Man I can't imagine the mvps with the Limited edition' tag. Dont think I'll be able to cop
My finish line (Albany, NY) has them still surprisingly

I know they have an 8, 10 and 11

May cop the 11 since they don't have a 10.5..

Pm me if you need help y'all

NO MORE PMS-all sizes have been spoken for if they still have em tomorrow!
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Can anybody help me out with the curry 1 dub nations for $120 plus shipping? I know it's a big favor from you anybody but I've been waiting months for them. Size 8-8.5 if you can and pm me if you can help me out. I never post so I'm pretty desperate. Thanks if anybody tries or is willing to.
daaang this thread exploded! good to see a bunch of new faces. usually i miss a few days and come back to maybe 10 new posts. this time I came back to over 250. crazy how much Curry's popularity has skyrocketed these playoffs and it definitely looks like UAs gamble on him has paid off big time. also looks like it was a good thing i didn't even try for the dubnations, appears they went faaast. even if i had gotten them, i'm fat and overpronate a little, so i'd hate to have gotten death threats when i rocked them casually.
Got my order in for a size 10!!

Anyone have any luck doubling up on these through FNL since it's limit 1?
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