on average how many hours do you work a week?

Mar 11, 2010
where ever you work retail,construction, telemarketing, hospital, etc..

how many hours do you usually work?

i just came from a job where they were cutting hours heavy.

every 2 weeks pay....between 63-65 hours total.

35 or 34 hours one week and 30 hours the next week.
40...if that. sometimes more if i want to go out of town with out using leave. Comp time ftw no OT ftl
Originally Posted by fresh2deff


im guaranteed 30 during the school year, but its closer to 40. Overtime on days with 8+hours. but when my other summer job is going on, its closer to 50-60
I was suppose to be hired as part time doing about 30-35 a week, but I've been doing 40-42 per week for the past 2 months. Good thing for summer vacation from school.
This paycheck I was only supposed to make 45 hours, with the overtime I put in, I'm getting a 63 hour check.
On average, it's between 40-50
35 for the past 4-5 months. The old gm at our restaurant straight kicked me in the nads almost the whole time she was there. She was giving me 6-10 hour weeks during the holiday season last year. So Christmas was hell not being able to do anything for myself or anyone.

Thank God shes gone. 1 of the few people in life I almost grew to hate.
I think I'm about to sniff 48+ hours a week with this new gig.

never worked this much in a day before...we'll see how it goes.
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