***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Reacho: Lies. None of that is going to happen, get out of your emotions.
No, no... It's going to be: Let's wait till he's in office first before we start judging him.

This is the follow-up to the epic trilogy made up of "Let's wait till the primaries are over" which was followed by the thrilling "Let's wait till they release their platform" and "Let's wait till the convention." Interspersed with "i'm independent" and "I actually wanted Rubio to win."

2017 will then serve us with new hits that include, "Let's wait till the first 100 days are over" and "Oh ****, I'm sorry guys, Trump really is the devil. God help us."
Drumpf says he plans to make Ted Nugent the secretary of state and Kid Rock the secretary of education.

Reaction: "Whoa there, take it easy. The guy isn't even in office yet and you're judging him."

Drumpf says that he plans to spend 85% of the entire US budget on the production of golden door knobs.

Reaction: "Can't you just let the man be president for a single day before evaluating him?"

Drumpf says that the first day of his presidency he'll sell half of The United States territory to Micronesia.

Reaction: "He's yet to serve as president and you're already criticizing him."
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Lmao Trump just picked a fast food executive as secretary of labor
he will promptly replace the fast food workforce with robots. :pimp:

Here are some other Newt Gingrich tweets in the works:

"80 years ago the Nazis displayed professional brilliance and technological power grabbing land from all over Europe"

"15 years ago Al-Qeada displayed professional brilliance and technological power hijacking planes and taking down the twin towers"

"1 month ago deplorable Americans displayed personal idiocy and political ignorance by voting an orange turd as president"
[h1]AFL-CIO endorses Ellison for DNC chair[/h1]
The AFL-CIO endorsed Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) to take over a Democratic National Committee (DNC) that was rocked by scandal during the 2016 campaign season.

“Ellison meets the high standard working people expect from leaders of our political parties,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said Thursday in a statement. “He is a proven leader who will focus on year-round grassroots organizing to deliver for working families across America. Under his leadership, the Democratic Party will embody the values that our members stand for every day.”

Ellison is seen as an early frontrunner in the race for DNC chairman, having secured union support and endorsements from incoming Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).

But with many saying the party needs a dramatic overhaul in the wake of a disastrous election cycle, there's been a push to widen the field of candidates. Most Democrats believe other candidates are preparing to jump in the race, hinting at uneasiness with Ellison within parts of the party.

A source told The Hill Wednesday that President Obama and Vice President Biden are personally urging Labor Secretary Tom Perez to join the race. And NARAL president Ilyse Hogue and DNC National Finance Chairman Henry Munoz are also considering bids.

The AFL-CIO is the nation’s largest labor organization, and it’s endorsement carries weight inside the ranks of the Democratic Party.

Some labor leaders are now furious with Trumka, accusing him of seeking to arrange a coronation for Ellison to the detriment of one of their own – Perez.

The Labor secretary approached Trumka to express interest in running for DNC chairman and to let him know he'd want the AFL-CIO’s support if he did. The other two announced candidates – South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Jaime Harrison and New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Ray Buckley -- also asked Trumka for the AFL-CIO’s endorsement.

But in a letter to members, Trumka called Ellison the favorite and said the labor giant would have members vote on whether to endorse him. No other names were on the AFL-CIO ballot for consideration.

That has infuriated some labor leaders, such as International Association of Firefighters President Harold Schaitberger, who called Trumka's actions “contemptible,” in a letter to the labor leader obtained by The Hill.

“A single name on the ballot more resembles an attempt at a coronation in a totalitarian regime rather than an election within the House of Labor,” Schaitberger wrote.

“Frankly, this causes me great concern that those who may call into question the integrity of our labor movement will now have more ammunition to use against us when we are in the trenches, fighting to protect the hard won gains our members have earned through the years.”

But other top unions, such as the United Steelworkers and Communications Workers of America (CWA), have also endorsed Ellison, who said this week he would resign from Congress if he becomes DNC chairman.

He also has support from top labor leaders such as American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees President Lee Saunders and American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten.

"The AFL-CIO knows the challenges facing America’s working families and how to speak to working Americans of all colors, genders, and backgrounds,” Ellison said in a statement. “I am proud to be on their side and I am even prouder that the AFL-CIO is on mine. Workers will be central to the Democratic Party.”

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), the former DNC chairwoman, and her replacement, interim Chairwoman Donna Brazile, have come under fire over allegations they conspired to help Hillary Clinton secure the party’s nomination over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Jonathan Easley contributed.

Updated 12:12 p.m.
My grandfather was in the military and at Pearl Harbor the day of the attack, December 7, 1941. "A date that will live in infamy." - FDR
Just sayin'.
what are you saying?

and every stupid thing trump has said or tweeted will follow him every day of his presidency.

it's great that pence can't even say something nice about veterans without exposing trump's hypocrisy.
And being there when it happened - you can perhaps imagine he had a different perspective on it than most of us who where not there.
It is a stupid comment to make, perspective or not.


To refer to a military attack that killed thousands of American, and pulled us into a conflict that resulted in even greater lost of life as "professional brilliance" is stupid.

Yes Japan pulled off a surprise attack on American. Well, so did Al-Qaeda on 9/11.

I don't think good ole Newt, or anyone with sense, would be tweet about professional brilliance on their part.
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it's great that pence can't even say something nice about veterans...

can anyone?

To refer to a military attack that killed thousands of American, and pulled us into a conflict that resulted in even greater lost of life as "professional brilliance" is stupid.

Yes Japan pulled off a surprise attack on American. Well, so did Al-Qaeda on 9/11.

I don't think good ole Newt, or anyone with sense, would be tweet about professional brilliance on their part.

Oh. I thought you were telling me that mentioning my grandfather and his role as a veteran was stupid but you were referring to a comment by someone else. And I might agree with you as the history on PH is not so cut-and-dry.
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it's great that pence can't even say something nice about veterans...

can anyone?

Just so we're on the same page -- i'm referring to Trump's past comments on McCain, such as: “He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

Of course we can say good stuff about veterans. Do we treat them with the full level of respect that they deserve? Probably not. We need to do better. But at the very least we should respect their sacrifice and that they had the balls to put themselves in harm's way. It's rule #1 in politics and it's distressing that Trump has gotten away with breaking it.
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Inauguration is live, right?

What's stopping someone from signing up to perform and then going rogue in front of hundreds of millions of people on election day?

I'm sure there are plenty of no-***** performers out there who wouldn't mind jeopardizing their career for such a stage.

#kanyeesusgod, where are you
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