Y'all can do the back and forth about whether Israel is for better or worse, right or wrong til you're blue in the face,

fact of the matter is its not going ANYWHERE. No matter the salt content or hate in your hearts 
First Israeli citizen was killed near the Erez crossing. I bet that makes everyone in here happy now.

Palestinians are people and not monsters, and neither are those that support their right to freedom and basic human rights. The news doesn't make me the least bit happy. So there you go, it doesn't make everyone here happy. I don't know how you deduce that civilian deaths on either side make people in this thread happy, but maybe it's years of having wrong ideas about Palestinian people and supporters of their freedom instilled in you.

Palestinian civilian death toll: about 200
Israeli civilian death toll: 1

201 people that shouldn't be dead.
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That's very sad, unfortunate and deplorable an Israeli civilian was killed. No one here is happy about deaths on either side. I have repeatedly claimed my distaste for Hamas. I have repeatedly mentioned their rocket firing targeting Israeli civilians is a violation and unjustifiable.

It is more like the pro-Israelis who have not once denounced the brutal violence and excessive overboard force of the Israeli government killing Palestinian civilians. Instead, coming up with isanine retorts that it is Hamas' fault because they use Palestinians as human shields and that they could actually kill more civilians if they were targeting them. Bunch of excuses to justify the completely inexcusable action of the Israeli government. Shows the lack of empathy and how Palestinian lives are not valued and used merely just as statistics.
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This conflicy has gone on for so long it doesnt even matter which side "starts" the recent conflict. People need to move beyond that ****.

Golda Maier once said of Palestinians "Once they love their children more than they hate Israelis there will be peace". This is wrong.

I would say, once Israelis realize that Palestinians are their equal, there will be peace.
That's very sad, unfortunate and deplorable an Israeli civilian was killed. No one here is happy about deaths on either side. I have repeatedly claimed my distaste for Hamas. I have repeatedly mentioned their rocket firing targeting Israeli civilians is a violation and unjustifiable.

It is more like the pro-Israelis who have not once denounced the brutal violence and excessive overboard force of the Israeli government killing Palestinian civilians. Instead, coming up with isanine retorts that it is Hamas' fault because they use Palestinians as human shields and that they could actually kill more civilians if they were targeting them. Bunch of excuses to justify the completely inexcusable action of the Israeli government. Shows the lack of empathy and how Palestinian lives are not valued and used merely just as statistics.

So are you really going to tell me that Hamas doen't put Palestinians in greater harm? Israel is telling them to evacuate and leave their homes, while Hamas is telling them to stay. It's really not an excuse, it's the facts. Hamas puts these rocket launching sites in areas with civilians on purpose, in order to hide them.

I have not once throughout this thread have said I agreed with everything that the IDF is doing. It's very unfortunate how many civilians on the Palestinian side are being killed. However, I do believe that their own government and people can be doing more for themselves.

Israel stopped their airstrikes for 6 hours, Hamas did not stop firing rockets during that time. In fact, they've been firing even more missiles. What conditions for a ceasefire would be acceptable for Palestinians and Hamas? To open boarders? Israel can't take that chance and allow them to come into their land. Release terrorists? Why should they?

lol Dwight Howard acting like a punk.

And lol at leave your house were about to bombing.

Maybe you just don't understand how small and dense Gaza is.. But no ur right they should travel through the city reach the walls with rockets in their car, and then oh wait they'll be dead before any of that.

How many Geneva conventions has Israel broken? International war laws?

Come on man stop being so adamant about defending wrong doings. Just accept it, and don't try to blame occupied people getting Their homes bulldozed everyday for fighting back.
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I really feel bad for the Palestinians, they basically have no chance to do anything against Israel. And they just keep dying, over and over. Israel is allowed to continue it's collective punishment, it's land grabs, it's disproportionate killing, and no one does anything. I wonder how long they will keep this up for before they get tired of it and just capitulate. Probably never, which is the sad part. It's probably only just gonna get worse for Palestine and Hamas etc as Israel keeps on developing it's Iron Dome tech and it becomes even more one sided.

I heard that Israel also does sonic bombs. This is when they fly supersonic jets and make a sonic boom above the area, which has the effect of shattering windows n **** and waking people up in the middle of the night. I learned of this tactic only recently. It is basically psychological torture, Israel does it nonstop so that Palestinians cannot sleep. It's more collective punishment. This is why Hamas also does psychological warfare, ie it's crude rockets which force missile/rocket sirens to go off, which in turn forces Israeli citizens to stop what they are doing and go into bomb shelters. It's tit for tat, except it's mostly Palestinians who are dying. And also, since Israel could launch rockets and kill you at any time, you don't know whether the sonic bombs are actually killing anything/one or they are just sonic booms. Imagine they get used to it, and then they think future bombs are sonic booms and don't run away. I guess that's why they need to ring up the houses that they are going to bomb now, and then they send a 5 minute warning with a 'small bomb' before completely destroying the house 5 minutes later with the 'big bomb'.

