***Official Political Discussion Thread***

What has fighting for racism and speaking up against it actually do though? It doesn't stop the nation from being racist . People do what you just said and then wake up the next day and people are still racists.

If nothing has changed than we'd still have slavery.
If nothing has changed than minorities wouldn't be able to vote along with women.
If nothing has changed than the United States wouldn't have had its first Black President.

You're right though...No need to fight against racism...
What can be done ? Please explain . It's been going on for decades and still hasn't gone away . You just can't alter people's perspective on racism and expect them to change . Some people are just racists plain and simple.
Have you ever voted in an election?
If nothing has changed than we'd still have slavery.
If nothing has changed than minorities wouldn't be able to vote along with women.
If nothing has changed than the United States wouldn't have had its first Black President.

You're right though...No need to fight against racism...

Well fight on then . But il sit this one out on the sidelines . It's basically bringing a knife to a gunfight . This is one battle you cannot win because you just simply cannot change peoples perspectives from being racist. What you stated seems more like an evolution . I'd for sure like to see this nation kill racism but I don't see it happening .
Well fight on then . But il sit this one out on the sidelines . It's basically bringing a knife to a gunfight . This is one battle you cannot win because you just simply cannot change peoples perspectives from being racist. What you stated seems more like an evolution . I'd for sure like to see this nation kill racism but I don't see it happening .
but again u and ur fam are here
in this country from us winning a battle
Quick assumptions with the nonsense. Just because I have accepted racism in the country I'm automatically a racists. That kind of logic is just as crazy as the person you all hate
The problem is when you help normalize racism or sit idly by while it happens. That's exactly what you're doing when you vote for these people just because it benefits you financially.
real talk
is dude serious
or he just playing around
im in and out the thread so i dont know

I'm being serious . People are just upset with my mindset that you can't cure racism . I have accepted that this country is racist and will never change, simply because you can't alter a person's mind to all of a sudden not be racist.
Well fight on then . But il sit this one out on the sidelines . It's basically bringing a knife to a gunfight . This is one battle you cannot win because you just simply cannot change peoples perspectives from being racist. What you stated seems more like an evolution . I'd for sure like to see this nation kill racism but I don't see it happening .

Racism isn't going to go away in our lifetime but since you mentioned evolution you should probably look up and see how it works.

Your excuse that you vote republican because it supposedly benefits you financially is so short sighted. I can't remember if you have kids or not but if you do and one day they marry a minority and if they ever have to deal with racism in the future they'll have you to blame because you'll be the one that put this notion in their minds that racism isn't a big deal..
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Well fight on then . But il sit this one out on the sidelines . It's basically bringing a knife to a gunfight . This is one battle you cannot win because you just simply cannot change peoples perspectives from being racist. What you stated seems more like an evolution . I'd for sure like to see this nation kill racism but I don't see it happening .

Bruh how many times does it have to be stated that personal feelings mean jack squat? ill put it in caps for emphasis WHEN RACIST PEOPLE ARE IN POSITIONS OF POWER THEY MAKE RACISTS POLICIES AND APPOINT MORE RACIST PEOPLE WHO THEN MAKE MORE RACIST POLICIES. It's not rocket science, but you keep coming back repeating the same uninformed lines. It doesnt benefit minorities at all when outright racist and bigoted people have political and economic power. Its not about changing feelings its about not giving these people power. You ask what can be done? Don't support these people. Point blank period. Let them stay at home with their unchanged racist feelings instead of having an impact on the people of this country. You say its wrong that your're labeled as a bigot and a racist? fine. you're someone who supports a party of bigots and racists. Does that sound better to you? If youre okay with that then own it and deal with the criticism. stop pretending like youre taking some enlightened stance. long story short youre okay with racism flourishing in politics in policy for your own financial gain and are unbothered by it.
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but again u and ur fam are here
in this country from us winning a battle
This is an essential point.

It is because many of our parents and grandparents voted against racism, participated in voter registration drives, and put their bodies on the line in protest of racism that Congress passed the Hart-Cellar Act, which did away with the racist quotas installed by the National Origins Act of 1924 and later adjusted by the McCarran-Walter Act of 1952. While the resulting system remained flawed, it nevertheless enabled a dramatic shift in immigrant demographics. Prior to 1965, the quota for Asian immigrants was 2,990, and the African quota wasn’t even half of THAT.

