***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Got it going down like this in November.


Hillary gotta hit lebron up to campaign for her in Ohio b

I can guarantee NH will not go blue this year
That map shows how illiterate and ignorant most of this country is (I know it's a projection but it's still pretty accurate). If only we didn't depend on those states for agriculture...
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pretty disgusting how the media has completely ignored the involvement of the Trump family in the kkk. Donald's inability to strongly disavow the party is to be interpreted as an endorsement. his refusal even to try is proof that his heart lies where his father's did on issues of race and immigration. shame. shame. shame. shame.


can't wait till we tar and feather that disgusting old man in November.


What about Hillary Clinton and former Kkk member David duke ?

She praises him!! She called him inspirational. Why don't you talk about Hillary and the Kkk? Why just trump? What about Hillary calling blacks super predators?

Oh that's right it Dosnt fit your narrative..

Come on man atleast be fair and balanced before attacking a canadite.. I don't support either of them. But if your gonna bring up trump and the Kkk. And how he didn't disavow David duke. Why not show Hillary who loves David duke , praises him and called him her mentor..
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Brah you don't have to tell me.

And anti-vaxxer doctor, who's platform is basically takes the progressive platform, and pumps it full of stupidity.

No she's not

OK, let me dial that back. Her party's was until early-mid this year, when they concended that conventional medicine can be used along side alternative medicine

But she and her party still use the same be anti-vaxxer talking points, of "we don't know what chemicals are in there" and that that people have a right to be skeptical.And as a doctor, that is ridiculous.
Trump disavowed Duke in 2000 after he joined the Reform Party and Trump bolted.

Then 16 years later, he went on national TV and played dumb and said he didn't know who Duke was.

Only after it became a news story, he disavowed him again.
Word. The previous page made it seem like you guys are saying he didn't and he supports them or it should be seen as that because he didn't.

I was just pointing out he did, and I didn't even know about the 2000 one.

My fault for the Byrd / duke thing. But I don't think trump supports the Kkk is all I'm trying to say. Some people were making it out like that.
Only 4 ec points tho still victory for Clinton imo. Matter fact I changed my map and gave her NC, NM, FL and gave trump PA, NV, NH and she still won by a larger margin based on voting history. Did it here by the way

True, you think she'll pull Florida? Obama only won by 1-3% the last 2 elections and I don't see Hillary as a stronger candidate than Obama. But then again she is facing trump so who knows.

In the primaries there were more republican voters than democrats in Florida. Around 600k more actually. But it's defenitly gonna be close.
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Mr. Trump is surging as well in swing states, where he is now slightly ahead, within the margin of error, or at least within striking distance. The Real Clear Politics polling average for Florida puts the GOP nominee up by 0.3 percentage points. In Ohio he is down by 0.8 points. And in Pennsylvania he trails by 4.4 points.

This is pretty astounding, considering that Clinton & Co. has spent $57 million on ads thus far—$25 million from the campaign and $32 million from super PACs. Team Trump has put up only $3.6 million in ads, all from outside groups.

Mrs. Clinton’s campaign is weighed down by other factors. Her negatives have reached their highest point yet. Recent Gallup polling shows that 38% of Americans view her favorably and 57% unfavorably. That’s her worst score since 1996, before she entered politics in her own right, and a far cry from the 69% approval she enjoyed in The Wall Street Journal/NBC poll when she left public office in 2013.

Americans still don’t trust her. This week’s CNN/ORC poll found that only 30% of voters say she is honest and trustworthy and 68% say she isn’t, her worst rating in that survey. To put these dreadful numbers in perspective, consider that even Mr. Trump is beating her. Forty-three percent of voters find him honest and trustworthy, a five-point increase since the GOP convention. This despite that PolitiFact rates his statements “false” or “pants on fire” more than 50% of the time.

It’s also unclear whether Bernie Sanders ’s supporters will come out in force for Mrs. Clinton. A Bloomberg poll last month found that barely half of Sanders backers said that they would support the Democratic nominee. Eighteen percent said they would go for Mr. Johnson, the Libertarian, and 22% for Mr. Trump.

Most fundamentally, Mrs. Clinton must contend with the fact that about 70% of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction—traditionally a fatal indicator for a party trying to hold the White House. Bill Clinton benefited from this dynamic in 1992, when 76% of Americans felt this way, and that is what made him president. A poll this month from YouGov shows that, despite years of steady (if anemic) economic growth, 55% of Americans think the country is still in recession. Mr. Obama’s touting of his record in an otherwise terrific speech will fall on deaf ears

more on


when 70+% of folks feel America is on da wrong track & Hillary's Negative aren't moving a lick even post convention...well, Da Donald lookin like he bout to pull up in a Gaudy bullet proof Rolls Royce on Pennsylvania Ave.
True, you think she'll pull Florida? Obama only won by 1-3% the last 2 elections and I don't see Hillary as a stronger candidate than Obama. But then again she is facing trump so who knows.

In the primaries there were more republican voters than democrats in Florida. Around 600k more actually. But it's defenitly gonna be close.

From the battle ground states, She's gonna get either Florida or Pennsylvania not both in my opinion.
Why some of you figuring Pennyslvania will go red?

Just read that Pennsylvania hasn't voted republican in 30 years.

Voters In the rust belt are gravitating towards Trump's empty promises that he'll bring some of those manufacturing jobs back. At least that's my take and my understanding.

My family has a vacation home in the poconos and the amount of Trump support I see from the people that live there full time is just astonishing every time I'm there. Just looking at the flags being waved and signs.

I understand how those areas feel disenfranchised but at the same time I don't feel bad for people who don't adjust to the changing times. If it wasn't going to be free trade agreements it would have been automation now anyway that would leave these people in the situation they are in regardless.
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Why some of you figuring Pennyslvania will go red?

Just read that Pennsylvania hasn't voted republican in 30 years.

da Rust belt effin w/ Trump heavy. those hardhat blue collar rough neck construction types been his biggest supporters...a constituency that used to be Democrats bread & butter.
McGinty is polling well ahead of Toomey, that will help Hillary a great deal in PA. Assuming trends hold

Just like Feingold will help her in WI

This is what I got so far... The final 7 states could fall any way.

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I don't feel bad for people who don't adjust to the changing times

not everyone wants to live on da coastal cities... and, honestly i can empathize folks growing up in some random small town in da middle of da USA, and free trade hollows out da industry...u don't wanna leave ur home, but there's no work.

I'm convinced as soon as these Jobs come back, people will once again stop flooding NYC, go back to da burbs, and da cities will get alot cheaper again.
Word. The previous page made it seem like you guys are saying he didn't and he supports them or it should be seen as that because he didn't.

I was just pointing out he did, and I didn't even know about the 2000 one.

My fault for the Byrd / duke thing. But I don't think trump supports the Kkk is all I'm trying to say. Some people were making it out like that.

Ive said numerous times hillary and trump are 2 sides of the same coin. And trumps going to win.

Not voting btw.
The election should be decided pretty early in the night if Drumpf doesn't take both Ohio and FL it's a wrap.
Those jobs are not coming back.. They're gone. They're gone forever.

Any mass influx of jobs will come from new industries/sectors.

Those jobs that left, are gone.
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