This is the video of Israels bombing with the 'warning'.

Note that the video is edited. It's basically 15 minute warning before being totally destroyed. This is a google translation of the youtube videos description

Israeli occupation forces contacted the owner of the house Samir Nofal to evacuate his home, and then evacuated the house and the houses of neighbors and after 15 minutes of contact was the bombing of the house by a missile warning and after 5 minutes was the bombing of the house with two missiles from an aircraft F16 where they were destroying a large part of the house.

So i guess it's 20 mins all up from time of call to complete destruction of building. But note that the 'warning missile' could also incapacitate you and render you unable to escape in the next 5 minutes. In which case you are toast. However, in this video, the operator says they will bomb it in FIVE minutes, which would make it 10 mins all up since after the warning/knock missile, they obliterate the house after another 5.

Note how big of an explosion the 'knock' still has. You don't wanna be on the receiving end of the 'knock'.

Some articles about the sonic booms/bombs 'tactic'.

Causes miscarriages, anxiety, sleeplessness and other ****. It's basically psychological torture.

The sole purpose of these sorties is to prevent the residents from sleeping and to create an ongoing sense of fear and anxiety. Regarding the sonic booms, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said that, "thousands of residents in southern Israel live in fear and discomfort, so I gave instructions that nobody will sleep at night in the meantime in Gaza ." The clear intention of the practice is to pressure the Palestinian Authority and the armed Palestinian organizations by harming the entire civilian population.

Children, in particular, suffer from the sonic booms. In the past, the Gaza Community Mental Health Center reported that the supersonic sorties caused fear among many children, which led to a loss of concentration, loss of appetite, bedwetting, and other disorders. The Center also reported that sonic booms caused headaches, stomach aches, shortness of breath, and other physical effects that appeared among both children and adults. Sonic booms also cause property damage, primarily shattered windows.

The use of sonic booms flagrantly breaches a number of provisions of international humanitarian law. The most significant provision is the prohibition on collective punishment. Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which is intended to protect civilians in time of war, categorically states that "Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited." The article also states that, "Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited." Air force supersonic sorties also breach the principle of distinction, a central pillar of humanitarian law, which forbids the warring sides to direct their attacks against civilians.

And Israel acts like they are any better than Hamas and that they don't target civilians. Good joke. They target ALL civilians. They kill the MOST civilians. But they do it in a more high tech fashion, so somehow it's ok. And yet they have the gall to call hamas terrorists, while they think they somehow stand on some kind of moral high ground/horse.
^ very informative post bro.

But come on man 20 minutes is more than enough time to gather your life belongings and find a new place to sleep for the rest of your life and call your family and leave all your furniture and items to large to hold in your hand, because who needs a bed? then evacuate...

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Before you posts videos like that, do you want to mention that there are rocket launching sites in that house or weapons being stored there? It's not like they are dropping bombs on RANDOM homes. The reason why those civilians are being killed is because their own people put them in those houses knowing beforehand that they will most probably die.

Can some of you pro-palestinians/hamas at least acknowledge this war crime that is taking place by putting civilians at harm and hiding behind them?

If Israel really didn't care, they could have demolished the houses right next door as well.
Pretty obvious they don't care; the prime minister openly admitted to personally ordering collective punishment/psychological torture using sonic booms n **** against ALL civilians which clearly violates international/humanitarian law. They just always get away with it/are above the law.
The lack of remorse and acknowledgement from a small vocal minority of Americans with Jewish backgrounds is disgusting. The "informed" ones. Like how do some of you sleep at night? :smh: :x
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The lack of remorse and acknowledgement from a small vocal minority of Americans with Jewish backgrounds is disgusting. The "informed" ones. Like how do some of you sleep at night? :smh: :x

It is sickening....these cats on the level of the kkk with their mentality
Before you posts videos like that, do you want to mention that there are rocket launching sites in that house or weapons being stored there? It's not like they are dropping bombs on RANDOM homes. The reason why those civilians are being killed is because their own people put them in those houses knowing beforehand that they will most probably die.

Can some of you pro-palestinians/hamas at least acknowledge this war crime that is taking place by putting civilians at harm and hiding behind them?

If Israel really didn't care, they could have demolished the houses right next door as well.
stop stop stop.

Your posts are filled with propaganda rhetoric. Did you not read my post before where I commented that it is not true they get full advanced warnings? Sometimes they do just by a bit, sometimes not even at all. Even when they do, it is under minutes. Where the hell are they supposed to go? Gaza is a closed off concentration camp. For one of the most densely populated regions in the world, you think they can escape thousands of bombs dropping from the sky?

Tell me oh wise one. . Where can they go to seek refuge even if they get minutes of a warning???? They barely get warnings. Stop spewing propaganda from the IDF and pro-Israeli sources.

