***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Maternal death rates in this country are terrible; particularly bad in the states that will swiftly adopt this foolishness. This decision will likely increase those numbers, not to mention poverty rates. Abortions are medical procedures and should be solely left up to the expecting parents.

I don't see how people can get behind a party that claims to be pro-life when that party casually accepts mass murder after mass murder in this country. School aged children get murdered by weapons of war regularly and the pro-life party and its supporters accept it as the price of doing business.
Doxing people over sneaker forum disagreements is wild behavior

If you got a disagreement with someone on NT and you want to make sure they get your point you should not dox them. That is ridiculous behavior

Instead, do something reasonable like offer to PayPal anyone living in their state some money if they can find the person and physically assault them

Ninja gave dudes the keys but they weren't listening :smh:
Maternal death rates in this country are terrible; particularly bad in the states that will swiftly adopt this foolishness. This decision will likely increase those numbers, not to mention poverty rates. Abortions are medical procedures and should be solely left up to the expecting parents.

I don't see how people can get behind a party that claims to be pro-life when that party casually accepts mass murder after mass murder in this country. School aged children get murdered by weapons of war regularly and the pro-life party and its supporters accept it as the price of doing business.

Murdering school aged children is very much illegal. Surely you don’t think that’s legal.

Actually, it does. You’re in the minority. Hard stop.
Again, read your own article. Just take the L. You're in the minority.

Although more respondents supported than opposed the 15-week ban, a majority of voters said abortions should be legal in all or most cases.
Again, read your own article. Just take the L. You're in the minority.

Although more respondents supported than opposed the 15-week ban, a majority of voters said abortions should be legal in all or most cases.

You are ignoring the word “most.” I also agree abortions should be legal in most cases.

Like the majority, I also agree with certain restrictions at 15 weeks.
Stop for a second and consider that you have been lecturing a black man, with black wife and child, from East Atlanta, about due process; the court of public opinion; and pregnancy risks.

There is no theoretical “one day” for things to hit close to home for me—I live it.

We can disagree without the personal attacks. We can disagree without a not-so-veiled threat to dox me.

Do better.
I don't care what color your skin is. You're spewing white supremacy arguments left and right. As for living it, if you actually put your beliefs about a glob of cells before someone you love's best interest, you're just an evil person and I hope they no longer include you in their lives.

Mark Joseph Stern: There were two narratives in this case. One is that Coach Kennedy was simply engaged in quiet, private prayer at the 50-yard line and students voluntarily joined him. The other is that Coach Kennedy created a spectacle by engaging in loud prayer circles, to which he invited not only the members of his own team but also opposing teammates and individuals who attend the school. And the Supreme Court adopted this first narrative, even though—as the pictures in Sotomayor’s dissent illustrate—it is flatly false. This was not quiet, silent prayer. This was coercive, loud prayer during the course of school duties by a school official who was hired in part to serve as a leader and role model for students. He conveyed the reality that if you did not join his Christian prayer circle, you were not a full and true teammate, and you might not even deserve to be playing on that team.

Gorsuch probably lurks here and reps all of Delk's posts.

Lithwick: And just to go through the facts for a minute, Justice Neil Gorsuch’s opinion for the court accepts the narrative that Kennedy was fired. Which he wasn’t—he was put on paid administrative leave. And Gorsuch accepts the narrative that this was “private” and “quiet,” even though there were TV cameras and elected officials and people storming the field and knocking over the tuba players to join.

It’s as if Gorsuch is writing some sort of medieval tract about a holy saint on a journey through the desert who’s just trying to pray, and this dumb school district keeps throwing obstacles in his way that it calls “accommodations.” It’s such a strange framing of the facts.

Won't be long before Americans just start ignoring the Kangaroo Supreme Court. Let's just be relieved they have no ability to directly use state violence to impose their rulings born out of "divine" inspiration.

We can disagree without the personal attacks. We can disagree without a not-so-veiled threat to dox me.
I don’t agree with your politics but where’s the admin in all this? Insults/name calling/threatening posts are still left standing, a thread he follows very closely too.
I don’t agree with your politics but where’s the admin in all this? Insults/name calling/threatening posts are still left standing, a thread he follows very closely too.

In Meth’s defense, he’s told me to report stuff I think needs to be addressed. And I didn’t report it.

For all of the back and forth between me and RustyShackleford RustyShackleford , I think the issue was more or less self-regulated in the thread with his and osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh ’s response.
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Stop for a second and consider that you have been lecturing a black man, with black wife and child, from East Atlanta, about due process; the court of public opinion; and pregnancy risks.

There is no theoretical “one day” for things to hit close to home for me—I live it.

We can disagree without the personal attacks. We can disagree without a not-so-veiled threat to dox me.

Do better.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Tough topic, but I feel that a woman should have the right to abort as it is her body.
Here’s your chance to agree with Dwalk31, everyone. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Methodical Management Methodical Management is a better man than me.

