**Official Post Your Dog Thread**

My girl just had MPL knee surgery Thursday. She did great. Six week recovery here we come. She’s pissed to be back in a crate at night.

For the dog owners that work long days and their dogs are trained to use the bathroom outside... How do you guys do it???

I’m looking to move and it’s going to be further from my job... So just curious do you have a dog walker come by, doggie door etc

I work 24hr at a time, so depending on the way I schedule my days.. The dog will be home like 11-12hrs alone until my girl gets home so just trying to weigh out my options
For the dog owners that work long days and their dogs are trained to use the bathroom outside... How do you guys do it???

I’m looking to move and it’s going to be further from my job... So just curious do you have a dog walker come by, doggie door etc

I work 24hr at a time, so depending on the way I schedule my days.. The dog will be home like 11-12hrs alone until my girl gets home so just trying to weigh out my options

We use a walker our one long day of the week. Considered putting in an invisible fence doggy door with the yard invisible fence but the dog walkers only 18$ for half hour walk of both dogs. Not bad and theyd prefer to be walked anyways.

5 days/week of a walker would get pricey tho.
We use a walker our one long day of the week. Considered putting in an invisible fence doggy door with the yard invisible fence but the dog walkers only 18$ for half hour walk of both dogs. Not bad and theyd prefer to be walked anyways.

5 days/week of a walker would get pricey tho.

Yea luckily I only do two 24s a week so I won’t need a walker everyday

I would just feel weird letting a stranger in my house to pick my dog up but im sure a lot of people do it so it can’t be that bad haha
I have a dog walker daily for my two Frenchies.

My 9month old is crated during the day so she comes to feed him and walk him, and takes my 3year old along. I walk them in the morning and a couple times after I get home too.

The walker is $20/day for both dogs. I live in a high rise and we have key fobs for entry so the walker gets a one shot fob made that doesn’t work after a single use. That way she doesn’t just have keys to my place. I also have nest cameras in my house to watch my older, uncrated dog so I doubt she’d do anything.

She’s even stayed in my spare room during my vacations to dog sit. I try to avoid boarding them.
Yea luckily I only do two 24s a week so I won’t need a walker everyday

I would just feel weird letting a stranger in my house to pick my dog up but im sure a lot of people do it so it can’t be that bad haha
I was a bit unsure at first, but they came by a few times to meet the dogs and us before every even walking them. They also have background checks done. I just told them i have cameras in the house, i felt like that was enough to keep them in line. :lol: But, i also never leave anything valuable just laying around. I was mainly concerned with the kid trying to smoke my weed. :lol:
Careful of coyotes bros. My dog and I were being stalked by one in my backyard the night before Thanksgiving. Then it saw my neighbor's two dogs outside and went nose to nose with them (like 5 ft). Coyote looked like it was willing to risk it all. Probably had his homies nearby to lure the neighbor's dogs into the woods and then pounce on them. Luckily the neighbor has an electric fence. I had my dog on a leash.

Coyote was massive BTW. At first I thought it was either a wolf or someone's husky got loose.
Careful of coyotes bros. My dog and I were being stalked by one in my backyard the night before Thanksgiving. Then it saw my neighbor's two dogs outside and went nose to nose with them (like 5 ft). Coyote looked like it was willing to risk it all. Probably had his homies nearby to lure the neighbor's dogs into the woods and then pounce on them. Luckily the neighbor has an electric fence. I had my dog on a leash.

Coyote was massive BTW. At first I thought it was either a wolf or someone's husky got loose.

yeah keep your head on a swivel and your wits about u NT doggo fam, especially those of us that live in the boonies

my mans and i saw two bears on seperate occasions this past fall while walking
We can't get our dog anywhere near water without her trembling, I would like to teach her how to swim. There's a beach that allows dogs, but knowing how energetic she is, she would probably run around in the sand trying to chase other dogs. :smh:
We take our pooch to creeks in the spring & summer. She loves it most of the time. The last adeventure we had in the early fall, we were out for a long walk on a trail & was going to top it off with letting her swim in the creek but she didn't want to. I'd love to take our babe to a beach...

We're thinking about adopting another dog. We have a half chow/half german shephard we adopted. Found a 3 month old half bordie collie/half lab pup.. Wife isn't sure she's ready for a puppy... I think it's worth it.... Look at that face...
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Do it! No better gift.
IKR?!?!?! I keep showing the pics to my wife every night when we're settling down in bed in our phones.... :lol::smokin

She did say last night that if the pooch is still there after the holidays we'll do it. If the pup isn't there, we're going to look for another one. Funny because I knew I was going to marry my wife on our first date (almost 23 years ago). I knew she was "the one" from that point on... When I saw the pic of our pooch that we adpoted, I showed it to my wife & told her, this is the pup we've been looking for. She's going to be a once in a lifetime type pup & she is. I have the same feeling about this pup... Just look at this lil fella... I'd love to get a golden retriever puppy but I gotta adopt a pup. No judgement on those who get a pup from a breeder but adopting a pup is the right thing for us...
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