***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trump don't need that Koch bread. You cats still comparing Trump's campaign to a conventional one. His **** ain ordinary. The rules are being rewritten daily.

And Trump supporters love that he's not backing down from the Khan's. He not *****. And he's holding court in streets. Whereas any regular pol would make some public apology and have some kind of staged photo op.

We had enough apologizing over the last 8 years.

Backing down from the khans? Are you joking?

We've done enough apologizing over the last 8 years?

Bashing a husband by implying he is controlling and threatening to his wife for no reason at all is considered holding court in the streets to you people?
Interesting the koch brothers aren't backing trump. Their reps also confirmed over the weekend that they won't be running anti HIlary ads either. Especially since pence was at one time a lap dog for the kochs.

Not sure it's a big story but jeb's adviser said she's voting for Hilary.

:wow: :lol: @ mccain's strongly worded statement about trump & his remarks about the Khan family...

:lol: @ trump saying his fellow commie b*****d would never go into the Ukraine... trump is such a meat head.

:lol: @ the nfl saying they never wrote a letter to trump about the conflict with the nfl & debates. This cad is steady just making up stuff...
Respect to McCain. One of the few Republicans with some semblance of a backbone.

I was never a fan, but I'm very disappointed in Paul Ryan. A lot of these dudes really showed how spineless they are.

I spent a good 10 minutes watching the video of him snatching the mic away in '08 just to purge myself of the lack of humanity displayed throughout this whole campaign.
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Trump don't need that Koch bread. You cats still comparing Trump's campaign to a conventional one. His **** ain ordinary. The rules are being rewritten daily.

And Trump supporters love that he's not backing down from the Khan's. He not *****. And he's holding court in streets. Whereas any regular pol would make some public apology and have some kind of staged photo op.

We had enough apologizing over the last 8 years.

If Trump doesn't need Koch money, then why did he request meetings with them. And why have people involved in his campaign been begging the brothers to support Trump?
McCain's always been one of the few principled Republicans over the years. Word to that time he checked that supporter at a rally for spewing the Obama being a muslim bs
Backing down from the khans? Are you joking?

We've done enough apologizing over the last 8 years?

Bashing a husband by implying he is controlling and threatening to his wife for no reason at all is considered holding court in the streets to you people?

That's the type of thing his base admires

I'd bet that a lot of them have the same fake tough guy mentality
:rofl: @ the notion that trump is some sort of trailblazer "rewriting" how it's done. OMG that's one of the funniest ish I've ever seen on NT...

Mike pence

What's he purpose of this pic? Typical politician move just like kissing a baby
Crimea was part of da Russian USSR and immediate control over that territory was transferred over to da Ukraine USSR because da navy fleet is stationed over there.

a BETTER analogy would be, me being married to a broad and i lend her brother my car, and once we're divorced i take my car back.

Crimea NEVER considered itself part of Ukraine culturally and in fact was rulled autonomously from da Ukraine...once Russian interests were altered by da coup in da Ukrainian Government, da Crimean people voted to not be apart of that and to return to Russia.
I'm well aware it used to belong to Russia, but at the time of the annexation it was owned by Ukraine.

I support Crime seceding from Ukraine into the Russian Federation as its citizens have overwhelmingly voted for it but that does not warrant Russia to waltz in with their military and just take it. The annexation of the Crimea region was not a peaceful takeover like you make it seem. In the midst of the Ukrainian crisis, Putin saw his chance and used military intervention to invade Crimea and capture strategic points in the region such as the supreme court and then declared Crimea's independance.
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Interesting the koch brothers aren't backing trump. Their reps also confirmed over the weekend that they won't be running anti HIlary ads either. Especially since pence was at one time a lap dog for the kochs.

Not sure it's a big story but jeb's adviser said she's voting for Hilary.

:wow: :lol: @ mccain's strongly worded statement about trump & his remarks about the Khan family...

:lol: @ trump saying his fellow commie b*****d would never go into the Ukraine... trump is such a meat head.

:lol: @ the nfl saying they never wrote a letter to trump about the conflict with the nfl & debates. This cad is steady just making up stuff...
Respect to McCain. One of the few Republicans with some semblance of a backbone.

I was never a fan, but I'm very disappointed in Paul Ryan. A lot of these dudes really showed how spineless they are.

I spent a good 10 minutes watching the video of him snatching the mic away in '08 just to purge myself of the lack of humanity displayed throughout this whole campaign.
I'm fairly convinced that's the exact moment when Trump thought to himself, "what if McCain didn't correct her?" and decided to run as a bigot. It worked out for him because he is a bigot.
People are actually supporting Trump's childish behavior and attack of the family of a war hero?

Some of you really should take a long look in the mirror if you seriously support such behavior from ANYONE let alone the Republican presidential candidate.
LMAOOOOOOO @ a Presidential candidate's wife having nudes circulated in the media. What's next a sex tape?

Trump don't need that Koch bread. You cats still comparing Trump's campaign to a conventional one. His **** ain ordinary. The rules are being rewritten daily.

And Trump supporters love that he's not backing down from the Khan's. He not *****. And he's holding court in streets. Whereas any regular pol would make some public apology and have some kind of staged photo op.

We had enough apologizing over the last 8 years.
Well yes, regular people probably would have some degree of human decency and empathy and not disrespect the parents of a slain US soldier in the first place. Even if you ignore his political affiliation or presidential candidacy, I don't see how anyone with a shred of decency can approve of this behavior. This level of disrespect shouldn't come from anyone, much less a presidential candidate. But I guess that's to be expected of someone who insulted a war hero for being captured by the enemy.

There is nothing wrong with admitting when you're wrong or out of line and apologizing.
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Daily news, post and ny times have been hammering trump since forever. Baffles me how he got the nomination his own town doesn't even like him like that.
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In her somewhat defense, we been known she had nudes, and it has been known she is mainly a trophy wife.

Trophy wife or not.. .once she went on stage to campaign for him NOTHING about her is off limits. I hope they bring her father's Slovenian communist past against Trump also.
LMAOOOOOOO @ a Presidential candidate's wife having nudes circulated in the media. What's next a sex tape?
Well she is a model. I don't see anything wrong with this. It's not like she'll be doing nude photoshoots while being the First Lady.
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