ONE ON ONE - Who's the best basketball player of all time?

@ the mamba slurping on this site.
We've seen athletic Sefolosha/Gerald Wallace/Igoudala/Raja Bell/Tony Allen type players lock him up in one on one matchups before.
No one player has ever stopped Jordan even with handchecking and 90's NBA prison ball physicality.
And I still wouldn't say he was the best one on one player ever, even though he's close to the top of the list.
Yep, Jordan couldn't be stopped. Ever. How could a player who couldn't be stopped one on one ever lose? 
LOL at all the votes for guards. The answer is Hakeem and cases can be made for other bigs who can handle the ball and jump shoot.
Could handle the ball on the perimeter. Unstoppable in the post.
Pure jumper.
One of the very best defenders and rebounders ever.
Dirk & Durant are strong contenders too but Hakeem would murder them in the paint and be able to play their drives and contest their long range shots.
The Dream is Kobe's sensei.
'04-'06 Mamba / Present Lebron / Prime Shaq

But it's really hard to choose a single player. What happens when a guard gets backdown by a big men?Won't a guard just drive and shoot through a big men?

If the thread is only about a single position, maybe we'll get more concrete answers. Just my 2 cents
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This thread should have been titled anyone not named Michael Jordan whos the best one on one...

I would say Tim Hardaway or Lebron James
'04-'06 Mamba / Present Lebron / Prime Shaq

But it's really hard to choose a single player. What happens when a guard gets backdown by a big men?Won't a guard just drive and shoot through a big men?

If the thread is only about a single position, maybe we'll get more concrete answers. Just my 2 cents

See that's why Hakeem is probably the best.

Dude had good enough defense to where he can sort of stay with guards.. maybe not every time but still he would have enough length to cover. Plus add to the fact that no guard is going to stop him from scoring.

Basically if he even gets one stop its a wrap.

I could see someone like Shaq beating Hakeem, but Shaq can't match up with the dudes like Kobe, Durant, Lebron etc... while Hakeem can at least semi d em up
Jonathan Bender with Derrick Mckey and Sam Perkins a close 2nd
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