***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Anybody got any advice for me. Feels like since Coronavirus lockdowns started and ended, I’ve lost my mom to Fox News and QAnon. She’s voted Democrat since the 90’s through 2016. She broke her wrist at work over a year ago and since then hasn’t been able to work, my sis and I started noticing changes with her. Stuck at home on FB and YouTube. She started sharing Fox News and QAnon **** with us. We tried saving her but she’s a damn Trump supporter now and everything we share with her she calls fake news. **** is mind boggling. We can’t even have family dinners together anymore without arguments erupting. It’s crazy.
Anybody got any advice for me. Feels like since Coronavirus lockdowns started and ended, I’ve lost my mom to Fox News and QAnon. She’s voted Democrat since the 90’s through 2016. She broke her wrist at work over a year ago and since then hasn’t been able to work, my sis and I started noticing changes with her. Stuck at home on FB and YouTube. She started sharing Fox News and QAnon **** with us. We tried saving her but she’s a damn Trump supporter now and everything we share with her she calls fake news. **** is mind boggling. We can’t even have family dinners together anymore without arguments erupting. It’s crazy.
What’s her ethnicity
Lol they know with deferral
We still gonna be on the hook for it
That payroll tax after deferral ends
Folks are idiots
What’s her ethnicity

We’re Vietnamese. She fled Vietnam during the war so we understand her hatred for communism and China. She really believes Trump is the only one that is tough on China despite all the proof we’ve provided her about how weak and compromised Trump really is. She tells us it’s fake news. The way Fox News has framed the BLM protests got her feeling some type of way about social unrest and socialism. We try to educate her but she’s so far gone. It’s crazy, all this change in her ever since she got stuck at home after she broke her wrist. Like they turned her into a zombie.
We’re Vietnamese. She fled Vietnam during the war so we understand her hatred for communism and China. She really believes Trump is the only one that is tough on China despite all the proof we’ve provided her about how weak and compromised Trump really is. She tells us it’s fake news. The way Fox News has framed the BLM protests got her feeling some type of way about social unrest and socialism. We try to educate her but she’s so far gone. It’s crazy, all this change in her ever since she got stuck at home after she broke her wrist. Like they turned her into a zombie.
Look man
I’m a be as respectful as possible
If this was someone else
And not ur mom
U woulda cut them off
I’m not saying cut off ur mom
But u can’t save folks who don’t wanna be saved
We’re Vietnamese. She fled Vietnam during the war so we understand her hatred for communism and China. She really believes Trump is the only one that is tough on China despite all the proof we’ve provided her about how weak and compromised Trump really is. She tells us it’s fake news. The way Fox News has framed the BLM protests got her feeling some type of way about social unrest and socialism. We try to educate her but she’s so far gone. It’s crazy, all this change in her ever since she got stuck at home after she broke her wrist. Like they turned her into a zombie.
Yall gotta have a serious intervention with her. Don't make her feel as if she's being attacked though or she'll never try to move from the positions she's stuck in now. Let her know that you're doing it because you love her, point out the fallacies in thought and make sure to stress the unavoidable consequences of her continuing on this current path. See if you can find videos of people who escaped from the radicalization of the modern conservative movement. Good luck.
Yall gotta have a serious intervention with her. Don't make her feel as if she's being attacked though or she'll never try to move from the positions she's stuck in now. Let her know that you're doing it because you love her, point out the fallacies in thought and make sure to stress the unavoidable consequences of her continuing on this current path. See if you can find videos of people who escaped from the radicalization of the modern conservative movement. Good luck.


The approach is everything.

Also, be as open to understanding her positions as you want her to be in understanding yours instead of dismissing every take as a regurgitation of fox news. These convos are tough yet important. I think both sides will probably come out of the talk better for it.
Appreciate all the words of encouragement and advice. We’ll try and be more patient and forgiving. It’s just rough because as her reasoning starts to get more asinine, it’s hard to just keep our mouths shut. It’s weird, all the love and her care for her grandkids are still there. Just politics....smh.
An political analyst with sense would be crafting political ads about Trump defunded Medicare and Social Security, and buy time in zip codes with elderly populations.

The president whose incompetence is putting the your lives at risk, just cut funding for you health insurance.
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