Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Watching now because I can’t sleep. :lol: Sliding doors theory of careers Will Smith/Jamie Foxx … as good as Jamie was and he’s a better dramatic actor, what could this have spurred for the post-2012 Will Smith career, than what we’ve had like MIB3, and Suicide Squad? That’s the sliding door he doesn’t walk through. The article said Will ultimately didn’t want it because Django doesn’t kill Calvin Candie, Schultz does.

As for Jamie Foxx, silver platter for a great actor, I would guess his best acting work is Ray even sitting here never seeing it, but Django is by far the most famous/biggest box-office hit of his career, and what most will first think of looking back.

Watching now because I can’t sleep. :lol: Sliding doors theory of careers Will Smith/Jamie Foxx … as good as Jamie was and he’s a better dramatic actor, what could this have spurred for the post-2012 Will Smith career, than what we’ve had like MIB3, and Suicide Squad? That’s the sliding door he doesn’t walk through. The article said Will ultimately didn’t want it because Django doesn’t kill Calvin Candie, Schultz does.

As for Jamie Foxx, silver platter for a great actor, I would guess his best acting work is Ray even sitting here never seeing it, but Django is by far the most famous/biggest box-office hit of his career, and what most will first think of looking back.

Still don't feel like Jamie ever really the love he deserves.

He's been in some pretty big movies.

But he still does some of those straight to DVD movies and I just don't get it.
I dunno if I'd say it's my favorite, but Tron Legacy was fire


Inception - "Time" is a mood. Anything Hans Zimmer does is always good

Soundtrack wise, Empire Records is up there for me.

What's everyones favorite movie score?

In no particular order (picked a selection from each movie, but I like them in their entirety).

As far as music placement, my pick is Friday (1995) by far. Every song they placed fit the moment perfectly. Deebo's theme :pimp:
I know there’s still a while until it actually starts, since the Stranger Things Season 4 teaser trailer dropped, starting a re-watch of the series tonight.

I mentioned this in the ST thread but all seasons were enjoyable (to me) upon rewatching. I might run them back soon with the delay
Score and soundtrack are different for any/everyone playing.

Whether or not you watch the above video in the future films the quiet hum of the Shire theme peeking through and scenes with Frodo and Sam in times of darkness just kills it. perfect soundmixing.

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