Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

About to watch..

Anyone else keep track of everything you've seen this year? I've seen 83 major releases and 136 total movies... Crazy...
Anyone else keep track of everything you've seen this year? I've seen 83 major releases and 136 total movies... Crazy...

I think this is CP's backup screen name so he can have a reason to show us his excel spreadsheet of watched movies............

Jk, I don't keep track no.
is Harry Potter the greatest movie series of all time??



Right behind LOTR. Did I get you watching them again rck? [emoji]128521[/emoji]

Speaking of Potter, saw Fantastic Beasts this week...7/8.
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LoTR movies literally put me to sleep

I wasn't able to stay awake for Fellowship until my third attempt at watching
LOTR is the greatest

And then the Dark Knight trilogy.

Never seen the Potter series but I've never heard anyone speak ill of it

I'll maybe someday catch it and I expect that I'll enjoy it as well
Years ago, my wife & I tried watching the first Harry Potter movie & stopped watching halfway thru. Really a boring movie IMO. Watched orher parts of that movie & the others & they just didn't grab me.
saw Dr. Strange last night. loved it. thought it was really well done.

does it have the same effects team that did Inception? reminded me a lot of that at times
Now that a lot of ppl have seen strange, who thinks the movie would have been a lot better with like 10-15 more mins of him on his journey?
As far as keeping track of movies yearly, impossible for me to do. I try to post about ones I see in here with a review but sometimes I forget.

Best I do is catch the Oscar nominated joints along with stuff I was gonna see regardless.
Zik you haven't seen LOTr or the Potter series? :wow:
Not in their complete entirety. I know what they're about and have seen chunks but I have yet to watch any from beginning to end uninterrupted.

Closest I got was seeing most of The Fellowship of the Ring.

I dunno, as they both came out I just did not ride that hype wave. Not even like I don't like the genres cuz I do a lot, just didn't find the time and by the time I really realized it The Hobbit movies were out and Harry Potter had like 7 or 8 ******* movies :lol:

Combine the two and that's 14 movies (15 if you count Fantastic Beasts) logging something like well over 30+ hrs.

One day though.
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Tbh Zik,

IMO the LotR trilogy is worth a watch at least once

The Hobbit movies are gross and disgusting :x

I grew up on the Harry Potter books and I don't feel like the movies do the books justice at all. I guess you can watch if you want to but I don't feel like you're missing anything :lol:

The books though. Man I loved the experience of reading the books. Wish I could read them for the first time all over again. Remember reading an emotional scene in The Deathly Hallows on the plane ride home and the passengers on either side be like, why you in your feels for? I told them, this damn book [emoji]128557[/emoji]

The experience of watching the Harry Potter movies didn't even come close.
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