Official Umar Johnson Thread

Here is a real picture of me and some guy who thought that he was a fighter. He didn't wind up as anything, he talked too much.
His shtick is strictly:
1. Post Umar "news"
2. face criticism
3. respond with "blah blah blah I'm out/I'm gone/I'm at work"
4. then the eventual comeback with dismissive responses
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4
At least he is courageous enough to stand by his beliefs, standing out in front of them. Perhaps you could learn something from him.
At least he is courageous enough to stand by his beliefs, standing out in front of them. Perhaps you could learn something from him.

Idk if I can consider running away instead of defending you stance as "standing out in front of them". Sure he's consistent, but he doesn't stand in front of anything other than brushing off the negatives of Umar.
Idk if I can consider running away instead of defending you stance as "standing out in front of them". Sure he's consistent, but he doesn't stand in front of anything other than brushing off the negatives of Umar.
He continues to come back, not letting any of the cowards who try and group to shun him. I admire that. That is, because this site does have a bunch of Mean Girl types. You group, then try and humiliate people, Black people, who do not fit into your narrative. You Kumbaya types who may be Black, are simply pathetic.
He continues to come back, not letting any of the cowards who try and group to shun him. I admire that. That is, because this site does have a bunch of Mean Girl types. You group, then try and humiliate people, Black people, who do not fit into your narrative. You Kumbaya types who may be Black, are simply pathetic.

lol you admire somebody who comes back against people who "group then try to humiliate people, black people who do not fit into your narrative" then proceed to group and try to humiliate people lmao aight fam you keep think you different from the people you looking down on
lol you admire somebody who comes back against people who "group then try to humiliate people, black people who do not fit into your narrative" then proceed to group and try to humiliate people lmao aight fam you keep think you different from the people you looking down on
Your position isn't about Blackness. Your position is about remaining weak, powerless. So when someone decides to stand up for being Black, while being Black, clowns like the ones you support, try and shoot it down. You are in denial about what is happening out here, and you are afraid of what it will take to break the cycle of oppression.
You made a lot of assumptions about how I think, please learn me on me. Where you deduce all those things you claim I'm thinking and feeling?
Calls people "Mean Girl Types" then acts just like a Mean Girl.....
If an example is to be used, I am the mean girl who'll beat you down for your attempting to be a bully. You, are one of those mean girls in the pic who think that it is cool to shun people, then try and humiliate them. So if Blackness is the collective, you are the Uncle Tom.
If an example is to be used, I am the mean girl who'll beat you down for your attempting to be a bully. You, are one of those mean girls in the pic who think that it is cool to shun people, then try and humiliate them. So if Blackness is the collective, you are the Uncle Tom.

If you think I'm the bully in this situation maybe you should go back and read the conversations that I've personally attempted to have with him about his take on things and how dismissive he is.
My statement wasn't about shunning somebody but about holding him accountable for his beliefs. The same way I'd want my brothers to hold me accountable if I believe in something that doesn't quite add up.

You seem to be very interested in labeling people based off very little information with no desire to actual prove your first impression. I can see that you are smart and well read but instead of putting that energy into listening, asking questions, and then making judgment you jump to conclusions and stroke your ego and authority. Which can be counterproductive in educating those who want to learn but don't want such a judgmental or abrasive mentor. You should work on that.
If you think I'm the bully in this situation maybe you should go back and read the conversations that I've personally attempted to have with him about his take on things and how dismissive he is.
My statement wasn't about shunning somebody but about holding him accountable for his beliefs. The same way I'd want my brothers to hold me accountable if I believe in something that doesn't quite add up.

You seem to be very interested in labeling people based off very little information with no desire to actual prove your first impression. I can see that you are smart and well read but instead of putting that energy into listening, asking questions, and then making judgment you jump to conclusions and stroke your ego and authority. Which can be counterproductive in educating those who want to learn but don't want such a judgmental or abrasive mentor. You should work on that.
Speaking of ego, you are not in any position to tell anyone what they should work on. Even posing such a thought proves that you have no clue as to what it means to win against ego. You, have proven nothing to be a practitioner of group thinking, which take no courage whatsoever. So if you THINK that my response comes from ego, I am flattered.
Nothing like telling somebody they arent "in position" to see an error in your ways that doesn't scream "ego".

But go head bud, you the next leader. Show us the way
Nothing like telling somebody they arent "in position" to see an error in your ways that doesn't scream "ego".

But go head bud, you the next leader. Show us the way
That's thing, I want to lead no one. Never will. But you want to tell me how to be. Please continue with your egotist positioning. You, are nothing.
That's thing, I want to lead no one. Never will. But you want to tell me how to be. Please continue with your egotist positioning. You, are nothing.

So if you don't want to lead, what do you want to do?
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