Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T


Nobody in here has watched Eternals yet?
Caught it, spoilers in the spoilers of course.
Caught it, I dig it. This is more hard concept sci-fi/fantasy than an MCU flick. Should have stood on it's own as a series so people aren't trying to rack their brain to make the connections and lose out on what they're watching as it is. It might be easier for me to accept though as Dune and Foundation led me down a rabbit of that sort of genre.

Great action too. Big cgi fights take me out of it but I liked the display of their skillsets and their connection to the creatures.

low-key that was a good Marvel version of Injustice, especially with the references

Gemma Chan looks like a serial free spirit make you fall in loverer. Fine. Salma is Salma and Ange still got it, **** the haters.

I don't know about them but I'm not killing a baby and the future of billions for little funky *** earth
How the hell am I seeing The Harder They Fall getting killed? Just finished and that was EXCELLENT. Are you kidding me?

Also the final scene, that was Treacherous Trudy, right?


Eternals post-credits scene 🤬 🔥


In this order:

1. Barry Keoghan
2. Gemma Chan
3. Angelina Jolie
4. Lauren Ridloff
5. Brian Tyree Henry

Would still bang today

That is indeed fine *** Helen Mirren.

The dudes in this like Alex Jones shocked me more than the women, thought son looked like a troll his whole life.
Ernest looked like that one porn star dude :lol:

Now I see why they cast such a beautiful women as the queen in Pennyworth and had Alfred shag her.
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Last Night in Soho was great. Not perfect and things got a little too silly towards the end, but very enjoyable for me and still instantly recognizable as an Edgar Wright film. The music, sound, color, pacing, all felt "Edgar."

Thomasin and Anya were great even when they barely interacted with each other. Supporting cast was great as either the archetypical "scumbag rival" or "hopeless love interest." The dreams and nightmares definitely felt like a surreal experience and the blending of the worlds felt well done. Very classic "descent into madness" film with modern tech and plot. Dont feel like Wright tried to hide the twist too much, if you've ever watched a ghost story movie, but the execution and unraveling of the mystery was paced out well. Fun movie. Fits well as an homage as his other films fit well as homages to the classics, while still standing on their own.

6.75/8. Would watch again multiple times.
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