I said this many times I vote Republican every election because it benefits me financially. After I said this I was being called a racists and a bigot. When I supported Bush I was never called that .
You also claim to be a nurse making 7k a week. We get it. You lie
I'm being serious . People are just upset with my mindset that you can't cure racism . I have accepted that this country is racist and will never change, simply because you can't alter a person's mind to all of a sudden not be racist.
But you can change policies to decrease the impact of systemic racism.
Since you didn't answer my question I'll answer it for you; I assume you have voted in an election before given previous posts.
Would it be fair to characterize you voting as wanting to achieve a particular goal or work towards it, with no clear guarantee that it will come to fruition?
Wanting better financial benefits for example. In other words, that could be characterized as not accepting the current situation and seeking improvement, yes?

Now, would it be fair to say that there are policies that are able to minimize the impact of systemic racism?
Likewise, would it be fair to say that appointing racists in the government or judiciary can result in them creating policies that disporportionately target and hurt people of color or preventing others from trying to undo such measures?
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That is ONE HUNDRED AND TEN PERCENT correct. Racism is NOT here to stay and I say whites need to STOP being told to just get over it and move on with their days. Being attacked for being white man in 2018 is NO LONGER the way life goes, since people can't help the color of your skin or the privilege you were born with. We can no longer just get over it and keep being big and scary to the heartless minorities who know NOTHING about being attacked for who you are. We must fight the prejudices and help this nation HEAL. And under DAPPER DON we WILL succeed and heal this nation of the beautiful US of SR A and make the entire WORLD GREAT AGAIN AMEN #LOCKHERUP #INCELSRISEUP #SARCASMFLEWOVERTHECUCKOOSNEST

Post of the year. People become racist because they were called racists by Libs. When are we going to do something about the newest racial slur "Straight White Male"? Hopefully Meth bans posters for using that vile term.
You also claim to be a nurse making 7k a week. We get it. You lie

I said a paycheck so that's two weeks worth of work not a week get your facts straight. and yes RN gets paid bank in California before you start assuming some more. and i achieved that by working OT and yes I do uber on the side you . You got something against people that do uber?
I said this many times I vote Republican every election because it benefits me financially. After I said this I was being called a racists and a bigot. When I supported Bush I was never called that .

Thats just pitiful lol to save a few bucks

With literally dozens of alternatives to save money when filing taxes that statement is unbelievably ignorant. Unless youre making millions that statement leads me to believe you have zero clue about what youre talking about.
But you can change policies to decrease the impact of systemic racism.
Since you didn't answer my question I'll answer it for you; I assume you have voted in an election before given previous posts.
Would it be fair to characterize you voting as wanting to achieve a particular goal or work towards it, with no clear guarantee that it will come to fruition?
Wanting better financial benefits for example. In other words, that could be characterized as not accepting the current situation and seeking improvement, yes?

Now, would it be fair to say that there are policies that are able to minimize the impact of systemic racism?
Likewise, would it be fair to say that appointing racists in the government or judiciary can result in them creating policies that disporportionately target and hurt people of color or preventing others from trying to undo such measures?

I didn't respond bec. It's idiotic to ask a question when you already know the answer. Of course I voted why would I bother being in here if I didn't. And I vote bec. I simply get more money from back taxes. I significantly got paid more this year than when obama was in office . So yes I will vote where it will benefit me. I'd like to see a change in racism but there's nothing I can do about it. Speaking out about it cures nothing. I have this talk about my friends all the time and yes they are people of color. They despised me at first but then respected my logic
I didn't respond bec. It's idiotic to ask a question when you already know the answer. Of course I voted why would I bother being in here if I didn't. And I vote bec. I simply get more money from back taxes. I significantly got paid more this year than when obama was in office . So yes I will vote where it will benefit me. I'd like to see a change in racism but there's nothing I can do about it. Speaking out about it cures nothing. I have this talk about my friends all the time and yes they are people of color. They despised me at first but then respected my logic

How many black friends you have? If you know the exact number...well you know the rest.
Gohmert having a great week all that’s needed is someone yelling “YOU SUPPORT CHILD ABUSERS” in the courtroom
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