Another thing, so in order to kill Hamas operative zones, you have to kill whole families? Women? Children? Elderly? You know what. .since IDF soldiers and army commanders operate in buildings amongst public and social services filled with civil servants and civilians. .as well as live amongst their families, if Hamas wants to target a soldier or army commander, why the heck not bomb everyone and everything right?

Stop it. Hamas does not use Palestinians as shields. More like they are the government who also have civilians working for them. The militants are very few amongst most that work for the Hamas government. Did you forget they are the government there providing the services? You think Israel cares whether it is a civilian or militant ? This is collective punishment just for the fact the people voted for Hamas. Just the fact they are Palestinian.
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Before you posts videos like that, do you want to mention that there are rocket launching sites in that house or weapons being stored there? It's not like they are dropping bombs on RANDOM homes. The reason why those civilians are being killed is because their own people put them in those houses knowing beforehand that they will most probably die.

Can some of you pro-palestinians/hamas at least acknowledge this war crime that is taking place by putting civilians at harm and hiding behind them?

If Israel really didn't care, they could have demolished the houses right next door as well.
stop stop stop.

Your posts are filled with propaganda rhetoric. Did you not read my post before where I commented that it is not true they get full advanced warnings? Sometimes they do just by a bit, sometimes not even at all. Even when they do, it is under minutes. Where the hell are they supposed to go? Gaza is a closed off concentration camp. For one of the most densely populated regions in the world, you think they can escape thousands of bombs dropping from the sky?

Tell me oh wise one. . Where can they go to seek refuge even if they get minutes of a warning???? They barely get warnings. Stop spewing propaganda from the IDF and pro-Israeli sources.

Another thing, so in order to kill Hamas operative zones, you have to kill whole families? Women? Children? Elderly? You know what. .since IDF soldiers and army commanders operate in buildings amongst public and social services filled with civil servants and civilians. .as well as live amongst their families, if Hamas wants to target a soldier or army commander, why the heck not bomb everyone and everything right?

Stop it. Hamas does not use Palestinians as shields. More like they are the government who also have civilians working for them. The militants are very few amongst most that work for the Hamas government. Did you forget they are the government there providing the services? You think Israel cares whether it is a civilian or militant ? This is collective punishment just for the fact the people voted for Hamas. Just the fact they are Palestinian.

so.... if hamas is the government... and hamas is launching rockets.... this is actually legitimate warfare with civilian collateral damage due to military resources being placed near the civilian population.
And that's where you are wrong buddy, if it was war it would be much better, rhetoric allows them to be labeled as one sided terrorists though while the other "defends" it's right to exist.

And that label as small as it may seem leaves the whole country crippled.

And even in war the civilian casualty is against all laws.

CNN just posted article about the leaflets/wArning methods. I suggest your read before you post ur bs IDF videos of the sparring the life of kids.
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And that's where you are wrong buddy, if it was war it would be much better, rhetoric allows them to be labeled as one sided terrorists though while the other "defends" it's right to exist.

And that label as small as it may seem leaves the whole country crippled.

And even in war the civilian casualty is against all laws.
1. Please explain how would a declared war "would be much better".

2. Civilian casualties are not against "all laws"... intentional killing of civilians is deemed illegal by geneva conventions, but can you name a war that had no civilian casualties?
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so.... if hamas is the government... and hamas is launching rockets.... this is actually legitimate warfare with civilian collateral damage due to military resources being placed near the civilian population.

Oh really? So the same can be said for the IDF then? Hamas can target IDF soldiers and army commanders amongst civilians and in neighborhoods and towns where they live and then claim IDF use Israeli civilians as shields?
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I explained why it would be better in my post. If you don't understand what the label of terrorist organization implies in terms of sanctions/trade barriers/funding, etc then I can't say much more.
so.... if hamas is the government... and hamas is launching rockets.... this is actually legitimate warfare with civilian collateral damage due to military resources being placed near the civilian population.

Oh really? So the same can be said for the IDF then? Hamas can target IDF soldiers and army commanders amongst civilians and in neighborhoods and towns where they live and then claim IDF use Israeli civilians as shields?

yes that's exactly what i'm saying... I'm glad you agree....

This is just warfare and Palestine is losing
I explained why it would be better in my post. If you don't understand what the label of terrorist organization implies in terms of sanctions/trade barriers/funding, etc then I can't say much more.

You are just dropping talking points without actually analyzing the situation...

the big bad "terrorist" moniker

So you can't have sanctions, trade/funding barriers when you go to war with a country?

What world are you living in... in a war the goal is to DESTROY every single source of supplies going to your enemy.... what is going on now is laughable
You understood me wrong my friend. I'm with Palestine and the cause. And when in war they deal with Israel and have handed them losses in multiple wars.

What I don't like is Hamas and Palestinians being declared terrorists just because 1. They don't have a funded army that wears a uniform and 2. It's not a war.
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