Official Umar Johnson Thread

Saw this on Umar page
So Umar has no idea what is happening with the Lakers but he uses them anyway to make a point about racial power dynamics, but since he doesn't know what the situation, it reads like hot take bordering on gibberish.
So Umar has no idea what is happening with the Lakers but he uses them anyway to make a point about racial power dynamics, but since he doesn't know what the situation, it reads like hot take bordering on gibberish.

I jokingly mentioned last night that I wonder how the woke ****** were going to spin this Magic situation....and low and behold :lol:
As soon as a so called conscious black man drops the nbomb in any context, I am no longer listening to anything he has to say. If you are conscious, you don’t use derogatory terms in order to endear yourself to the people that you are trying to uplift. That also includes using the Bword in regard to women.

- Esteemed orator, child psychologist, and conscious community leader Dr. Umar Johnson

I like that LeBron James sat out the rest of the year. I think that LeBron will come back and be even better next year. The fact the LeBron has the mental fortitude, never having a White coach own him, nor teach him, is quite tremendous. He is exactly what Black men in sports should look to. Being one, a Black man, I love that LeBron owns himself as well. He answers to no one. My heroes, Muhammad Ali, James Brown, Malcolm, HERU, RA, were, and are, standing for the emancipation of Blackness, black people. LeBron James is proving to be that next brother who is confident enough to step up and take the position to be critiqued by those who do not, and then will not, wish him well.

I stand firmly behind who he is, and then what he is attempting to achieve as a Black Man.

What the world needs are less people like yourself, disingenuous in your commentary in order to satisfy your own ego.

As soon as a so called conscious black man drops the nbomb in any context, I am no longer listening to anything he has to say. If you are conscious, you don’t use derogatory terms in order to endear yourself to the people that you are trying to uplift. That also includes using the Bword in regard to women.

I had that classic rant playing on my headphones at work today. Absolutely hilarious...def put me in a good mood :lol: bruh went ham...and when that phone ring while he on it :rofl:

@24:16 is when that happen :lol::rofl:

People that believe in this guy are better off just trying to do their own thing, especially if they want to uplift the community, the more the merrier
trust me
you can be better than him at it

Ali has said it on more than one occasion as well. The real issue is when someone white like yourself will try and capitalize on the conflict, then furthering the divide. I am certain that there is some school that you need to go and shoot up, in the name of amerikkka.
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KHUFU KHUFU Literally all I did was quote what you said. For someone who attempts to portray themselves as someone dedicated to a Kemetic lifestyle you should be hip to "The Principle of Fine Speech." No matter what insults you try and throw at me, you made two objective statements that are in opposition with one another. No one's perfect. A real man would acknowledge that and keep it moving.

To speak to your point about conflict, the conflict is dudes like you who try and act all high and mighty like you're the first person to come across this info. What is a conscious brother? Everybody is conscious of something. Some of what you would call "conscious" folks have been some of the most crooked people I've dealt with. You throw out buzzwords without even thinking what they mean as if its going to make you some sublime person. It's well documented n--igga stems from nagas aka divine serpent people. Hence the serpent present on all Nesut Biti's headdress. As it pertains to the word Bi+ch, Sopdet was known as the dog star thus the women who come from that constellation are known as b+itches. I have no qualms with people who opt not to use these words due to their connotation, but I also see an issue when people let a lesser culture hi-jack words that were once sacred thus causing a divorce in one's psyche where they are unable to realize their ancient legacy. There's been a few times where you've been explicitly wrong and I've made the effort to show you so in an amicable way. It's clear at this point being "right" is more important then being in alignment with the spiritual principles you preach in every thread. From hence forth I'll let you entertain your own ignorance.

FTR I am a proud black man, by way of the bamileke and descendant of the men who founded Prince Hall.
KHUFU KHUFU Literally all I did was quote what you said. For someone who attempts to portray themselves as someone dedicated to a Kemetic lifestyle you should be hip to "The Principle of Fine Speech." No matter what insults you try and throw at me, you made two objective statements that are in opposition with one another. No one's perfect. A real man would acknowledge that and keep it moving.

To speak to your point about conflict, the conflict is dudes like you who try and act all high and mighty like you're the first person to come across this info. What is a conscious brother? Everybody is conscious of something. Some of what you would call "conscious" folks have been some of the most crooked people I've dealt with. You throw out buzzwords without even thinking what they mean as if its going to make you some sublime person. It's well documented n--igga stems from nagas aka divine serpent people. Hence the serpent present on all Nesut Biti's headdress. As it pertains to the word Bi+ch, Sopdet was known as the dog star thus the women who come from that constellation are known as b+itches. I have no qualms with people who opt not to use these words due to their connotation, but I also see an issue when people let a lesser culture hi-jack words that were once sacred thus causing a divorce in one's psyche where they are unable to realize their ancient legacy. There's been a few times where you've been explicitly wrong and I've made the effort to show you so in an amicable way. It's clear at this point being "right" is more important then being in alignment with the spiritual principles you preach in every thread. From hence forth I'll let you entertain your own ignorance.

FTR I am a proud black man, by way of the bamileke and descendant of the men who founded Prince Hall.
I do not have to insult you. You've insulted yourself by pretending to be what you are not. You are white, and you are ashamed of being so. Good. Live with it.
I do not have to insult you. You've insulted yourself by pretending to be what you are not. You are white, and you are ashamed of being so. Good. Live with it.

Just to soft flex and shut you up for good. I've broke bread with the people who started what you're just now learning and who have died to bring the truth into the light. (RIP Prodigy & Dr. Sebi) Not that it makes a difference to me but keep that same energy towards all the brothers who aren't as dark as we used to be because of the holocaust we had to endure in the wilderness of North America. That's to include Malcom X, Hon. Elijah Muhammad, Muhammad Ali, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Colin Kaepernick etc. And let's not talk about the Twa, the pygmies, Ethiopians, and Eritreans who are all "light" skinned by nature. Knowing that melanin has a multitude of expressions, whose the one trying to "capitalize on the conflict, then furthering the divide"?

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Saw this on Umar page

out of all his dumb posts this might be the dumbest. Obviously he knows nothing about basketball and hasn't followed the Lakers under Magic Johnson.

I'm a lifelong Lakers fan and Magic Johnson as one of my heroes but he's an incompetent vice president of basketball operations. First and foremost, he should have never been in this role in the first place seeing as he has no front office experience, the only reason he's in the job in the first place is because of his relationship with the Buss family.

Secondly, it was obvious very early on he wasn't totally committed to the role. He wanted to be Magic Johnson the public figure and businessman along with running a billion-dollar sports franchise. When the team was in crisis early in the season he was on vacation, he never scouted players and he was absent a lot of the time.

"Have you ever used the ''n word" as I'm quite sure you have as no white person can claim to have not done so?"

I can't believe there are actual adults who follow this fool
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