:::[Official] San Francisco 49ers vs. Minnesota Vikings:::

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

Originally Posted by truthmain

Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

i still cant believe we lost, that last play was luck no skill farve just tossed and somehow that fool caught it...mark my words niners will eliminate vikings in the playoffs!!! if they make it
No skill? Serious? This wasn't no hail mary, chuck-the-ball-up-and-hope-someone-catches-it type deal. This was thrown to one dude, double-covered; pass was perfect, catch was perfect. Yall really need to stop with this luck stuff. If anything, blame your lack of a pass-rush and your poor secondary coverage on the last play.
49er fans don't understand anything man you're just wasting your breath.
your a raider fan, just shut up, remember at the end of the day your a raider fan. one more time for you because you seem a little slow my man, YOUR A FAN OF THE OAKLAND RAIDERS your opinion in football related topics is void.
I think even Damon Bruce bashed Raider fans. He said something along the lines of "They're not even fans of the team because the teamstinks. They're fans of a cool jersey. They root not for the team, but for the jersey. Would they still root for them if they wore PINK andsilver?"

And as for the actual play itself. Hell of a throw, great catch...and for some odd reason after watching the replay I knew, that it could only happen to MarkRoman
eh ill retract the raider statment to an extent, its some cool raider fans on here but its safe to say that tupac jordan is to raider fans what jrain is topatriot fans. unwanted little warts who make their teams fan base look idiotic.
Lightweight Champion wrote:
I think even Damon Bruce bashed Raider fans. He said something along the lines of "They're not even fans ofthe team because the team stinks. They're fans of a cool jersey. They root not for the team, but for the jersey. Would they still root for them if theywore PINK and silver?"

that's stupid
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

^ Correction sir, JRain doesn't have loyalties to the Patriots, he rides Randy Moss.

yeah he rides randy moss but he makes patriots fans look bad just off of his idiotic posts and constant moss slurping in any patriots related thread. hesaid some pretty dumb stuff in the patriots jets game thread then dissapeared after the jets won.
I know a lot of ignorant raider fans which sucks because they make the rest of us raider fans look bad. I always get made fun of at school because I'm araider fan and everyone else is a charger or 49er fan
but I'm still loyal to my team even though we suck right now.
Tough loss for SF today, good game though.
And honestly, Niner fans and Raider fans should shut the %!$% up to each other because neither of the teams are anything to write home about.
The pink and black comment is one of the dumbest things I've read though

true but the trash talk is fun at times. i got alot of raider fan friends so it creates for good conversation. we all share the same favorite basketball teamso thats a good thing though.
Tupac Jordan wrote:
49er fans don't understand anything man you're just wasting your breath.

you dont understand that youre a raider fan
...go back to your little hole and boo jamarcus

but damn we had that game...im still bitter!
Ya'll sound like a bunch of herbs going back and forth about whose a Raider fan, etc etc. Fact of the matter is, both franchises have been recentlyterrible so complaining about each other seems worthless in its own right.
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