Official Saucony Originals / Retro Thread

my bad boo; I've known for quite some time :lol: You tryna cop #ORNAH?

I'm like that too tho---as long as I know a shoe doesn't come in my size it's almost like a sigh of relief because I don't have to "want" them. Case in point I was fine until I knew the Chinas went down to a 7. Soon as I found out I was like "ah heck :lol: "


Nah, somebody bought my size from the site anyway. .. nobody send me any links with my size & im good! :lol:

Chinas = lebron 11 thread
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Wish I could have came up on a size 5 in the bait for my girl. Smh. But mine come in Thursday pretty stoked.
New Shadow Original, Grid 9000, and Shadow 5000 colorways up on Saucony.





@cbrooks3 it usually takes a day for everything to update. Did they send your email after business hours yesterday? You should be good to go by today.

For the rest of the cats & @Koopa2410 that Ordered from MLTD, this is what I did to check my order.

Sign into your acct. on the website. Click on the "boutique" tab up top.
Go to the far right & then click "check out" There should be a flash on the screen and "My Acct." should appear to the left of "check out."
Click "My Acct." & that should show you your status.
^ thanks for the info! status says processed. nothing other than that. :stoneface: .
Koopa2410 MLTD is pretty good bruh. I've never had any issues w/ them. Good customer service in my opnion.
Is it me, or is the tongue exceptionally long on these Baits?
yes.. and if pulled to tie, its longer..
No bueno. I like the shoe, but they didn't look so hot with that super long tongue. It's one of the things I despise about Jordans. Everyone knows you're wearing Js. Did they really need to extend the tongue so far up that they look like shin guards on Js (especially the 4s)? I'm of course being slighltly sarcastic, but I think the Jumpman on the back is more than enough IMO.  Same thing with the Bait branding on the heal tab ... we know what they are. Sorry for the rant, I'm off my soapbox, but just don't like super long  tongues... pretty obvious, huh?
"LES NYC" = Lower East Side, New York City. The pic isn't loading on my phone, but I'm guessing what he/she was talking about was copped at Extra Butter
"LES NYC" = Lower East Side, New York City. The pic isn't loading on my phone, but I'm guessing what he/she was talking about was copped at Extra Butter
I misunderstood your statement, sorry. I did see on Google with that acronym stood for. I just assumed it was also the name of a store. Thanks anyway.
It's looking like a landslide in favor of the grey.  I must admit the white laces add a little pop to what's otherwise a pretty neutral shoe.  Goes with the white midsole and Saucony logo too.
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