photoshop tips thread

I know this is real stupid, but how do I even get the brush to operate so I can paint something??? This is the only thing holding me back.


Threw some rims on the car... what method would you guys suggest for messing around and putting rims and such on a car. I just started yesterday and I already got the hang of things thanks for this thread!
I closed the little window that allows me to undo. Where can I find it again?

I can't really explain it. Thanks.
Window>Workspace>Palettes I think



Can someone tell me how I did this? I want to be able to mess around with replace color, but I did this by complete accident. Any thoughts?
How do I create a transparent image tag like the Getty Images one? I've got the tag, I just need to figure out how to make it transparent.

How do I reduce the size of an image to less than 1024 kilobytes?

I need to upload to imageshack.
^ make it smaller or reduce the resolution.

If you go to image>image size and you can change those. If you look right at the top it tells you the current size of the image and the size it will be after the changes.
[/b]"Whas like us? None! an' theyre a' deed.
^ Can I keep the size and reduce the quality?

Also.. for unFREEz
I drag the GIFs onto the program but when I save it, I get the message 'Not a GIF file or incorrect version number.'

Thanks for reading!
here alil work i did

Original photo from

thanks to the invisibila tutorial. Ill play around with this new technique i think if i colored it right i could be getting some vector/cartoon like images.
I'm new to PS...
How do I save a pic after I'm done PSing it? I want to save it as a gif. After I click save as, this thing pops up

what do I set everything in that box to?
alright i have a question

whenever i use the paintbrush feature to color something, and i release the mouse button, i start to paint again and when i overlap previously painted parts, those parts get darker. I don't want that to happen.

for ex:


^ how do i keep that (indicated) from happening? i want it to be all one color, and not have to worry about not taking my finger off the mouse button, because sometimes a region that i want to color is bigger than the screen, and i have to change my location on the picture.

thanks in advance

Something I was fooling around with:

Does anyone know how to make the iPod thing like Geo did? I don't want the name in the background though.

I just recently got photoshop and this is what I came up with...


[EDIT] Just like everyone else, I tried to not show the details of my face.
I'm a lWlIlTlNlElSlSl of the lHlYlPlEl
^^That looks nice, the colours complement each other. It is way too pixelated though.
[/b]artist | day to day​
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