***Official Political Discussion Thread***

he is truly the worst. what makes it even more despicable is that this piece-of-**** c*** Stephen Miller was probably behind it, just like how he was behind the travel ban and the letter to fire Comey (which, happily enough, may get him in trouble for obstruction of justice).

btw this pic of Comey towering over everyone is priceless:

Libbies will never understand how much Don agonized over this decision. Insiders told me that Don was so troubled by the decision that he spoke with Barson, DeVos Bae, Jeffrey Sessions, the ALT RIGHT, The COAL GANG DELEGATION (whywesteppin, Noskey and Belgium were there) and Tomi.
We were there and made our voices heard. I gave a spellbinding speech that really turned the tide and convinced dapper don that this was the right move for the FUTURE OF THIS COUNTRY and for COAL COUNTRY itself.

"Dear fellow whites and token minorities, let's be honest with ourselves for a minute. Look around the room and tell me what you see. Do you see the best people? People blessed with good genes and upbringing, educated in the best schools, carrying themselves with grace and honor that reflects on an impeccable upbringing in a loving household? Or do you see poor c**** like Stephen Miller, fully bald by age 30, with nothing to contribute to society but a prepubescent worldview that looks at janitors as barely human? Do you see sad overweight classless billionaires, with a self-image problem that even Michael Jackson would make fun of you for, who claim to be upper class but couldn't tell you the first thing about how to cook a steak, tie a tie, decorate a room, or make love to a lady?

That's right. You see Stephen Miller and Donald Trump. Let's give them a big hand.


So we must turn the spotlight of blame around. If we of the coal gang are going to get the future we want, if c***s like Steve and don are going to stay in positions that make them feel powerful, if we are going to pave the way for BENJAMIN BARSON 2020, then we must pass archaic and inhumane orders that target innocent children so that we can give our equally inbred, equally genetically defect, and equally classless and clueless base a reason to cheer for us. We must end DACA! Who's with me!

[this is the point where all the c*&*% in the audience rose to their feet in violent applause]

Do this for dapper don!

Do this for the alt-white!

Do this for poor self-hating blacks who think we actually care!

Do this for the coal gang!

If for nothing else, do this for mother Russia!!!!"
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This is the guy the TV networks want to give humanitarian points to.

800,000 people who were brought here by their parents at an age no older than 7-8, lived all their lives here under the assumption they were legal until it was time to get official documents. They go to school/work and have no criminal records here and they will be kicked out just like that.


Those people DID come legally, you orange turd.
At this point you can only hope dude does so much idiotic stuff that he pisses off enough folks to get him out of the paint. There will be human sacrifices which is unfortunate but America truly deserves this president. We'll see what it does come 2020 to mitigate its damages

This is the guy the TV networks want to give humanitarian points to.

800,000 people who were brought here by their parents at an age no older than 7-8, lived all their lives here under the assumption they were legal until it was time to get official documents. They go to school/work and have no criminal records here and they will be kicked out just like that.



Man is a disgrace to the office and the country :smh:

The thing about this whole situation is that I am sure most people who hate the kids staying here illegally would also agree that they themselves should not be held responsible for actions taken by their own parents.
Sen. Lankford on DACA: 'We as Americans do not hold children' accountable parents' actions
Lankford (R- Oklahoma) seems to be one of the more conservative republicans in congress. Probably just lip service but perhaps it carries some weight amongst his fellow republicans.

Obama expected to speak out against Trump's decision to end DACA: report
Obama expected to publicly speak out too.
article is a couple days old so maybe this was already posted:

Mr. Kelly cannot stop Mr. Trump from binge-watching Fox News, which aides describe as the president’s primary source of information gathering. But Mr. Trump does not have a web browser on his phone, and does not use a laptop, so he was dependent on aides like Stephen K. Bannon, his former chief strategist, to hand-deliver printouts of articles from conservative media outlets.

Now Mr. Kelly has thinned out his package of printouts so much that Mr. Trump plaintively asked a friend recently where The Daily Caller and Breitbart were.

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