***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Because it's true. I said it the day his name popped up. Leave your emotions out of it and think of objectively. Dems are trying to win. Not continue to get shellacked.

I actually want them going as left as possible so there is no confusion that their policies are a disaster when u go full bore leftist.

same way da right went caught L's for going toooo right.
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In the early fall, the Kuwaiti Embassy signed a contract with the Four Seasons. But after the election, members of the Trump Organization contacted the Ambassador of Kuwait, Salem Al-Sabah, and encouraged him to move his event to Trump’s D.C. hotel, the source said.

Kuwait has now signed a contract with the Trump International Hotel, the source said, adding that a representative with the embassy described the decision as political. Invitations to the event are typically sent out in January.

Abdulaziz Alqadfan, First Secretary of the Embassy of Kuwait, told ThinkProgress last week that he couldn’t “confirm or deny” that the National Day event would be held at the Trump Hotel. Reached again Monday afternoon, Alqadfan did not offer any comment. An email sent directly to Ambassador Al-Sabah was not immediately returned.
Mallory Harney, a sales and marketing official with the Trump hotel, declined to comment.

The apparent move by the Kuwaiti Embassy appears to be an effort to gain favor with president-elect through his business entanglements, and it appears to show Trump’s company leveraging his position as president-elect to extract payments from a foreign government. The latter, according to top legal experts, would be unconstitutional and could ultimately constitute an impeachable offense.

I actually want them going as left as possible so there is no confusion that their policies are a disaster when u go full bore leftist.

same way da right went caught L's for going toooo right.

It would be interesting political theater. But Obama (arguably the best politician they have) has said he's going to be working in the background molding the next gen of Dem leaders. And he's also subtly endorsed Tom Perez over Ellison. Obama gets it. He just won't outwardly say it. Too much realness for his supporters. But I'd bet the day he leaves office we'll see Obama unhinged.
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Because it's true. I said it the day his name popped up. Leave your emotions out of it and think of objectively. Dems are trying to win. Not continue to get shellacked.

I actually want them going as left as possible so there is no confusion that their policies are a disaster when u go full bore leftist.

So much dishonesty in this post.

:lol: @ this new found interest where overseas money goes in terms of political coffers.

It's not newfound. It is what will happen for the next four years, and it is something people have been warned about.
I mean, when you're targeting a particular group w/ the economic message, which both parties have to do, so I would say it is identity politics.

Exactly it's a targeted message. Which Isn't a negative thing in my opinion. If poor working class white people need attention, give it to them.
@ this new found interest where overseas money goes in terms of political coffers.
You don't think Trump could be using Trump Towers to funnel money that he could accept from other countries without a separate paper trial?
I mean, when you're targeting a particular group w/ the economic message, which both parties have to do, so I would say it is identity politics.

Exactly it's a targeted message. Which Isn't a negative thing in my opinion. If poor working class white people need attention, give it to them.

Exactly, because they still live in a world where their plight is only their plight. According to the GOP, they're the only poor people in this country that are being ignored. Goes back to them not realizing that their fight is the same fight that poor minorities/persons of color are fighting.
Because it's true. I said it the day his name popped up. Leave your emotions out of it and think of objectively. Dems are trying to win. Not continue to get shellacked.

I actually want them going as left as possible so there is no confusion that their policies are a disaster when u go full bore leftist.

So much dishonesty in this post.

i hope they go as left as you can dream... so then there's no excuses :lol:
:lol: @ this new found interest where overseas money goes in terms of political coffers.

You don't think Trump could be using Trump Towers to funnel money that he could accept from other countries without a separate paper trial?

Mr Independent is only against corruption when it keeps his party from winning.

Ninja, what's dishonest about your post is that the democrats and their policies have been cleaning up the mess of the republicans for the last 8 years. That's far from a disaster.

A white supremacist website called The Daily Stormer has posted a call to "TAKE ACTION" against Jewish people in Whitefish, providing personal contact information and urging a "troll storm" against them.

The story claims the "vicious, evil race" has harmed the Whitefish business of Richard Spencer's mother. It quotes a story from the British newspaper Daily Mail that said Sherry Spencer "said she is being forced to sell a building she owns in the small town because residents are rebelling against her son."

The site posted phone numbers, email addresses, and Twitter handles for the Whitefish residents it alleges are harassing Sherry Spencer, along with a disclaimer that it opposes violence.

Richard Spencer is president and director of the National Policy Institute, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has identified as a hate group. The institute is "dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of people of European descent in the United States, and around the world."

Spencer said Friday he's thinking about running for the U.S. House seat that would be vacated if U.S. Rep. Ryan Zinke of Montana is confirmed as President-elect Donald Trump's choice to head the Department of Interior. (See related story.)
da housing crisis has seeds in socially engineering putting people in homes that couldn't afford em in da Clinton administration....

and once again, to reiterate rico & me been said wass good to da Clinton Foundation..ya response? tumbleweeds.

Da Public voted Trump in knowing he's a Billionaire businessman, so his operations are under a different context, and its unprecedented now.

then there's da Pres is immune from conflict of interest laws on da books.
So because he's a businessman, it's ok for him to do these things because he's not a politician but by making him run for office and even winning makes him a politician. Yall dudes are somethin else man.

And the housing crises may have started in the Clinton years but flourished even more in the Dubya years so...and after Frank-Dodd somehow gets repealed, it's gon continue, especially since you can apply for a home loan on your phone now, even easier access.
So because he's a businessman, it's ok for him to do these things because he's not a politician but by making him run for office and even winning makes him a politician. Yall dudes are somethin else man.

And the housing crises may have started in the Clinton years but flourished even more in the Dubya years so...and after Frank-Dodd somehow gets repealed, it's gon continue, especially since you can apply for a home loan on your phone now, even easier access.

It would have never been as bad as it was if a certain President didn't repeal Glass-Steagall.
da housing crisis has seeds in socially engineering putting people in homes that couldn't afford em in da Clinton administration....

and once again, to reiterate rico & me been said wass good to da Clinton Foundation..ya response? tumbleweeds.

Da Public voted Trump in knowing he's a Billionaire businessman, so his operations are under a different context, and its unprecedented now.

then there's da Pres is immune from conflict of interest laws on da books.

100k people in the right place put him in office, most people that voted didn't want him to be president.

Stop acting like he has a mandate from the people.

And you're really trying to put the housing crisis just on Clinton :lol:. What garbage
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So because he's a businessman, it's ok for him to do these things because he's not a politician but by making him run for office and even winning makes him a politician. Yall dudes are somethin else man.

And the housing crises may have started in the Clinton years but flourished even more in the Dubya years so...and after Frank-Dodd somehow gets repealed, it's gon continue, especially since you can apply for a home loan on your phone now, even easier access.

It would have never been as bad as it was if a certain President didn't repeal Glass-Steagall.

Study your Econ Rico, because just blaming Glass Steagall is nonsense.

And the party you support love financial industry deregulation, and wants more of it. Hypocrite
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So because he's a businessman, it's ok for him to do these things because he's not a politician but by making him run for office and even winning makes him a politician. Yall dudes are somethin else man.

And the housing crises may have started in the Clinton years but flourished even more in the Dubya years so...and after Frank-Dodd somehow gets repealed, it's gon continue, especially since you can apply for a home loan on your phone now, even easier access.

It would have never been as bad as it was if a certain President didn't repeal Glass-Steagall.

It would've still happened, Wall Street always finds a way. It's not like ARM loans were created after the repeal of Glass-Steagall nor the creation of the tranches that they were buried in. They were playing that dirty game well before the repeal in '99
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