty sure no one interprets running around really fast with tri-color shorts as a show of unmitigated support for every action that happens in the US. I mean when I see a Russian gymnasts leaping around, I don't think, "Damn, that dude loves poisoning." Do you?

But if your thing is running in circles really fast or jumping really high, there aren't a lot of venues where you can do it and be noticed.

And if adding a a few grains of sand between the jumping line and where your feet land requires millions of dollars in sophisticated equipment and access to experts in multiple fields... if that were your thing and you were born in the US and want to live in the US... well you really only have one option. You put on the gaudy clown suit. You do a few pressers. And you get better at the thing you love.

Is that really hard to see?
**** are you talking about?
TooOlfForThisIsh TooOlfForThisIsh

This passage here reminded me of another aspect of the student loan debate:

There are at least two significant impacts of excessive debt among your professionals: it reduces their risk appetite and it limits their ability to invest. If you have a $2,000 loan payment due every month, that's coming out of savings and it's tying you to whatever job you have right now. It forces you to be short-term greedy and that translates to missed opportunities. So you're forgoing career growth opportunities now and passive income oportunities later.

BIPOCS bear this cost disproportionately to their white peers that are also carrying debt because the latter can rely on intergenerational wealth. I feel foolish even saying that because I know you know that. So while debt relief disproportionately helps white people's wealth, it may disproportionately help BIPOC professionals risk appetite and ultimately income. This puts real affluence in range for the lower middle class who otherwise will tread water through their early career and then parenthood.

In addition to the fact that students with massive month payments have to forgo long term professional development opportunities and/or entrepreneurship, they have to also forgo socially meaningful work or at the very least they cannot avoid socially harmful work.

It speaks to how atomized and spiritually broken most of us are when most proponents and opponents of student debt relief assume that the result will simply result in high earners , relieved of debt, staying at the same high earning jobs and simply increasing their level of accumulation and/or consumption.

In the case of these federal student debt loads, the capitalist class isn’t making much money off of it. The biggest value they are getting is keeping a lot of bright and motivated young people, with an elite education, in the law firms and administrative roles that benefit the worst actors in our society. If those debt burdens went away, a lot of beneficiaries would do whatever they were doing before but some would shift to somewhat lower paid and lower hours jobs and use their new-found time to be activists or do pro bono legal work or start an environmentally conscious company.

The social control aspect of student loans gets overlooked a lot because we have all, to varying degrees, had the notions of market economic beaten into us that our default assumption is that everyone exists to maximize their own personal profits.
Rush Limbaugh won.

We are all Rush Limbaughs. Not in the sense that we are all right wing but in the sense that we all have just sort of internalized the idea that America cannot adequately respond materially to the myriad crises were facing. As a result, “politics” is mostly about assigning blame, explaining why your favorite politician cannot do anything to fully address a crisis (or even act at all), mocking everyday people whom you blame for the crises, and **** posting.

Adam Serwer and Chris Hayes really helped me to see that yes, US Senators, Governors, all of these supposedly powerful people are all just pundits and online warriors.

So rather than lower flags in Florida to half mast, let’s all light up a cigar, pop some OxyContin and blast out, into the ether, contempt for poor people, in States, that didn’t give your preferred candidate their electoral votes.
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