***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I guess whatever happened today just undid everything g that preceded it. Well done, Trump.

What did he say that was so profound that Rico is trying to go in?:lol:
How so? I was with my parents all day watching The Get Down and checked the news to see that Trump had spoke at a black church and was actually just reading a few articles about what he had to say.

So what's your point again?

Unlike you I don't pretend to be in the know when I'm not.
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I could, but this video does it very well:

Trump just finessed the Mexican president too, with a "visit", and still, he isn't even giving concrete example of what he is going to do.

Where does he stand on criminal justice reform, municipal fines, voter ID laws?

This dude was so shook, he had to make sure this visit was as scripted as possible.
Why are you so eager for confrontation? No one is playing coy here.

And he's going to have to say a lot more and be a lot more specific before I forget everything in his campaign until now. let's see how he sounds when he's in front of a crowd of white people and he's speaking off the cuff...I put much more credence into that than the empty comments he read today in front of a crowd of black people.

If that works for you, more power to you. I need some details and I need a lot of authentic change before I start giving him credit.

It's ridiculous how low the bar is after the way he spoke about black people in this country in front of his crowd. All he has to do is string a few words together without am insult or a stereotype and people are praising the guy.

Let me know when he starts talking about how he's going to allocate more funding and programs to the black community. That's the real risk. When he really extends a real hand to the black community and risks losing the support of white supremacists.
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What are we supposed to be arguing against?

Read the article and it sounds like things went as planned. He sounded like every other politician catering their words to a majority black crowd. Are we supposed to be impressed that he didn't manage to insult black folks again?
So let me get this straight... He managed to go a whole speech in front of minorities without offending them and we supposed to crown him?


Sometimes I wonder if you guys read the articles you post. You dare us to argue against it? 80% of the article is arguing against it. Heavily closed off + heavily scripted with no solutions. AKA he wasn't ready to face any of the heat for all of the hate he's been spewing. AKA he's not ready to lay down anything concretely that helps black issues because he knows his white supremacy voting wing will not be happy.
And let the spin begin.

Master Zik...this is directed at you all you.
Apology for what?

You're a liar and appear to be a despicable human being.

If anything you should be thanking me for tolerating your existence.
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Trump just finessed the Mexican president too, with a "visit", and still, he isn't even giving concrete example of what he is going to do.

Where does he stand on criminal justice reform, municipal fines, voter ID laws?

This dude was so shook, he had to make sure this visit was as scripted as possible.

Which begs the question: are Trump supporters really that oblivious that they can't ask themselves whether this man, who had to go on script to talk to a portion of his potential constituency, has the balls to come face to face with a Kim Jong Un, Assad, Erdogan, or Netanyahu?
Trump speech in a black church was about as scripted as China when Obama visits or Kim Jong Un when someone visits North Korea. Apologize? You're funny.

And if somehow Trump wins, I'm blaming the church pastor and the Mexican president for being sell-outs.
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