***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Exactly. Make Trump the distraction that everyone focuses on while quietly pushing through legislation that disadvantages the people. And when it comes time to blame and point the fonger, blame the president for tweeting too much. It takes the heat off them.
That statement by the white house press secretary was so cringe worthy to watch. Typical of trump and his cronies to even feel compelled to address this.
Is Trump back on twitter yet? I'm dying right now. :rofl:  


THIS WAS SO BAD :x  Watch the whole thing dude, I thought dude was gonna cry toward the end. :rofl:  

You ever had to give a presentation you weren't prepared for, thats what my man looked like. :lol:


On your first day in office ..this is what you do :rofl:

Anybody who supported this man is a ******* idiot. **** is truly embarrassing to watch
That statement by the white house press secretary was so cringe worthy to watch. Typical of trump and his cronies to even feel compelled to address this.

@AlecMcGillis: Uh-oh. "Mr. Spicer's appearance, according to the sources, went too far, in Mr. Trump’s opinion." https://t.co/R81KY8ztsG

I wonder what's the over/under on the number of press secretary's Trump's gonna have :lol:. Should be 10

On more of Betsy DeVos''s questionabe history...

@theintercept: DeVos denied she was on the board of her mother's anti-gay foundation. The foundation's tax forms say otherwise. https://t.co/EaJ8C6C9Y4
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Dude had on the Choppa suit too :lol:

**** is like reality TV with the highest stakes possible. Really mind blowing that this is politics right now.

White America got their wish
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Kellyanne Conway just coined a term on Chuck Todd earlier for the BS coming out of the administration daily,"alternative facts" :rofl: :rofl:

The post-truth/fact era is alive and well :x,let the anti-intellectualism run rampant
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Makes sense that the alt-right would have alt-facts.

Fact #1: The wage gap is a myth
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WASHINGTON — In his first executive order, President Trump on Friday directed government agencies to scale back as many aspects of the Affordable Care Act as possible, moving within hours of being sworn in to fulfill his pledge to eviscerate Barack Obama’s signature health care law.

The one-page order, which Mr. Trump signed in a hastily arranged Oval Office ceremony shortly before departing for the inaugural balls, gave no specifics about which aspects of the law it was targeting. But its broad language gave federal agencies wide latitude to change, delay or waive provisions of the law that they deemed overly costly for insurers, drug makers, doctors, patients or states, suggesting that it could have wide-ranging impact, and essentially allowing the dismantling of the law to begin even before Congress moves to repeal it.

In other words, this is all for show. If nothing is done to the ACA for a while, he can direct the blame to Congress and tell the people how "government isn't working."
We shouldn't underestimate trump or his team. Their feigned stupidity is all an act. They have been plotting for decades, studying propaganda and political tactics of past politicians.

Why do they do something ridiculous daily? Because the reaction is predictable. Because now they're two steps ahead. They claim 1.5 million showed up Friday and now CNN spends all of Saturday debunking this claim. Today it'll be something else.

Or maybe I'm giving them too much credit. Maybe trump is really as much of a psychopath as we think he is and everyone around him is just grovelling for power.
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Kellyanne Conway just coined a term on Chuck Todd earlier for the BS coming out of the administration daily,"alternative facts"

The post-truth/fact era is alive and well
,let the anti-intellectualism run rampant

"Alternative facts" 

It's truly baffling how anyone can take that seriously. Has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.
Honestly think you're giving him too much credit. I think his ego is really that fragile and everyone who works for him are flunkies.

This :lol:

I think he has a point with some of the others in his circle though like Steve Bannon,I could definitely see dude taking cues from the Goebbels of the world on how to run effective propoganda
People keep saying, "He's nothing like Hitler." However, doesn't the Muslim Registry he's proposed, seem eerily similar to the Stars of David the Jews had to wear in Nazi Germany?
Liberals are being just as hysterical as conservatives were when Obama was elected. When Obama was elected conservatives yelled "illegitimate!! Barack Hussein Obama is a muslim! Where's his birth certificate!!!???". Trump is elected and all of a sudden there's a "Russia Conspiracy" and Trump is "illegitimate".

Three straight voting cycles "illegitimate", but yet you people still go out and vote. :lol:
Liberals are being just as hysterical as conservatives were when Obama was elected. When Obama was elected conservatives yelled "illegitimate!! Barack Hussein Obama is a muslim! Where's his birth certificate!!!???". Trump is elected and all of a sudden there's a "Russia Conspiracy" and Trump is "illegitimate".

Three straight voting cycles "illegitimate", but yet you people still go out and vote. :lol:

:stoneface: :rofl:
Liberals are being just as hysterical as conservatives were when Obama was elected. When Obama was elected conservatives yelled "illegitimate!! Barack Hussein Obama is a muslim! Where's his birth certificate!!!???". Trump is elected and all of a sudden there's a "Russia Conspiracy" and Trump is "illegitimate".

Three straight voting cycles "illegitimate", but yet you people still go out and vote. :lol:

False equivalency
Liberals are being just as hysterical as conservatives were when Obama was elected. When Obama was elected conservatives yelled "illegitimate!! Barack Hussein Obama is a muslim! Where's his birth certificate!!!???". Trump is elected and all of a sudden there's a "Russia Conspiracy" and Trump is "illegitimate".

Three straight voting cycles "illegitimate", but yet you people still go out and vote.
Oh look another independent
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