Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

I'm getting really annoyed with this game.  You have to play terran or protoss to even think about winning against a semi-competent opponent.

False. Zerg isnt as hard as you think. Its actually a lot easier IMO.
add me. I stay on. bimbady 312. I used to play strictly toss but now I've been on a roll with Zerg. THey are DEF. the hardest but the most fun to use.
You need a three digit code to add along with a name or a email.

I've been failing at fiddling with a canon/zealot rush lately.
Beat some guy in 20 minutes, maxed out MMM and thors. This just happened to be the biggest 1v1 map you can play.

This %!$++!# kid has the audacity to waste 30 minutes of mine and his time by continuing to build bases and leave commands in outlandish places where I couldn't see. It got to the point where I had an expo at every mineral field on the map then I finally killed him with vikings where his last command was hovering in the top right corner of the map

Got a new void strat and have been merking everyone lately.

Lets run some 2s friend me up = InfiniteCP
Buddy of mine just got this, I used to be a hardcore Warcraft II player so I might give this a go... Is it better than the first?
It's not as balanced yet but it is better. The graphics are better and the gameplay is pretty much the same, which is awesome.
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