***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Bank Exec Who Helped Manafort Get Loans Got Campaign Role
Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort allegedly got help securing large loans from a bank executive who was seeking a role in the campaign, according to a Friday court filing from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office.

The loans from a “Lender D” exceeded $6 million dollars, and the executive “interceded in the process and approved the loan” despite “serious issues” in the loan application being identified by bank employees. The unnamed executive “expressed interest” in joining the Trump campaign to Manafort and eventually “secured a position advising” in the campaign, according to the filing. The executive also sought a role within the administration, but did not end up getting one. While “Lender D” was unspecified in this filing, CNN reports that other filings name “Lender D” as Federal Savings Bank. Manafort is in solitary confinement, awaiting two trials in Virginia and Washington D.C. for bank fraud and witness tampering.
Wow Paul Manafort trying to get his trial moved to Roanoke VA lol. I lived there before straight Trump town lol
Lowest black unemployment, lowest Hispanic unemployment and lowest CO2 emissions under The Don ... FYI

1. Okay and wages are still stagnant and the tax cut wont help

2. Okay and waes are still stagnant and the tax cut wont help

3. Okay so how about we stay in the Paris Accords and not appoint oil lobbyists to head the EPA
Lowest black unemployment, lowest Hispanic unemployment and lowest CO2 emissions under The Don ... FYI
Wait....... you really think Trump did this? Please state the changes made DURING his presidency to create this........ we’ll wait

And while we wait all states will now lose millions if not BILLIONS in revenue Thanks to...... changes made DURING the Trump presidency

Racism has been existing nothing wrong with accepting it .

I think you're just trolling sometimes lol but I can't help myself haha. Racism has definitely "been existing", but when you say that there isn't anything wrong with that it becomes a situation where you condone or even embrace it. Do you feel people subject to racism should just accept it? At this point we have to go way back to the basics, are you the type of person that feels you are superior to others accordingly because of race?

I call it fear
The intellectual lightweight once again gives us his two cents.

Lil Marco needs to sit down, shut up, dribble and do it live. Clown was a shook one with Parkland survivors. He's a snowflake and a trash person. There are no both sides. He's a wimp that would never work off the jab in the early rounds or utilize Northern Style Kung foo he learned from a bug fight. Disgusting.
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Racism has been existing nothing wrong with accepting it .

“Nothing wrong with accepting it” ?

Nothing wrong with creating solutions to stop it or remove it. Nothing wrong if a predominant race can alter their biased mentality, thoughts, discourse, attitude, behavior and actions.

To be honest minorities know who the elephant in the room is most of the time. It would be nice if you experienced what other minorities have seen or heard growing up in this nation.

One example is the whole Aryan and Nazi nonsense. I hope you know this whole racist ideology Hitler and his henchmen thought of was all false MISINFORMATION.

What’s the point?

When nazis try to take an ancient religious symbol (Swastik) which is still today part of Indian tradition and religion, something that once stood for well being,

and corrupt it into a symbol of racial superiority over other races which enable them to murder some people,

That’s something that is wrong and it AINT acceptable to me.

So you gotta admit some of the alt right still believe in this Nazi like superiority and false narrative. “For our people”, “our race” “our culture” “ Our country”.

And some of their influence is connected to Trump, for ex. Richard Spencer the white supremacist. “Hail our people”. Trump tries to condemn them or at one time even said “some of them are fine people”. :smh:
Racism has been existing nothing wrong with accepting it .

Everyone knows you can’t stop ever single person from having racist thoughts and feelings. But voting for and supporting people who feel and think that way and putting them in positions of power makes you 100% complicit. You’re not “accepting” racism at that point, you’re embracing it and you’re actively making life harder for the people they target. It’s one thing to support and advocate for candidates and ideas that disrupt the whole racist/bigoted theme. But you’re actively caping for the king of everything that’s wrong with the Republican Party. At the end of the day if you’re supporting Trump as of July 7, 2018 you either support that his policies target minorities of all kinds, and his economic policies are going to cripple industries across the US or you acknowledge all of that is going on and you don’t care because trump makers libbies mad and sensitive. Either option doesn’t shine a very good light on you. But here you are in a thread full of minorities, to “just accept racism”.
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Journalist Max Blumenthal asked why a fascist leader was welcomed in the US Senate building. He discusses Andriy Parubiy, the founder of two neo-Nazi organizations and the chair of Ukraine's parliament, and the violent white supremacist movement against Russia.

A shocking new report in the Electronic Intifada reveals that Ukrainian neo-Nazis are using Israeli weapons to fight Russia. Journalist Max Blumenthal discusses the SS-wearing Azov Battalion, a neo-Nazi militia that uses Hitlerian symbols and is embedded in the National Guard of Ukraine, which also receives support from the US and Canada.

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