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dwalk31 dwalk31

Trump orders crackdown on federal antiracism training, calling it 'anti-American'
Memo directs officials to identify spending related to training on ‘critical race theory’ and ‘white privilege’

Donald Trump has directed the Office of Management and Budget to crack down on federal agencies’ antiracism training sessions, calling them “divisive, anti-American propaganda”.

The OMB director, Russell Vought, in a letter Friday to executive branch agencies, directed them to identify spending related to any training on “critical race theory”, “white privilege” or any other material that teaches or suggests that the United States or any race or ethnicity is “inherently racist or evil”.

The memo comes as the nation has faced a reckoning this summer over racial injustice in policing and other spheres of American life. Trump has spent much of the summer defending the display of the Confederate battle flag and monuments of civil war rebels from protesters seeking their removal, in what he has called a “culture war” ahead of the 3 November election.

Meanwhile, he has rejected comments from the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, and others that there is “systemic racism” in policing and American culture that must be addressed.

How did the US's mainstream right end up openly supporting vigilante terror?
Richard Seymour
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Vought’s memo cites “press reports” as contributing to Trump’s decision, apparently referring to segments on Fox News and other outlets that have stoked conservative outrage about the federal training.

Vought’s memo says additional federal guidance on training sessions is forthcoming, maintaining that “the President, and his Administration, are fully committed to the fair and equal treatment of all individuals in the United States”.

“The President has a proven track record of standing for those whose voice has long been ignored and who have failed to benefit from all our country has to offer, and he intends to continue to support all Americans, regardless of race, religion, or creed,” he added. “The divisive, false, and demeaning propaganda of the critical race theory movement is contrary to all we stand for as Americans and should have no place in the Federal government.”

*Another hypothetical question*

What does it tell you that Trump and his admin are willing to bend over backwards to double back on his vile statements about the military, but he never does the same whenever he does or says something racist (in the open too)? Could it be that he cares more about white voters than he does about any voter of color? I can't understand how anyone in their right mind would tapdance for these people, and no amount of whataboutism can hide or distract from how shameless their defense of this evil admin is.

I know Republicans are banking on the world being on fire in a couple years anyways, but how could you look your (future) child in the eye and tell them "I supported Trump and his facism, because Joe Biden told me I wasn't Black if I didn't vote for him/he signed the Crime Bill in the 90's"? I'm sure most would lie about it and say they never supported him, but I don't know with some folks.

Again, entirely hypothetical. I know there isn't a reasonable explanation for it. It just never ceases to amaze me when I see it.
I might not have kids until I have the means to open my own school here in this country. Our children have suffered enough.

This racism is what you are gonna support at the ballot in November.

Remember that. Own that.

As long as he gets PPP funds and StockX Unc 3 funds he doesn't care. I genuinely don't have anything good to say about him. He makes me sick and I don't respect him. I wish I had KHUFU KHUFU 's patience with this guy and say he's just misguided but with people like him who needs people. He is a turncoat and would happily sell us out for cash.
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