Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Reported for the Potter slander :smh:...


As a fan of all kinds of movies/docs, I really really wanted to get into the Harry Potter movies (the wifey to), but just couldn't. I tried multiple times since my first attempt but I found none of the movies interesting.

^^^ I can see how people wouldn't be able to get into the HP movies. They're not for everyone. I'm not sure how much I'd like them if I weren't a big fan of the books. Not all the films are great movies in their own right. All good, but not all great. And not the greatest film series. That title goes to Star Wars, IMO.

The first LOTR series was great, but they don't have very high re-watch value for me. Maybe because the movies are all 3 hours each. Just don't find myself in the mood to commit that kind of time.
Now that a lot of ppl have seen strange, who thinks the movie would have been a lot better with like 10-15 more mins of him on his journey?

That would've meant I had to wait even longer to use the bathroom. They definitely sped up his learning a little too much. Funny to consider that he's so gifted with magic and learning it but he'd not be involved with that world at all if he didn't get in that accident.
Watching ET tonight on Showtime. It was never one of my favorites as a kid, but it really was a really, really well made movie. Brilliantly shot by Spielberg and the John Williams score is, of course, perfect.
I'm not satisfied with the options yall have for best film series. Gotta be more than HP, SW, and LOTR.
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Maybe Indiana Jones minus that garbage with shia lebouf. Back To The Future is loved but maybe not the best overall. The OG Star Wars trilogy.
I feel it in my fingers

I feel it in my toes..

Christmas is all around us

And so the Feeling grows

It's written in the wind

Its everywhere I goooooo

So if you really love Christmas

Come on and let it snow oh oh oh oh
Love Actually is by far my favorite Christmas movie and It's not even close anymore.

Best scene ever in a Movie for me, it made me fall in Love with Kierra Knightley and is why I will always watch her movies and follow her career. (first time seeing Andrew Linclon too)

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Now that a lot of ppl have seen strange, who thinks the movie would have been a lot better with like 10-15 more mins of him on his journey?

it was good for me. too many corny jokes though.

SW > Harry Potter >TDK > LOTR

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That scene alone has more quotes than a lot of movies...
I still say Yeah randomly loud like that and no one gets the reference.


I never got into Lord of the Rings like others did, didn't read the books and while I saw the movies in theaters.. they never connected with me like that. I like them and still want to give them a true rewatch. I already watched the extended edition of Fellowship and it was lengthy but of course really good.

Harry Potter I like a lot more. Still didn't read the books, but enjoy the movies a lot. Whenever they run their marathon on ABC Family or whatever they call the channel now, I'll always watch some.


The Guardians trailer looks perfect. The same tone of the first, visuals look excellent, Baby Groot will steal the movie, I'm all in.


A black cast not about slavery or single mothers struggle?
Great play. Surprised it hasn't been done yet.

Watched it's a wonderful life for the first time last night. Tremendous film. Beautiful ending. Great seeing the cause of so many Simpsons references.

Seeing rogue one on the 16th. Can't wait. Gonna be annoying though having the 3D glasses over my glasses.
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