If I were the owner of a forum hosting this discussion, I’d incinerate the servers and redeploy the bandwidth charges to a vacation in the Maldives.
Granted, for all anyone knows, I could be in the Maldives right now, and I’ve been subjected to accusations to that effect ever since we first began running ads and donating the revenue to charities in 2006.

Thank you for at least acknowledging that I would have that right.

I’m also appreciative of the empathy shown towards those who are expected to insert themselves between disputants in situations such as this to absorb and deflect toxicity to minimize end users’ exposure. As you might imagine, people who perform this type of work are routinely subjected to lobbying, abuse, threats, and harassment.

The problem is, you can sell or shut down a website to opt out of some unpleasant discussions, but opting out of oppression is far more difficult. It's not a fun time to moderate a platform, but it's a very important time to own one, so that its policies need not align with those of big businesses, which may be providing travel and relocation perks but are not, by and large, owning up to their role in financing and enabling these zealots to evade taxes and regulatory burdens.

I happen to know some people in top corporate community management roles right now who are really going through it, partly because the conversations can be so difficult and toxic, but also because they are, in some cases, being forced to accept an extremely biased framing of “neutrality” that essentially amounts to “let’s not take sides on matters of fundamental human rights.”

We have the “luxury” of rejecting that premise.

Some community managers/platform holders attempt to sidestep all of this by prohibiting the discussion of politics in general. These tend to be White cishet men.
We reject this premise, too, and on similar grounds.

We’re a sports-oriented community, so let’s say that we’re all having a conversation about high school basketball. It is fundamentally unjust to act as though, when most of us talk about high school basketball, we’re not talking about anything political - but when a trans woman explains why she’s not allowed to play high school basketball, that is political.

Neutrality, in this context, is not the absence of bias. It is a bias in favor of an unjust status quo.

If they are to mean anything at all, “diversity” and “inclusion” cannot be value-neutral.

I don’t agree with your politics but where’s the admin in all this? Insults/name calling/threatening posts are still left standing, a thread he follows very closely too.
1. We have an active staff of over a dozen people and multiple administrators. Referring to me as “the admin” is an insult to our other administrators and moderators, as well as Nelson C, who originally founded and named NikeTalk.

2. I hate to break it to you, but I’m not on NikeTalk 24 hours per day, let alone in this thread 24 hours per day. If you go back through the last few pages, you’ll see that dblplay expressed as desire to avoid “another warning.”

I performed a moderation pass of this thread earlier this afternoon, but I then had appointments/meetings to attend.

This is why we advise members to use the report feature in these situations, as it generates a report accessible to the entire moderation team. We cannot read every post added to the forums in a given day, due to our community’s size, but we can and do read every single report that comes in.

If you encounter something that you suspect to be in violation of our forum rules, submitting a report to our team is vastly more helpful than doing absolutely nothing and then complaining after the fact.

NikeTalk was founded on the premise that it’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness. Everyone can play a role in making our community better.
1. We have an active staff of over a dozen people and multiple administrators. Referring to me as “the admin” is an insult to our other administrators and moderators, as well as Nelson C, who originally founded and named NikeTalk.
Stop it. The real insults (and threat) you should be looking at are directed towards Delk. I addressed you as the admin because if I @ you, you say I’m not your concierge” and follow it by sending me a link to the staff directory, lol.

2. I hate to break it to you, but I’m not on NikeTalk 24 hours per day, let alone in this thread 24 hours per day. If you go back through the last few pages, you’ll see that dblplay expressed as desire to avoid “another warning.”
I can understand that and I don’t expect you to. All I know is this thread is one you happen to participate in often, like how you mentioned doing a sweep on it earlier or that you reply to me without having @ you at all. Dblply’s expressed desire to avoid a warning doesn’t mean anything when his question of why Delk hasn’t been doxxed before stands in the same post. The fact that it’s still up....

If you encounter something that you suspect to be in violation of our forum rules, submitting a report to our team is vastly more helpful than doing absolutely nothing and then complaining after the fact.
You’re in here often enough to the point where I know I don’t have to @ you. Don’t worry though, Delk is not mad about it, he’s been name called so often I think he’s used to it. I don’t agree with his politics/Republican party but I just think the thread could use one of those reminders you post after there’s been some insults and posts deleted like you’ve done in others.
I got a question, can the democrats try to codify gay marriage and something for birth control which the Scotus wants to go after next?

like why wait for it, try to get the votes and put every single person on blast who votes against it. take advantage of this dog catching the car moment before the midterms.
I got a question, can the democrats try to codify gay marriage and something for birth control which the Scotus wants to go after next?

like why wait for it, try to get the votes and put every single person on blast who votes against it. take advantage of this dog catching the car moment before the midterms.
Yes they can.
But it is my understanding that the scotus can still overturn it as being unconstitutional. Then it will take 2/3rds congress or states to overrule the scotus. We know that's not happening.
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