Official Seattle Mariners 2009 Season Thread Vol. Season Over

Originally Posted by finnns2003

okay! great way to back felix tonight fellas.

Hopefully that's the trend for the rest of the year.

Cedeno's bat sighting.
Kerry Wood is a reliever for the Tribe now!? I keep seeing himas that Cub that struck-out 20 guys in the late 90's...

Close win there... got a bit lucky there, but I'll take it...
my journey to watch Griff play one last time continues. Moved my vacation to September so I could catch the M's series in Oakland. Now if I only I lived onwest coast and could actually catch more of these games.
we're done man. we just lost guti on a griffey-like play out in right center field, colliding with the wall. #!%^@
Come on Griffey hit this into the stands.

Eh, moved up the runners.
Damn, tough loss after making that comeback.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

felix goes tomorrow, but i'm afraid we're slipping away too quickly from LA.

Do/did you realistically think Seattle had a chance at the division this year? I am quite surprised (and happy) that they have stayed in it for so long, but itjust wont last this season. The personnel is just too weak on the defensive and offensive. Pitching is actually not the weak part at all, and imo, that is whathas kept Seattle in it this long. I wasn't expecting much this season, but Wak sure has seemed to find a way to get these players to produce more than theydid last season (plus a few surprise addidtions from the offseason). Maybe they can actually turn this franchise into a legitmate contender for the west her ina few years.
^ I did. I called them being in the running for the better part of the year....The season is long from over yet, so a lot can happen.

Angels SHOULD pull away with it though. Let the games be played...
and just like that we're 5.5 back... we need a fourth and fifth starter... among other things

At least Guti looks like he's ok...
hate to say it folks but this team won't be a legit AL West champ for a long time. besides gutierrez, what young players do we have to build around? LF,SS, 2B, 1B, and DH are all zeroes for the future. Beltre may not be resigned. Ichiro, well who knows with Ichiro.

on the same token, felix may be gone in a few seasons, erik and jarrod are goners... it's not looking good for the immediate future.
The Red Sox ^##&& suck. They could NOT score against Texas pitching all series. I don't want to hear from those chowderhead fans on how good theirteam is, they blow.

Royals, nuff said. They shouldn't even be allowed to have a franchise anymore, they're so bad.

@$^# both of these spineless teams for getting swept.
Great gem by Wash... but that ending was too close... had my heart in my mouth from that Thames foul ball... and that Laaaangerhaaans diving catch to end thegame...
good game today by the M's, but @@^@ the twins for blowing the 2-run lead in the 9th. for some reason, lately, whomever plays the angels has no balls. andwhat's worse, they don't have hunter/vlad.
yes, but i sure wouldn't spend it on that lol. and bedard to the DL again. this team is cooked. running out of gas.
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