***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm so shocked

I swear there's a factory they build these centrist VA Dem. Politicians in. Nothing new from any of em.

Fun fact: Every Virginia Democratic candidate is a robot that is programed with a midwestern accent (it polls well). When they talk about "high tech jaabs" and how we need more "training for high tech jaabs," they want an army of highly skilled, barely above minimum wage workers to do the "jaab" of making even more pseudo humans. The VA Dems are lonely, and we have hundreds of unfilled "jaabs" making wives, children, neighbors and colleagues for the retired VA Governors.

In time it can be like west world but for highly paid middle brow lobbyists. When humans pay 20,000 grand day to rub shoulders with the lawyers, lobbyists and consultants in a mock of a D.C. suburb they can "tawk" about craft cocktails and express their aspiration to see "Hamilton" on Broadway some day.

I can see it now, hundreds of robots, thousands of at will employees all serving a dozen or so rich political junkies. So many "jaabs" so many conversations about "Hamilton" over $25 but nevetheless shaken Manhattans and Old Fashioneds.

If you like shallow conversations about solution based tax credits and Tom Friedman articles (the robot cab drivers are all programed to talked approvingly about the Amazon-Whole Foods merger), come to Virginia's very own "East World." Where the villains are the partisans on both sides.
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Rand getting knocked out by his neighbor


I need someone to photoshop Rand’s face on Bisping lol
Normally I would not laugh at someone getting assaulted. But this situation is special

Rand Paul got patched up for little to nothing thanks to his Government supplied health insurance. Something he is foaming at the mouth to strip away from other people. No matter if they are poor, sick, or on the brink of financial ruin.

So while I am happy he did not get critically injured. I will happily point and laugh at a man that thinks the poor people's problems could all be solved if they just made "better choices".

Well Rand next time, chose to do what you neighbor tells you to do.
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Clearly Rand Paul's foliage violated the NAP and his neighbor, being a sensible and rational actor, took appropriate steps to protect his property rights. While Rand Paul's private army failed him, Rand Paul will solve this market failure by paying a broker who specializes in finding better private security firm matches. Furthermore, Rand Paul will seek redress in private court into whose jurisdiction Senator Paul and his Neighbor will gladly submit, at which time the neutral arbiter will determine who owes whom how many bitcoins.

My God, I used to believe this crap. being a lapsed libertarian is like being lapsed Mormon. Can Matt Stone and Trey Parker do a play about libertarian missionaries/entrepreneurs/seasteaders in some god forsaken corner of Africa? Maybe call the play "the book of Hayek" or "the Rothbardian chronicles" I need to work through issues that still linger from my years in that freaking anarcho capitalist cult.
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